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Example sentences for "unintelligible"

Lexicographically close words:
uninstructive; unintellectual; unintelligent; unintelligently; unintelligibility; unintelligibly; unintended; unintentional; unintentionally; uninterested
  1. THE MUMMY'S FOOT I had entered, in an idle mood, the shop of one of those curiosity venders who are called marchands de bric-a-brac in that Parisian argot which is so perfectly unintelligible elsewhere in France.

  2. True, the messages are sent in code, which may be unintelligible to the enemy.

  3. They were coarsely dressed; tall and sturdy of frame; their voices were deep and guttural; and the half of the dialect which they spoke was unintelligible to my ears.

  4. He seemed on the point of speaking, but with an unintelligible muttered imprecation he relapsed into sullen silence.

  5. The parallel no doubt holds well enough even if we answer, as we certainly may, that in much vocal music the words are so unimportant that it really does not musically matter if they are unintelligible or inaudible.

  6. The assertion that art may be good art and at the same time unintelligible to a great number of people is extremely unjust, and its consequences are ruinous to art itself.

  7. Equally unmeaning and unintelligible is the idea of a prayer which involves no sacrifice--whether by sacrifice we understand the offering of gifts or the sacrifice of self.

  8. Many is the Titania driven by some unintelligible magic so to waste her love.

  9. He then in cant terms, with which his whole conversation was plentifully besprinkled, but which would be quite unintelligible if they were recorded here, demanded a glass of liquor.

  10. I was about to explain that innocence had nothing to fear from me, when a somewhat unintelligible scuffling up the stairs was followed by a very intelligible barking.

  11. When one looks seriously at life, one can scarcely help both smiling and weeping; and it would be utterly unintelligible to me without God and eternity.

  12. One peculiarity, perhaps, there is in the outlook of German imperialism, and that is its emphasis on an unintelligible and unreal abstraction of "race.

  13. He paused long enough to murmur an order to a hovering waiter whose English was almost unintelligible to Johnny because of its French.

  14. You can take--" That was all, for even on that still night the florid gentleman's voice receded quickly to an unintelligible mumbling.

  15. The result is a totally incoherent agglomeration of speech-forms--a baragouin fantastic and unintelligible beyond the power of anyone to imagine who has not heard it.

  16. All that we know concerning its discovery is contained in a barbarous Latin epigram, written by Guarinus of Verona, who chose to give his information on the subject in an almost unintelligible riddle.

  17. This, of course, is unintelligible on the grouping system of treating number; on the counting system it merely means that we count backwards from 0, just as we might count inches backwards from a point marked 0 on a scale.

  18. Some exclamatory phrases were sent through his teeth, unintelligible in the tumult still continuing, though the gesture that accompanied them seemed to proclaim them of a character anything but gentle.

  19. Then the owner of the jacale, with an unintelligible speech, subsided into a recumbent position; when a savage grunt, succeeded by a prolonged snore, proved him to have become oblivious to the fact that his domicile contained a guest.

  20. The Pyncheon Elm, moreover, with what foliage the September gale had spared to it, whispered unintelligible prophecies.

  21. This is one way in which an unintelligible religion is received by savages.

  22. Many of them were unintelligible to us, of course; but when they turned to their large slates, we could understand what they were about.

  23. Gotzkowsky muttered some unintelligible words, and covered his face with his hands.

  24. Elise stood with bowed head, and murmured some low, unintelligible words.

  25. The courteous and obedient valet had left the room some time, but Prince Stratimojeff still stood motionless, his eyes cast on the ground, and muttering some unintelligible words.

  26. A hundred voices were ready to answer him, and explain the scene in confused, unintelligible jargon.

  27. The witness' call was responded to by a voice in broken English, unintelligible to witness, apparently the voice of a Chinaman.

  28. Ah Fe paused, and uttered in a high recitative a series of the most extraordinary ejaculations, utterly unintelligible to the few Americans who chanced to be working near.

  29. Mackintosh arrived, and for three or four hours the two doctors talked in an apparently unintelligible language, chiefly about a person whom Mr. Hamlin was satisfied did not exist.

  30. Although a native of Alsace, the latter spoke an unintelligible dialect, and understood no French.

  31. The man addressed me in some unintelligible jargon.

  32. Their language is also totally unintelligible to the uninitiated, and there are many among them who can scarcely speak a word of French.

  33. How such legends are transformed from intelligible into unintelligible myths, is very clearly illustrated by Prof.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unintelligible" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ambiguous; disconnected; equivocal; impenetrable; inarticulate; incoherent; incomprehensible; indistinct; inexplicable; inscrutable; misty; mysterious; obscure; opaque; rambling; tenebrous; unaccountable; unclear; unconnected; unfathomable; unintelligible; unknowable; vague