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Example sentences for "burst forth"

  • That mountain-peak was dark but a moment back; and now, see the blazing fire that has burst forth upon it!

  • Louder and louder rolled the music he drew from the keys; now it burst forth into a tremendous jubilee, then again it died away in melancholy complaints and gentle whispers, and again it broke out into a swelling, thundering anthem.

  • Oh, my blood burns like fire in my veins; it would like to burst forth in a fiery torrent and drown and burn every Frenchman.

  • The rose has faded, but the stem, from which it burst forth, must remain to us; it is our immortal part.

  • Frequent storms, accompanied by thunder and lightning, burst forth at this epoch.

  • By bringing jealousy into play, he had caused the truth to burst forth in wrath, he had educed the justice of revenge.

  • Once excited, he burst forth, a sort of mirth accentuated his enthusiasm, and he was at once both laughing and lyric.

  • But Acte, usually mild and timid, burst forth in her turn with indignation.

  • But the interest roused by the narrative was interrupted by Vitelius, who, drunk when he came to the feast, burst forth on a sudden and without cause in senseless laughter.

  • It burst forth, and he rushed headlong into it, as imagination rushes towards hope.

  • From the time when the Revolution burst forth, it had become the turbulent and frequently cynical echo of the popular excitement.

  • We may fancy that we hear the first roarings of those popular tumults which were so soon to burst forth, and which his voice was destined to control.

  • How much disturbance would be ready to burst forth out of it!

  • I write, worn out with sadness, and not without tears, which so burst forth, that every now and then they interrupt my words.

  • Cordelia had contained herself with difficulty during the recital, and at its conclusion she was eager to burst forth in her impulsive way.

  • At length he burst forth, at the same time smiting his free hand upon his bosom: “Oh!

  • All the noise, all the brightness, all the adoration, all the money, burst forth there in a splendour of constant victory.

  • The period between the night of the 19th to the 30th was fixed for the movement which was to burst forth at Marseilles.

  • A low and indistinct murmur ran along the lines, which each moment grew louder, till at last it burst forth into a cry of 'Vive la Convention!

  • A low murmur ran through the crowd at the spectacle, which gradually swelled louder and fuller till it burst forth into a deep groan of indignation, and a cry of 'Shame I Shame!

  • Such is the new tyranny of her master, who, by the funniest hap of all, foregoes the part accredited to him as king of the dead, to burst forth a very king of life.

  • The spirit of Voltaire, old as France herself, but long restrained, burst forth in the political, and anon in the religious, world.

  • Defn: To leap or rush out; to burst forth; to issue suddenly; as a body of troops from a fortified place to attack besiegers; to make a sally.

  • To burst forth like a sudden flame; to break out violently; to rush hastily.

  • Defn: To cause to burst forth; to eject; as, to erupt lava.

  • Michael shrank as if he had received a stab, but in an instant he burst forth, "I a thief?

  • This is another of your infernal tricks," he burst forth.

  • I'll not stand this any longer," burst forth Leon, abruptly and vehemently.

  • At last he burst forth impatiently: "Oh, confound it all!

  • He wanted to burst forth into a thousand thanks, but dared not speak lest he should offend rather than please.

  • The one sole defender of the stronghold felt all round him the storm which was brewing, but could not tell when or how it was to burst forth.

  • At length he burst forth, colouring up to his hair, "I want to know what made you say that?

  • A formidable storm was going to burst forth.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "burst forth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    acute diseases; awfully nice; before hinted; burst forth; burst into; burst out; bursting shell; bursting shells; cash book; certainly not; early stages; exactly similar; had much; inch from; necessary being; nobody knew; our constitution; public work; religious service; settled himself; small door; strange sight; striking resemblance; then drew; true being; votive offering