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Example sentences for "unexplained"

Lexicographically close words:
unexpectedness; unexpended; unexperienced; unexpired; unexplainable; unexploded; unexploited; unexplored; unexposed; unexpressed
  1. Often there is excessive emotional display, with, perhaps, unexplained bursts of weeping.

  2. As in chorea, however, relapses are frequent, and there are cases which for some unexplained reason are peculiarly resistant to all remedial influences.

  3. She saw rather less of him than she had expected to, for he was frequently absent for weeks at a time on unexplained journeys, about which Joan had learned to ask no questions.

  4. What my hand had to do with her's I know not; it remains one of the unexplained difficulties of that eventful evening.

  5. Mrs. Fitzgerald had removed from her carriage to that of her husband, perhaps preferring four horses to two; or perhaps she had still some unexplained views of the transaction, which might as well be told on the road homeward.

  6. The man stops and suspects some little woodland citizen as the cause of the unexplained movement; thus it is in the affairs of life.

  7. To Tom it was unexplained and caused that very common feeling of vague suspicion of some claim to superiority which refined manners imply to those who lack manners altogether.

  8. She gathered some imperfect comfort in the thought that she might not have been justified in her conclusions regarding a man who was in so many ways an unexplained personality.

  9. He has the world manner, varied official experience, and an unexplained personal equation.

  10. For some unexplained reason Beaujeu silently declined obeying these orders.

  11. For some unexplained reason they decided to take the eastern shore of the lake, on their return voyage, though their outward voyage had been by the western shore.

  12. The hypothetical inference of a deity from the marvels of adaptation to be found in the universe is unjustified, among other reasons, because it ignores or leaves unexplained the marvels of mis-adaptation in the universe.

  13. It explains a few striking facts; it leaves wholly unexplained a far greater number of equally striking facts, even if it be not directly contradicted by them.

  14. No," he answered; "to you it seems miraculous, as to all men an unexplained phenomenon approaches the supernatural.

  15. The child wonders at a goblin story, the savage at a trinket, the man of science at an unexplained manifestation of a previously unperceived natural law; each wonders in ignorance, because of ignorance.

  16. This approaches necromancy, seemingly, and yet in my opinion, as I now see the matter, such unexplained and recondite occurrences appear unscientific, because of the shortcomings of students of science.

  17. At Eastwich she could bear such memories, but for some unexplained reason it was otherwise in London.

  18. It was unexplained by anything that had gone before; yet all that came after hinged upon it.

  19. Until it was accomplished, the phantom of an unexplained anomaly in the orderly movements of the solar system must have continued to haunt astronomical consciousness.

  20. A plausible, but no longer admissible, interpretation of this still unexplained phenomenon.

  21. In the continued unexplained absence of the president and members of the society, the usual meetings will not be held in August.

  22. Do you not see that your unexplained absence, in itself, is likely to bring suspicion upon you, indeed, upon both of us?

  23. Behind him stood the shadowy figure of the girl and her unexplained flight.

  24. It remained stubbornly in Barrant's perspective, an unexplained factor which could be neither overlooked nor ignored.

  25. But whether it is really a clue to that unexplained mystery, or whether it is nothing more than a somewhat sinister fancy, of course, I cannot say.

  26. Now it occurs to me that this theatrical chap may have had this sliding door made to gratify his whim for sudden and unexplained comings and goings.

  27. Any one whose disposition leads him to attach more weight to unexplained difficulties than to the explanation of a certain number of facts will certainly reject my theory.

  28. No one ought to feel surprise at much remaining as yet unexplained in regard to the origin of species and varieties, if he makes due allowance for our profound ignorance in regard to the mutual relations of all the beings which live around us.

  29. Godfrey agreed to meet him, and, whether to put an end to these useless dissensions, or for some other unexplained reason, he rendered homage to Alexius as his liege lord.

  30. Cases in which deceased persons have made themselves known to survivors, or have produced, by some as yet unexplained agency, an impression upon them through other senses than the sight, are very rare.

  31. He was no nearer conviction when Lady Knightrider called next morning to warn him that there had been some unexplained friction between Jack and Barbara earlier in the season and to ask whether it was politic for them to meet at Chepstow.

  32. There was an unexplained red sack, embroidered with his initials and fastened with a red cord; and a small black box with his name in white letters, containing an absurd wig.

  33. An unexplained intellectual craving was at length satisfied when the pair were renamed "the Spurs.

  34. Together we rode silently back over the seven or eight miles, only to learn that my father had suddenly died, partly from the shock and partly from my unexplained absence.

  35. That and his anxiety over my unexplained absence.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unexplained" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    able; enigmatic; incalculable; invisible; mysterious; occult; puzzling; sealed; strange; unaccountable; unbeknown; uncharted; unclassified; undisclosed; undiscoverable; undiscovered; unexplained; unexplored; unexposed; unfamiliar; unfathomed; unidentified; unknowable; unknown; unperceived; unplumbed; unrevealed; unseen; unsuspected; untouched; vague; virgin