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Example sentences for "invisible"

Lexicographically close words:
inviolability; inviolable; inviolably; inviolate; invisibility; invisibly; invita; invitation; invitations; invitatory
  1. It needs no argument to justify the position that an essay which deals with things seen and heard is easier for a beginner to construct than an essay which deals with ideas invisible and unheard.

  2. He still believes that the world is controlled by invisible forces set in motion by Spirits constituted like himself, susceptible to emotions and passions like his own, and ready to shape their actions at the dictates of humour or caprice.

  3. She, invisible behind the door of the house, receives the two messengers who question her on her desires.

  4. I feel myself possessed by an invisible force and I am sure I can beat you.

  5. The wind often started a rock or slide of sand downward, and the noise of invisible movement often came to their ears.

  6. The cove was filled with a loud noise as of some new, invisible life stirring and hurrying about from one side to the other and whispering incoherently.

  7. And what wonder that in health the body obeys, since a torrent of blood and of animal spirits{70} forces its obedience, and since the will has as ministers an invisible legion of fluids swifter than lightning and ever ready to do its bidding!

  8. Yes, child: art is the magic mirror you make to reflect your invisible dreams in visible pictures.

  9. Do you not know that every mass of matter in motion carries with it an invisible gravitational field, every magnet an invisible magnetic field, and every living organism a mesmeric field?

  10. Invisible trombones utter three solemn blasts in the manner of Die Zauberflöte.

  11. It revealed a new world of hitherto invisible creatures called Infusorians, as common water was found to be an infusion of them.

  12. Dolph remarked softly, at the invisible owner of the voice.

  13. For a minute, her hands gripped each other; but they were underneath the hanging edge of tablecloth, and so invisible to Scott.

  14. The average college girl hasn't a softly wooing voice, and I haven't spent my time lurking here invisible for nothing.

  15. No one could ever foretell whether he would greet them on the threshold in his overcoat and goloshes, or be invisible until the dinner was announced, and then be led in by one cuff, like a guilty youngster caught among the jam pots.

  16. There was a time when if you were obliged to wear glasses you got them as nearly invisible as possible.

  17. Men, like planets, have both a visible and an invisible history.

  18. We are all of us denying or fulfilling prayers--and men in their careless deeds walk amidst invisible outstretched arms and pleadings made in vain.

  19. Have we not from the first touched each other with invisible fibres--have we not quivered together like the leaves from a common stem with stirring from a common root?

  20. She felt sick with irritation--so fast do young creatures like her absorb misery through invisible suckers of their own fancies--and her face had gathered that peculiar expression which comes with a mortification to which tears are forbidden.

  21. Nay, in each of our lives harvest and spring-time are continually one, until himself gathers us and sows us anew in his invisible fields.

  22. Behind her on one side, the last steep ascent of the mountain rose barer and barer of all growth to its stony, invisible summit which a curve of the final ridge hid from view.

  23. When I presently stood on the platform, only the wind was blowing down from the sunny snow-fields, and that not bleakly, while from high invisible directions came thinly a pleasant tankling of cow-bells.

  24. Say you have a number of plantains, and you want to take them across the river," whispered his invisible prompter from behind.

  25. Thus the entire net resembled a fence, that would be invisible to the game in the high grass, until, when driven, they should burst suddenly upon it.

  26. The country seemed alive with baskets, as these useful articles were seen gliding about in all directions on the heads of natives that were invisible in the high grass.

  27. Moreover, this great human creator is as invisible as the Divine Creator Himself.

  28. Medical science, however, shows that the brain no more thinks than the hand and foot do, but is simply the instrument of the invisible thinker.

  29. He is supposed to tie together the future husband and wife with an invisible silken cord, which never parts while life lasts.

  30. They were, therefore, condemned to be invisible for ever.

  31. These were the laden cars on the tram-ways, drawn by invisible horses, from the distant works in the mine, rolling and reverberating through the infernal aisles of this devil's cathedral.

  32. He turned from her again; and went on talking, as if to himself or the far-off stars, or the invisible powers that mold men's destinies.

  33. He was very near to the main ride now; straight ahead of him, say two hundred yards away, on the other side of the invisible ride lay the invisible rocks.

  34. Although invisible locally, disgraced and hiding somewhere at a distance, that blackguardly son was probably still draining the good old man's resources.

  35. Gatton smiled grimly, and: "Marie would have to make herself invisible to evade Scotland Yard now," he replied.

  36. The general conclusion is that, besides the shining stars which exist in space, there may be any number of dark ones, forever invisible in our telescopes.

  37. Moreover, we can set no limit to the possible number of dark or invisible stars that may be flying through the celestial spaces.

  38. This work of Thome extends to fainter stars than any other yet attempted, so that, as it goes on, we have more stars listed in a region invisible in middle northern latitudes than we have for that part of the sky we can see.

  39. A room of average size, at ordinary temperature and under usual conditions, contains about a quart of water in the form of invisible vapor.

  40. An unbroken square mile of flame would be invisible in our telescopes, but a hundred square miles might be seen.

  41. For us the great collection of millions of stars which are made known to us by the telescope, together with all the invisible bodies which may be contained within the limits of the system, form the universe.

  42. Twice in the course of a revolution, which occupies nearly thirty years, the rings are seen edgewise, and for a few days are invisible even in a powerful telescope.

  43. There will be two of these poles, the one at the hour in question near the zenith, the other in our nadir, and therefore invisible to us, though seen by our antipodes.

  44. They show the same tendency to crowd towards the Milky Way in the hemisphere invisible to us as in the hemisphere which we see.

  45. What we have just said applies principally to the condensation of invisible vapor.

  46. We must, however, distinguish between this invisible vapor and the clouds or other visible masses to which the same term is often applied.

  47. It made him very uncomfortable to go to sea under the guidance of an invisible power.

  48. They have for years been analyzing those of its rays which, although entirely invisible to our eyes, are of the same nature as those of light, and are felt by us as heat.

  49. With the eye of knowledge we see the candle slowly turning into invisible gases, nor doubt for an instant that the matter of which the candle was composed is still existing, ready to reappear in other forms.

  50. It was the contrast which frightened him, and made him think he had been transported by some invisible hand a thousand leagues from his home.

  51. A curious example of the subserviency of the invisible magnetic current to the wants of men is mentioned by Humboldt as having occurred to himself, in one of his voyages off the west coast of South-America.

  52. These invisible rays have been proved to exercise most important functions in nature; in the germination and vegetation of plants, and other widely multiplied physical processes.

  53. The castles in which the fairies dwelt were generally believed to be movable at the pleasure of the proprietor, invisible to human eyes, and usually built in ancient forths or raths.

  54. These invisible stars frequently fall to the earth and are extinguished, as the stony star which fell burning at AEgos Potamos.

  55. Theurgy was openly professed by the most reputable teachers; their enemies called it sorcery; but whatever it was, it meant some intimate communion with {780} the invisible world.

  56. Wherever either he or the other gods are made susceptible of emotion, the Invisible is beyond and above them.

  57. The only drawback was that it was almost impossible for him to keep from brushing against the dry, invisible branches of the weeds.

  58. An invisible and mighty force pulled him down to kiss them.

  59. Jacobs acted as if he had suddenly encountered an invisible blow.

  60. She sat perfectly motionless, yet had a strange sensation of being lifted by invisible and mighty power.

  61. No harm will befall you, all your wants will be supplied by invisible hands; but for a young and beautiful Princess like you, it will be a sad trial, and one that I feel I have no right to ask your consent to.

  62. Surprising Story of the Devil of Glenluce," reprinted from Satan's Invisible World, written by George Sinclair, and printed in Edinburgh in the year 1685.

  63. It was again printed in his more important work, Satan's Invisible World, in 1685.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "invisible" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    atomic; camouflaged; concealed; disguised; embryonic; evanescent; germinal; granular; hidden; impalpable; imperceptible; imponderable; inappreciable; indiscernible; infinitesimal; insensible; intangible; invisible; latent; microcosmic; microscopic; molecular; secret; sight; sightless; subatomic; submerged; tenuous; thin; undisclosed; undiscovered; unexplained; unexplored; unexposed; unnoticed; unobserved; unperceived; unrealized; unrevealed; unseen

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    invisible hand; invisible hands