In some the tonsils were beset with aphthous sloughs, and towards the decline there would be aphthae of the mouth, but symptomatic only, and not the dominant lesion as in the ulcerous sore-throat.
Indeed the malignant ulcerous sore-throat was now also frequent, probably sometimes complicated with the smallpox.
A Treatise on the Malignant Angina or Putrid andUlcerous Sore-Throat, &c.
A Dissertation on the Malignant Ulcerous Sore-Throat.
Meanwhile we have to overtake Fothergill's history of the ulcerous sore-throat in or near London[1271].
We are ALL an unclean thing, and our righteousness as filthy ulcerous rags (Isa 64:6).
It is enough that the soul is polluted and defiled, for that is sufficient to provoke God to cast it away; for which of you would take a cloth annoyed with stinking, ulcerous sores, to wipe your mouth withal, or to thrust it into your bosoms?
The word fistula is applied to any ulcerous lesion upon the external surface of the body which is connected by ducts, or passages, with some internal cavity.
This was to express the wish and prayer of the owner that any thief might be laid down with ulcerous sores all over his body.
The natives say that formerly many had it, and suffered from its ulcerous sores until all the fingers of a hand or the toes of a foot had fallen off.
Defn: A name formerly applied to several varieties ofulcerous cutaneous diseases, but now restricted to Lupus exedens, an ulcerative affection of the nose.
He had frequently a short cough and a very extraordinary elevation of his chest in fetching his breath, on which occasions an ulcerous matter generally issued from his fundament.
Are consumption, or ulcerous sores, or a leg shriveled to half its bulk, such mighty matters?
Beneath the groin the ulcerous evil lies, Impervious to the view; and o'er the wound The broad effulgence of the zone is bound!
That was why Mrs. Floyd, just before Johnson departed the ranch, insisted that he accompany her to the Tracey home in Rowdy Canon.
Perhaps the range monarch had some suspicion of this, for he turned round to walk out.
She could not resist giving her hips an approving pat, and she smiled.
They yelled, and prodded at his neck and ribs with poles, but the bull shook his head in settled determination and started down the chute.
One evening, as they sat on the veranda, Lafe put up a forefinger languidly and touched a stray curl.
The sores thus formed are ulcerous and unhealthy, with puffy, ragged, everted borders and a grayish or yellowish red base, which often extends deeply between the muscles and exposes tendons and bones.
Such patches are very numerous in the fauces and on the lips and cheeks--never on the gums, except in ulcerous stomatitis (which is not follicular).
Antimony would aggravate the ulcerous disease and enfeeble the bodily powers, as well as affect the appetite.
These ulcerous sores, if left exposed to the irritation of sand, dirt, and flies, may last for years and may ultimately cause death.
When staying with Bishop Selwyn at Gaeta in Florida, I accompanied him on his morning round of visits to his patients, most of them being the subjects of these large ulcerous sores on the feet and legs.
In the eastern part of the Solomon Group, one commonly meets natives limping along with large ulcerous sores on the soles of the feet, seated usually near the base of the toes.
These fungi cause very severe irritation of the lining membrane of the mouth, producing sometimes a catarrhal, at other times an aphthous, and occasionally an ulcerous stomatitis.
This is it That makes the wappen'd widow wed again- She whom the spital-house and ulceroussores Would cast the gorge at this embalms and spices To th 'April day again.
It will but skin and film the ulcerous place, Whiles rank corruption, mining all within, Infects unseen.
The child's arm now shewed a disposition to scab, and remained nearly stationary for two or three days, when it began to run into an ulcerous state, and THEN commenced a febrile indisposition accompanied with an increase of axillary tumour.
In adults and adolescents it accompanies catarrhal and ulcerous affections of the throat, and is described, therefore, to a certain extent, in connection with these affections.
The presence of these symptoms is presumptively indicative of gastric disease, usuallyulcerous or carcinomatous.
The subsequent progress of unarrested mercurial stomatitis is that of ulcerous stomatitis.
Necrosis and consequent sloughing of the skin is bound to follow, and an extensive ulcerous wound, or a spreading suppuration of the coronary cushion is the result.
This condition is commonly the result of a severe and jagged tread with the calkin, and takes the form of an ulcerous and excessively granulating wound.
You begun first with what your ulcerous flesh, If I be not deceiv'd, infected is.
Typhus abdominalis is a form of disease which requires the most careful dietetic treatment, since it combines high fever, which lasts for several weeks, with a severe ulcerous process in the small and large intestines.
Nutrition is seriously hampered by the long duration of the illness, usually considerable lack of appetite and the absolute necessity of nursing the ulcerous intestines in the most studiously careful way.