When it was all over I felt very humble and grateful to the Unknowable Power which had treated us so kindly.
Putting jesting on one side, he once said, if he could create something unique and rare he would feel that the Unknowable had selected him for a mouthpiece for a medium of utterance in the holy cycle of its eternal utterance.
The ultimate triumph, therefore, of truth rests on a very tangible basis--much more so than when it is made to depend upon the will of an unseen and unknowable agency.
As soon as there is felt to be an unknown and apparently unknowable element, then, but not till then, does the idea God present itself to us.
For, if the substance is eternal and unknowable and unchangeable, it is tantamount to nothing.
There is also something unknowable in every particle of nature, just as there is something invisible in every carnation.
Just as all things are small and great, temporal and eternal, so all of them including the human mind are knowable and unknowable at the same time.
Now we are just beginning to comprehend that ultimate facts will probably ever remainunknowable facts, for when the present ultimate is attained, an eternity of undiscovered truth will still lay stretched out before the searcher.
The thing-in-itself is theunknowable reality of the thing we know.
An unknowable reality, as we shall show later on, is to all intents and purposes non-existent reality.
The unknowable x of the agnostic is not the "meta" or "beyond" of physics which the metaphysician vainly seeks to know.
This mathematical symbol of the bracket, multiplied by x to represent the unknown and unknowable possibilities beyond it, will serve me to indicate with some exactness the problem with which I am going to deal.
There's the Unknowable Creative Principle--one believes in That.
And since the Sum of human altruism was as much a part of the Unknowable Creative Principle as anything else in Nature and the Universe, a worse link might have been chosen after all!
Unknowable or not, infinite or finite, the unknown will always be the object of metaphysical hypotheses.
According to Spencer, the unknowable itself is not absolutely unknowable.
The notion of the unknowable has been the subject of a lively discussion in England and in France.
For everything divine is inexpressible on its own account and unknowable as forming part of the inexpressible one; but from differentiation, from change, it comes to pass that we know its characteristics.
But, so far as our evidence goes, he made no such attempt as the modern philosopher did, to persuade the religious instinct that this Unknowable could supply the place of all the gods.
Those who attribute to it something not perceptible by sense, which they call the force or power in which its motions originate, say in other words that the origin of motion is unknowable by sense (sect.
This is to use the word "Matter" as people use the word "nothing": Unknowable Somewhat cannot be distinguished from nothing.
One might almost say that the air, the invisible air, is full of unknowable Forces, whose mysterious presence we have to endure.
This unknowable being, this rover of a supernatural race?
One might almost say that the air, the invisible air is full of unknowable Forces, whose mysterious presence we have to endure.
This basis of impression being wholly unknowable is as good as non-existent for us.
It was not the abyss of the unknowable from which things said to come, or that into which they go, which interested Hegel.
The land to which he perhaps this day begins that journey is not only unknown, but unknowable to us in our present state.
That is what I think of matter, understood as the inmost structure of bodies--of unknowable and metaphysical matter.
Evolution is the living guide of our thought, assigning to the region of the unknowable the conceptions of unity and perfect rest, and building up its theories on the visible experience of motion and change and development.
But who is he, this invisible being that rules me, this unknowable being, this rover of a supernatural race?
I must leave to some future Herbert Spencer lecturer the discussion of his doctrine of the Unknowable and the critical consideration of its place and value in philosophy.
The Unknowable is the cause of all the phenomena we observe.
Bergson, as for Spencer, it is unknowable by the intellect--it can only be known by what M.
His persistence of force is the persistence of Unknowable Force.
Spencer, of course, calls in the Unknowable to supply the required nexus.
It seems plain enough that Spencer distinguishes, or seeks to distinguish, between those knowable effects which we call natural phenomena and their Unknowable Cause or Source.
Have I then written all those pages and pages on the Unknowable for nought?
Although the First Principles is divided into two Parts, dealing respectively with the Unknowable and the Knowable, we have not by any means done with the former when we turn from the First Part to the Second.
Still it is not altogether unknowable for this reason.
Herbert Spencer only carries the principle further when he concludes God to be simpleunknowable force.
The Infinite One, so far as he is unrevealed, is certainly unknowable to the finite.
An absentee God made Jesus his messenger, God himself not touching the world directly at any point, and unknown and unknowable to it.
They regard the central source of all asunknowable force, instead of regarding it as a Spirit, living and holy.
The same argument that proves God unknowable proves the universeunknowable also.
It defines matter and mind alike in terms of sensation, and regards both as opposite sides or successive manifestations of one underlying and unknowable force.
In unpredictable places, at unknowable times, the meteors fell, like stones from the sling of God.
He was remembering the acid ocean at Lupus and the rotting disease of Altair, all the dark, vicious, unknowable things he had approached, unsuspecting, down the years.
There are planes beyond our knowing, but when we apply the Principle of Correspondence to them we are able to understand much that would otherwise be unknowable to us.
He has also attempted to reconcile religion and science, by teaching that the one all-essential belief is in a great unknowable reality, which is not only inscrutable but inconceivable.