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Example sentences for "carbuncle"

Lexicographically close words:
carborundum; carboxyl; carboxylic; carboys; carbre; carbuncled; carbuncles; carbuncular; carburet; carbureted
  1. She only wished the amorous monarch had discovered more ardour for the carbuncle of Giamschid; but flattered herself it would gradually increase, and therefore yielded to his will with the most bewitching submission.

  2. Then all the riches this place contains, as well as the carbuncle of Giamschid, shall be hers.

  3. Rosette now ran to the glass and saw that the pullet's wing had become a magnificent locket and that the pendant was a carbuncle of such beauty and brilliancy that a fairy alone could possess it.

  4. It was finally understood that Haddam witches, who practised black magic, met the Moodus witches, who used white magic, in a cave beneath Mount Tom, and fought them in the light of a great carbuncle that was fastened to the roof.

  5. Great was his joy, for the Carbuncle was within his reach, blazing into his eyes in the noon sunlight as if it held, crystallized in its depths, the brightness of all the wine that had ever gladdened the tired hearts of men.

  6. No doubt she will, and despise the puppet of her fancy; then all the riches this place contains, as well as the carbuncle of Giamschid shall be hers.

  7. This tale of the great carbuncle fired the imagination of the simple settlers to the highest pitch.

  8. At any rate, the belief that the mountain shut up precious mines has come down to our own day; we are assured by a learned historian of fifty years ago that the story of the great carbuncle still found full credence in his.

  9. For the moment the great carbuncle was forgotten.

  10. Carbuncle is an intense local inflammation caused by septic germs which have in some manner found their way to the part.

  11. The two, however, are distinct, the latter being simply the head of the rattlesnake tribe, without the blazing carbuncle or the immense size attributed to the Uktena.

  12. The ideal means of helping the tissues is by removing the focus of infection, and when this can be done, as for example in a carbuncle or an anthrax pustule, the infected area may be completely excised.

  13. A large carbuncle is a grave disease, especially in a weakly person suffering from diabetes or chronic alcoholism; we have on several occasions seen diabetic coma supervene and the patient die without recovering consciousness.

  14. Carbuncle of seventeen days' duration in a woman æt.

  15. A carbuncle is to be differentiated from an ulcerated gumma and from anthrax pustule.

  16. In some cases it is advisable to excise the carbuncle or to make incisions across it in different directions, so that the resulting wound presents a stellate appearance.

  17. I am feeling that damned carbuncle almost as if it had been my affair instead of hers.

  18. The Lady of the Carbuncle seems to have got rather a hold upon him.

  19. And I will go back to dear old Martin who's all alone there and miserable; I'll be kind to her and play my part and tell her her Carbuncle scar rather becomes her.

  20. Or, perhaps, the very light of the Great Carbuncle was death!

  21. Nor need you hesitate, learned sir, on account of the necessary destruction of the gem; since the perusal of your folio may teach every mother's son of us to concoct a Great Carbuncle of his own.

  22. Sullivan, in his History of Maine, written since the Revolution, remarks, that even then the existence of the Great Carbuncle was not entirely discredited.

  23. Thus, long ages after I am gone, the splendor of the Great Carbuncle will blaze around my name?

  24. And never, on the diadem of the White Mountains, did the Great Carbuncle hold a place half so honored as is reserved for it in the hall of the De Veres!

  25. Lord de Vere, rather to himself than his companions, the best of whom he held utterly unworthy of his intercourse--'to think that a fellow in a tattered cloak should talk of conveying the Great Carbuncle to a garret in Grub Street!

  26. A third, being camped on a hunting expedition full forty miles south of the White Mountains, awoke at midnight, and beheld the Great Carbuncle gleaming like a meteor, so that the shadows of the trees fell backward from it.

  27. As the funeral torches gleamed within that dark receptacle, there was no need of the Great Carbuncle to show the vanity of earthly pomp.

  28. The virtue of the carbuncle was to drive away poisonous air, repress luxury, and preserve the health of the body.

  29. From the lateral chamber the priest still peered, the carbuncle glistening on his lip.

  30. From a lateral chamber a priest, unfit for other than menial services because of a carbuncle on his lip, dropped the wood he was sorting for the altar and gazed curiously at the advancing throng, in which the prisoner was.

  31. Glossanthrax (Carbuncle of the Tongue, Malignant Pustule of the Tongue).

  32. It is this class of pattern which is derived from the cloisonne inlay with bits of transparent carbuncle used in gold jewellery.

  33. Fine gems, especially the carbuncle and turquoise, were set in the gold mounts of some of these princely books.

  34. A serpent which that aspidis Is cleped, of his kinde hath this, That he the stone noblest of all The whiche that men carbuncle call, Bereth in his head above on high.

  35. The Carbuncle is to be found in most of the subterranean palaces of Romance.

  36. Like many other jewels the Carbuncle was supposed to be an animal substance, formed in the serpent.

  37. At least, we might gather from this passage that the poet was aware of the distinction between ruby and carbuncle (pyrope garnet).

  38. The common employment of the designation carbuncle for a precious stone and also for a boil was usual from ancient times.

  39. They are those that are always accompany'd with extraordinary and dreadful Symptoms, and whose Consequences are also very dangerous; as the Carbuncle in the Plague.

  40. Secondly, the difference of Tumours is taken from their likeness to some other thing, as the Carbuncle and the Talpa, the former resembling a burning Coal, and the other a Mole, according to the Etymology of their Latin Names.

  41. The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle VIII.

  42. The next day a carbuncle appeared on the part bitten.

  43. In a short time a severe carbuncle appeared on the identical spot, and death ensued in five days.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "carbuncle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abscess; blister; boil; bump; bunion; canker; carbuncle; chancre; chilblain; corn; cyst; diamond; dilation; distension; edema; emerald; felon; fester; festering; gathering; jade; lesion; lump; papule; pile; pimple; pock; polyp; pustule; rising; ruby; sapphire; scab; sore; stigma; stone; swell; swelling; tubercle; tumescence; tumor; ulcer; wale; welt; wen; whelk; wound