He was timed to the fraction of a second, and when the exposed half of the film was blocked off with paper and the unexposed half run through, he acted out his part on the left side of the table, to this time schedule.
The top one holds the unexposed roll of negative, while the exposed film is rolled in the bottom one.
Internal mechanism, operated by a hand-crank or electric motor, moves the unexposed film into position behind the lens and also opens and closes the shutter at just the proper moment.
When several prints from one or more negatives are required, it is an excellent thing to have two of these boxes, one for the unexposed paper and one in which to put the prints as made until all are ready for development.
I needed this man and his companion to carry my sextant and the unexposed photographic plates, some two hundred of them, which were of considerable weight.
Had the unexposed section been black my fate would have been irrevocably sealed.
The unexposed portion had been passed through the development processes, and I experienced a thrill of joy.
But for those two tiny parting pictures and the unexposed fraction of film I should have been propped against the wall of a German prison to serve as a target for Prussian rifles!
It was only too evident that everything had turned upon that short length of unexposed film, and I felt devoutly thankful to Providence that the light had not accidentally penetrated to the sensitised surface.
The emulsion side of the unexposed film comes into contact with the emulsion side of the negative film.
After the cement has been applied to the cleaned end of the blank lead, the end of the unexposed coil of film is laid upon it, emulsion side uppermost, the overlap being about 3/4 inch.
The upper box carries theunexposed film, while the lower receives the ribbon after exposure.
The unexposed and exposed film-boxes are mounted upon one spindle.
When attaching the blank lead every precaution must be taken to protect the spool of unexposed film from light; only a very faint ruby glow should be used, for the cinematograph film is extremely sensitive.
Immediately below is another spindle carrying the spool B on which is slipped the coil of unexposed film.
The lens is eclipsed by the shutter, and the film is jerked downwards into position in the gate so as to bring a fresh unexposed surface before the lens.
But it is not wise to use too powerful a ruby light, or the unexposed positive film will be fogged.
The film is taken from the upper unexposed film-box, passed over the sprocket, through the gate, under the sprocket and wound into the lower exposed film-box.
The positive film is inserted in the unexposed film-box of the camera and is threaded up as if for taking photographs.
He can purchase his "stock," as the unexposed film is called, perforated ready for use.
As the emulsion side is uppermost, when the unexposed film meets the negative in the gate, the two films are brought together with their emulsion sides in contact.
Only twenty or thirty unexposed films were saved, but fortunately, only one roll of ten exposed films, which was in one of the cameras, was injured, and none of the exposed films was lost.
The card or cards must be taken from the top of the pack, and handed unexposed to the player.
On no account must the unexposed sheets be placed near a fire, otherwise they will be spoilt, the whole coating becoming insoluble; heat acting in the same manner as light.
Blake, holding the box of unexposed film that the Spaniard had given him.
Joe as he helped Blake put in a fresh reel of unexposed film, Mr. Alcando looking on and learning "points.
It seems as if they knew the experiment would end my mother's life, and yet on each of the unexposed plates are faces and forms, some of which Mr. Bartol 'recognized.
The cameras and the reels of unexposed film were in the hold with their heavy baggage, but they had kept with them a small camera and some film for use in emergencies.
Just now we aren't taking any, and he hasn't any desire, I suppose, to get possession of the unexposed reels.
The parts not hardened by the action of light (the unexposed parts) are then rubbed away with cotton, and the plate is chemically etched, gummed over, and dried.
There is an unexposed area between each exposure, and they are cut apart for printing and storage and returning.
There was the upper box, in which was wound the unexposedreel of film.
I don't believe there is ten feet of unexposed film left, and that wouldn't make much of a reel.
For a long time, when art was in its infancy, it remained unexposedto this danger, because it could not, with any power, realize or create any thing.
Sullivan's comment on their skin color states that it is "a medium yellowish-brown where it is unexposed to the sun.
The handle turns, and theunexposed film is wound from one reel to the other, inside the camera, passing behind the lens, so that the picture falls on it in a flash, just as you take one snapshot.
This solution is used with great advantage in photo-lithography, as the unexposed parts are readily soluble in cold water.
Place an unexposed dry-plate in a normal pyro developer, and on it lay the copper coin.
They will adhere to the parts unexposed to light, and a portrait is obtained composed entirely of the person it represents, or rather what is left of him.
Don't let the shadow creep quite to the center of the ground glass, for you might go the least bit beyond, and an unexposed strip would result.