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Example sentences for "ulceration"

Lexicographically close words:
ular; ulcer; ulcerate; ulcerated; ulcerating; ulcerations; ulcerative; ulcerous; ulcers; ulein
  1. In cases where ulceration and perforation have occurred, the odour is fæcal.

  2. Cases of chronic disease of the head of the humerus (generally tubercular), or of chronic ulceration of the cartilages which has resisted counter-irritation.

  3. Such ulceration of the bone is of a peculiarly destructive nature; it is a disease of the osseous tissue, corresponding to the most malignant ulceration of the soft parts.

  4. Ulceration of the tonsils, and other parts in the fauces, often coexist with disease of the nostrils.

  5. Ulceration sometimes occurs, not of a malignant nature, from similar causes; but in old females this is either of a bad kind from the first, or degenerates, presenting all the usual characters of malignant sore on a mucous surface.

  6. Ulceration of the posterior surface of the velum is marked by dark redness, and swelling of the anterior.

  7. Independently of any vice in the constitution, ulceration of the nostrils may be induced by injury, and proceed until great ravages are effected, if the treatment be not properly conducted.

  8. Sores, with eruption and sore throat, sometimes appear in one or both individuals immediately after marriage, and probably arise from the acrimony of the female secretions causing tenderness and ulceration of the parts.

  9. But occasionally, even in the first stage, before destructive ulceration has set in, in consequence of the pain and spasms, the limb becomes remarkably shortened and retracted.

  10. Thus, we may observe various grades of inflammation and ulceration of the larynx, trachea, and bronchial tubes.

  11. Pus is discharged per anum in cases of dysenteric or other ulceration of the bowel; also when an abscess occurring in any part of the abdomen (most frequently hepatic) opens into the intestine.

  12. From injury of the pock ulceration and gangrene may take place, and septic absorption may follow in their train.

  13. He showed that the latter disease was invariably associated with enlargement and ulceration of Peyer's patches and with enlargement of the mesenteric glands, and that these conditions were never presented in the former.

  14. Ulceration or gangrene of the parts may develop, and whole extremities may shrivel up.

  15. Moreover, it is very difficult to distinguish in the swollen fauces between a membranous exudation and ulceration or superficial gangrene so common in malignant scarlet fever.

  16. In one instance we noticed a peculiarly fetid puriform discharge from the anus, which occurred during the relapse and persisted for several weeks, gradually subsiding, as though from some unhealthy ulceration which slowly healed.

  17. Kessler advocates (1841) the view of its contagious nature, and Rilliet and Barthez adduce evidence of the occurrence of ulceration and gangrene in the course of the disease.

  18. It occasionally happens that while cicatrization is taking place at one end of the ulcer the process of necrosis and ulceration is still going on at the other, so that two or more ulcers may occasionally run together.

  19. In one of the cases related above it will be recollected that the ulceration and abscess extended from the fauces to the middle ear, the entire Eustachian tube having disappeared in the ulcerative process.

  20. Slight ulceration of the gums close to the teeth is occasionally noted, also aphthous ulcerations on the lips, tongue, and gums (Ringer).

  21. In the skin such infiltrations also frequently terminate in induration, while ulceration and abscess tend to appear when the proliferation of glander-cells is most abundant (farcy-buds).

  22. As ulceration progresses, difficulty in nursing increases until finally the young animal is unable to suckle.

  23. If ulceration of the mouth is extensive, the animal may be feverish, dull and lose flesh rapidly.

  24. In the chronic form of the disease ulceration of the intestinal and gastric mucous membrane, inflammation of the lungs and pleura and sloughing of the skin are common lesions.

  25. Ulceration of the mucous membrane is common (Fig.

  26. Later, ulceration takes place in the undermined skin, and the stinking contents of the abscess escape, greatly to the relief of the patient.

  27. The appendix may be twisted, bent, or otherwise strangulated, or its orifice may be blocked, so that the tube is distended with mucus which can find no outlet; or ulceration of tuberculous or malignant origin may occur.

  28. Our domestic servant, a girl aged twenty-four, is suffering from ulceration of the stomach and has had periodical attacks for the past six years.

  29. It has been shown by Brandl and other investigators that ulceration of the stomach can always be produced in animals by feeding them with an excess of sugar foods.

  30. Excessive ulceration sometimes assumes the form of fungous excrescence upon the cornea, appearing to derive its nourishment from loops of blood vessels of the conjunctiva.

  31. The disease may be acute or chronic--the first by reason of acute, adhesive inflammation blocking the outlet, the second by gradual thickening and ulceration of the sheath and blocking by the sebaceous and calculous accretion.

  32. Tuberculosis or ulceration from other causes, such as a foreign body, is the most common source of this accident.

  33. Where the disease develops ulceration of the cornea, or well-marked, deep-seated keratitis, the treatment recommended for those conditions should be adopted.

  34. The outer skin is not involved so soon as in cancer, nor does ulceration follow so rapidly.

  35. It is characterized by inflammation and ulceration of the mucous membrane of the mouth, producing salivation and inappetence, and secondarily affecting the feet, which become sore and swollen.

  36. If ulceration occurs, it is well to dust powdered calomel into the eye twice daily, or apply to the eyelids a salve of yellow oxid of mercury, 5 per cent in lanolin.

  37. The ulceration of the interdigital tissue may extend to the ligaments of the fetlock or produce disease of the joint or bone.

  38. When it is the result of diffuse keratitis, ulceration and the escape of the contained pus is inevitable; otherwise the pus may be absorbed.

  39. In a few cases restoration of sight may be effected by puncturing the projecting tumor and treating it afterwards with nitrate of silver in the same manner as prescribed for ulceration of the cornea.

  40. The ulceration of the throat is of the most formidable nature.

  41. Great attention and care are requisite on the part of the physician, to see that every part of the ulceration and excoriation is made visible, and brought under the influence of the applications employed.

  42. The removal of the cancerous womb, when the ulceration first makes its appearance.

  43. The ulceration of the mamma was of the size of a five frank piece, unequal and gray, and gave issue to an ichorous and foetid purulent matter.

  44. Resembling this is the case of Peter Johnson, as far as regards the ulceration and dark colour of the intermediate surface; but differing in the disorganization of the membrane being less.

  45. It is marked by ulceration of the throat and nose and by pustules and soft fungous excrescences upon the surface of the body.

  46. An affection of a finger or toe, attended with ulceration at the base of the nail, and terminating in the destruction of the nail.

  47. Defn: A discharge of fetid matter from the nostril, particularly if associated with ulceration of the soft parts and disease of the bones of the nose.

  48. Its local lesions are a scanty eruption of spots, resembling flea bites, on the belly, enlargement of the spleen, and ulceration of the intestines over the areas occupied by Peyer's glands.

  49. In scrofulous persons, whether there is ulceration or not, Phosphorus and Pulsatilla are the remedies.

  50. When the discharge is colored and the pains darting, cutting or smarting, indicating ulceration, or if ulceration is discovered by examination, use Macrotin and Hydrastin internally, injecting the latter upon the affected parts freely.

  51. The Phlegmonous Erysipelas affects the whole thickness of the skin and cellular tissues beneath it, producing swelling, and not unfrequently, resulting in suppuration, ulceration or gangrene and sloughing of the parts.

  52. When ulceration exists it is dark, fetid or bloody, or sanious and purulent, sometimes it is acrid, excoriating the parts.

  53. Leucorrhoea is always present where there is ulceration of the neck of the womb, and this ulcerated condition exists to a greater or less extent, in many cases where it is not suspected by the patient.

  54. After the ulceration occurs, Arsenicum is the great remedy to be relied on.

  55. Morrow was remarkably successful, and became justly celebrated for curing hard cases of Leucorrhoea ulceration and "Prolapsus uteri.

  56. In aphthous sores, relaxations, ulceration of the tonsils, &c.

  57. In foul discharges, especially in ozaena, or f[oe]tid ulceration of the nose.

  58. Ulceration or imperfect Healing of the Navel - 20l 9.

  59. Ulceration or imperfect healing of the navel, 201.

  60. For long duodenal ulceration has been regarded as a complication of extensive burns of the skin, but the relationship between them has not yet been quite satisfactorily explained.

  61. Dysentery gives rise to an inflammation of the large intestine and sometimes of the lower part of the ileum, resulting in extensive ulceration and accompanied by faecal discharges of mucus, muco-pus or blood.

  62. Fatal results arise from ulceration into large blood-vessels, followed by copious haemorrhage, or by perforation of the ulcer into the peritoneal cavity.

  63. Any part of the large intestine may be affected, and the ulceration shows no special distribution.

  64. A non-malignant ulceration may result which later leads on to an oesophageal stricture.

  65. He gives the signs for differentiation between epitheliomata and condylomata, and distinguishes various forms of ulceration of the penis.

  66. There is a chapter with the title, "Against Ulceration of the Bladder or the Kidneys.

  67. In severe cases we may have ulceration of the skin, and serum pours out from the surface, resembling the oozing which we have after a blister or in a case of grease.

  68. In an atheromatous vessel, calcareous deposits soon occur, which render it rigid, brittle, and subject to ulceration or rupture.

  69. For the ulceration it is useless to prescribe, because it can neither be diagnosed nor topically treated by the nonprofessional.

  70. Oxid of zinc ointment should be used on confluent eruptions, and if the ulceration is excessive it may have to be touched with caustic.

  71. After a severe attack of inflammation of the larynx the mucous membrane may be left in a thickened condition, or an ulceration of the part may ensue, either of which is liable to produce a chronic cough.

  72. A discharge of fetid matter from the nostril, particularly if associated with ulceration of the soft parts and disease of the bones of the nose.

  73. In certain cases of gastric ulceration it has been found more advisable to use what is known as a bland diet.

  74. The treatment for gastric ulceration is thus seen to be strenuous.

  75. Beside the ulceration of glands and deafness, some of the sequels of scarlatina are white swelling of one or more of the joints, usually the knee, chronic inflammation of the eyes and eyelids, and partial paralysis.

  76. His disease was discovered, after a period of intense suffering, to be an ulceration of the small intestine.

  77. He discovered that it was ulceration of the intestines.

  78. You know how painful an ulcer is anywhere--say on your lip--now for over two years this ulceration had been burning its way in the intestines.

  79. Hamilton (1893) saw a boy, six years of age, who had been suffering for some months from the glands on one side of his neck being swollen and from a fetid ulceration around the back teeth of the lower jaw of the same side.

  80. The symptoms are deceptive appetite and great mental disquiet and care and anxiety; and it behoves that it be evacuated, else it will generate melancholy and leprosy and cancer and disease of the spleen and ulceration of the bowels.

  81. In cases of ulceration of the mucous membrane of the intestinal canal the fibrous element of the blood was increased; while in simple diarrhea, uncomplicated with ulceration, it was either diminished or else remained stationary.

  82. By the use of this slender speculum the practised surgeon can recognize the presence of tubercle or tuberculous ulceration of the bladder, stone, or other foreign material, and innocent or malignant growths.

  83. The form of ulceration which is presented by cancer in its latest stages bears so great a resemblance to suppurative ulceration that the two things have long since been compared.

  84. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ulceration" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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