In fact, if it did not admit of sacrilege, sadism would have no reason for existence.
Active algolagnia or sadism is thus a form of erotic symbolism; passive algolagnia or masochism is (in a man) an inverted form of erotic symbolism.
Sadism would then correspond to an aggressive component of the sexual impulse which has become independent and exaggerated and has been brought to the foreground by displacement.
The conception of sadism fluctuates in the usage of language from a mere active or impetuous attitude towards the sexual object to the exclusive attachment of the gratification to the subjection and maltreatment of the object.
The prevalence of sadism and the rĂ´le of the cloaca of the anal zone stamps it with an exquisitely archaic impression.
Krafft-Ebing as sadismor the active form, and masochism or the passive form.
It is furthermore clear that the existence of the contrast, sadism and masochism, can not readily be attributed to the mixture of aggression.
It can often be recognized that the masochism is nothing but a continuation of the sadism turning against one's own person in which the latter at first takes the place of the sexual object.
Sadism and masochism occupy a special place among the perversions, for the contrast of activity and passivity lying at their bases belong to the common traits of the sexual life.
These repressive influences may be and often are the effects of ignorance, prudishness, vulgarity, or homosexuality, or the sex perversions that are known as sadism and masochism.
I suspect that under many of our professed principles there lurk elements of unconscious sadismand masochism.
Sadism is a return to an infantile sex perversion, and in its direct overt forms the resulting conflicts are conscious and are between the subject and environment.
The danger of such sweeping generalisations is obvious, especially in view of the fact that to-day many children, even, know what sadism is.
The sexual perversions known by the names of sadism and masochism have of late attracted much attention from students of the sexual life.
In all these phenomena there is no trace of sex or any of its symbols, and sadism can never explain but must be explained by it.
The temporary formulation of psychoanalysts who attempt to explain anger or temper by sadism are really ridiculous.
President Hall rightly says that sadism must be explained by anger.
Sadism is for a long time restrained by fear, education or moral sentiments.
Krafft-Ebing is no doubt right in considering the lucubrations of the poet Baudelaire, and his necrophile imagination of his own carrion hung on a gibbet and devoured by vultures, as a mixture of sadism and masochism.
The highest degree of sadism leads to assassination.
If dangerous congenital perversions are discovered, such as sadism and pederosis, energetic measures of protection should be taken; in grave cases, the operations we have spoken of, or permanent internment.
We thus see that sadism does not always manifest itself by assassination.
Sadism appears to be most often an effect of hereditary alcoholic blastophthoria.
Women in whom sadism takes a milder form are contented with biting a man till he bleeds, during coitus.
When sadism assumes the character of a symbol or a fetich, seminal ejaculation and sensation generally occur without contact with the woman's body.
These mixtures of sadism and masochism have been investigated by Schrenk Notzing, who concludes that they are intimately related.
Krafft-Ebing maintains that sadism is usually, if not always, congenital and hereditary.
The term sadism is derived from the celebrated Marquis de Sade, a French author, whose obscene romances overflow with cruel voluptuousness.
This is so to speak an inversion of sadism as regards cause and effect.
The manipulations of sadism or masochism are even utilized to revive a sexual appetite weakened by abuse.
Certain reminiscences of sadism are common both in man and woman.
A little of sadism is shown in the delight in pinching and biting so often seen; and the expression "I'd like to eat you up" has a playfulsadism in it.
Sex psychopathology discloses innumerable cases where extreme sadism and masochism exist in both sexes; that is, not only males but females are sadistic, and so not only females but males are masochistic.
Thus tenderness and sex passion, with sadism and masochism in lesser degree, are basic in sex feeling, but other qualities enter so largely that any complete analysis is almost impossible.
But in the normal sadism which occurs throughout a large part of nature it is nearly always the male who is the victim of the female.
A more complete definition is that of Moll, who describes sadism as a condition in which "the sexual impulse consists in the tendency to strike, ill-use, and humiliate the beloved person.
We have thus to recognize that sadism by no means involves any love of inflicting pain outside the sphere of sexual emotion, and is even compatible with a high degree of general tender-heartedness.
This sadism was not, however, further developed, although a tendency to inversion persisted.
Sadism generally has been especially studied by Lacassagne, Vacher l'Eventreur et les Crimes Sadiques, 1899.
Sadism and masochism may be regarded as complementary emotional states; they cannot be regarded as opposed states.
Gilles de Rais, who had fought beside Joan of Arc, is the classic example of sadism in its extreme form, involving the murder of youths and maidens.
A careful consideration of the phenomena of sadism and masochism may be said to lead us to the conclusion that there is no real line of demarcation.
Here her sadism again breaks through in this desire to strike mother and sister according to her heart's desire and it especially excited her because of her constitutionally exaggerated muscle erotic.
I have elsewhere[6] described this blood sadism and I will refer here to only two features, which are of significance also in regard to her moon walking.
I do not say "nothing but" a masochist, because she is also a Sadist, for Sadism and Masochism are complementary in the same person.
I don't care whether it is sadism or the spark of the divine in me.
All the acts and situations carried out in the active part played by Sadism constitute, for masochism, the object of longing, to be attained passively.
He is a libertine, and depraved visions amounting to Sadism disturb the very man who comes to worship the raised finger of his Madonna.
Nietzsche is a sufferer from Sadism in its most pronounced form, only with him it is confined to the intellectual sphere alone, and is satisfied by ideal debauchery.
Sadism is a sufficient ground for a separation or divorce.
Sadism= Sadism is a sexual perversion in which the person derives pleasure only when beating, biting, striking, or otherwise inflicting pain on the person of the opposite sex.