This insect, I reported, is not the same as the one occurring on meadow and other field crops, not only the species but the genus being different.
This does not mean that members of the Association should not keep a sharp lookout for new varieties occurring spontaneously which will be better than existing sorts.
It would be extraordinary if cycles of miracles occurring before and since those of the Gospels, and in connection with every religion, could be repudiated as fables, and these alone maintained as genuine.
The references which they contain to this great miracle of Christianity are extremely numerous, occurring in some form or other in almost every page.
Nor are miracles in any proper sense of the word less so, because they are not merely facts occurring in external nature, but facts in the production of which we recognize intelligence and will.
The coastal sagebrush is the most characteristic plant of this association, occurring in all undisturbed parts of the area.
Because of the many habitats present, and the difficulty of collecting in the chaparral, less was learned of the ecology of the mammals in this association than of those occurring elsewhere.
Urocyon cinereoargenteus californicus= Mearns Gray Fox The gray fox is widely distributed in the San Gabriel Mountains, occurring on both slopes of the range wherever extensive tracts of chaparral are present.
Malformations of the body are attributed to the influence of the stars, caused by the mother eating forbidden food during pregnancy, or if occurring after birth it is still caused by the stars, in consequence of forbidden food being eaten.
Wars and quarrels, occurringsometimes from the most trivial circumstances, and often ending in deaths, or wounds that terminate in death.
They all agree in introducing complications in the ethnology from the fact of their occurring elsewhere.
Pique, repique, and capot are not unfrequent; but the occurrence of carte blanche is exceedingly rare, occurring only about once in nine hundred deals.
Montserrat has endured volcanic activity since, with the last eruption occurring in July 2003.
Tertullian speaks with the most perfect assurance of miracles occurring in his day, and of the power of healing and of casting out devils still possessed by Christians.
One of their principal arguments for this conclusion is a remark occurring in Chapter xli.
It must be apparent that literal agreement in reporting short and important sayings is not in itself so surprising as to constitute proof that, occurring in two histories, the one must have copied from the other.
It would indeed be extraordinary if whole cycles of miracles occurring before and since those of the Gospels, and in connection with every religion, could be repudiated as fables, and those alone maintained as genuine.
He also points out passages occurring in our Gospels to which they give a peculiar interpretation and, amongst these, that quoted by Justin.
The recognition of these four Gospels from a very early date is the one fact which explains the fragmentary notices and references occurring in previous writers.
There is a hardly disputable embodiment of words occurringin the Acts.
In these months the southern hemisphere of Mars had its summer, the summer solstice occurringupon October 13.
Tick marks are added to each line to indicate the number of birds occurring along the same cooerdinate.
It is an effect rarely observed, occurring only in the cases where the number of birds observed is so small that pure chance has a pronounced effect on the computed densities; its vacillations are explicable on that account alone.
It may or may not closely express the amount of migration occurring over an actual mile or series of miles.
Any and all, since amens wherever occurring signify the end of the especial thing of the moment, whether said, sung or prayed.
Psalmist occurringin the liturgy of our service, are a lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our path.
Thus Nose lived almost two years in great comfort and honour, the thought of his parents alone saddening him, and nothing remarkable occurring until the following circumstance happened.
Illustration] This lighthouse was completed in 1906, after considerable difficulty caused by the heavy seas and strong currents occurring at this point.
He found abundance of matter, however, for a lengthy chapter on the subject, as he supposed, occurring in several of the dusty octavos, and he thumbed the leaves with most patient assiduity.
He will not attempt to make an episode of any part of this history, because of the supposed vigor or brilliancy of the martial deeds occurring in the time.
The two contractions closely followed one another, rather than occurringat the same time.
This may be termed a separation of the partition, the numbers occurringin the separation being identical with those which occur in the partition.
The condition of the urine is of the utmost importance, as it is often a clue to the diagnosis, and in surgical cases may be the first warning that absorption is occurring to an undue degree.
This shop was in Oxford-street; but a fire occurring in it, Bellingham asserted that he had a large number of bank-notes destroyed.
Where the ground is damp, with drouth occurring only at intervals of centuries, fine forests may be found, other conditions being favorable.
Absorbed in the happy scene, given up to dreamy, random observation of what lay immediately before me, I was not conscious of anything occurring on the outer rim of the landscape.