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Example sentences for "explainable"

Lexicographically close words:
expired; expires; expiring; expiry; explain; explained; explaining; explains; explanation; explanations
  1. Though I cannot explain many things connected with the voice from an entirely naturalistic standpoint, I think they are all explainable if the proper amount of study and observation be given to them.

  2. If the performances of creating original compositions and their translations were of a mere mechanical order, or were explainable from a mechanical standpoint, no such soul effects could ever be produced.

  3. They consider descent and evolution as identical; and this identification is explainable so long as we are not in a condition to come nearer to the eventual causes of the supposed variation of species.

  4. Several correspondents remark that the relative infrequency of iodism is easily explainable by the fact that syrup is rarely employed in conditions which demand an active iodin medication and that it is, therefore, always taken in small doses.

  5. Where he was going, is explainable by a simpler course of analysis.

  6. His insight into science was something explainable only on the supposition that he was gifted with a kind of instinct.

  7. The electric light is scarcely explainable upon any other hypothesis.

  8. Aside from the current-carrying problem, the electric road is explainable in all its features upon the theory and practice of the dynamo and motor.

  9. This inconsistency in the work of a man so eminently gifted as Grundtvig is explainable only by his method of writing.

  10. At the moment when it was most easy for him to do so; at the moment when it became most explainable--so completely explainable that there can be no other explanation.

  11. The moment at which the flight is explainable is the very moment when there was the least number of persons before the door.

  12. His enthusiasm at first seeing Shejeret ed-Durr was explainable by the really uncanny resemblance which the girl bore to the modeled figure.

  13. This apparently astounding acoustic mystery is easily explainable by simple natural laws; it arose from the conductibility of the rock.

  14. The fossils of each life zone and of each formation of a conformable series closely resemble, with some explainable exceptions, those of the beds immediately above and below.

  15. With a few explainable exceptions the valleys of tributaries join that of the trunk stream at a level; there is no sudden descent or break in the bed at the point of juncture.

  16. All that has happened is this: taking the facts on which the belief was based, modern science has shown them to be explainable without the slightest reference to the supernatural.

  17. We see in addition that a great many of those experiences, once accepted as clear evidence of supernatural communication, are more properly explainable in terms of nervous derangement.

  18. Its rise from humble beginnings, by a multitude of explainable causes and forces, to this lofty position is a well-nigh incredible miracle.

  19. The growth of image worship from the fourth to the eighth centuries was due to certain explainable causes.

  20. The different attitudes assumed at the present day by the North and South in regard to the Tariff question, is explainable by the difference in the industrial life of these two sections.

  21. The objection to whistling is also explainable by the time-honoured practice of 'whistling for a wind,' for an injudicious whistler might easily bring down a blow from the wrong quarter.

  22. These early prejudices against the potato are explainable on the supposition that the people did not know how to cook it, and possibly ate it raw, in which state it is certainly unwholesome, if not actually poisonous.

  23. It is also partly explainable by the absence in Prussia of an old tradition of refinement and culture.

  24. It is partly explainable by their belief in force.

  25. Heaven that watches above us, has seen fit to accumulate difficulties in my path, and this last, perhaps, is the least explainable and the hardest to encounter.

  26. I have hopes yet that the whole matter can be referred to some mistake easily explainable when once it is discovered.

  27. With Miss Temple and yourself working together, much seems explainable that before seemed dark and mysterious.

  28. But the subsequent actions of Li Min and his confederates are equally explainable upon the theory that they had nothing to do with the murder whatever, and were merely attempting to steal the jewel at the first opportunity.

  29. This “periodicity” is not infrequent in madness, whether the madness be due to a brain derangement, explainable by pathology, or to some such demoniacal possession as that of which I have spoken.

  30. This marriage is explainable on the hypothesis of descent in the female line, which in turn raises a presumption of its existence at the time, or as justified by their ancient usages which had not wholly died out.

  31. They are explainable as a species of mental atavism.

  32. It would be a system of consanguinity and affinity from the beginning, and explainable only as such.

  33. It was also essentially democratical in harmony with their antecedent ideas and institutions; in fact a logical consequence of them, and explainable only as such.

  34. The objection may be urged at starting that there is no such unity of form in myths as the philosophy of mythology assumes; that if it appears, it is always explainable historically.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "explainable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accountable; explicable; interpretable; resolvable; workable