In some parts contiguous to these pustules lay ulcerations somewhat extensive, which seemed to be the result of the softening of the pustules which had preceded them.
About the third period, the injection is sometimes general, especially near the rectum; but in the fourth and last period we often meet with ulcerations which are smaller in the upper part, larger and deeper about the lower or rectal part.
Ulcerations in this region are rare, except as direct extensions of ulceration above the cord.
Erosions and ulcerations which follow the stagnation esophagitis increase the cicatricial stenosis in their healing.
Two scars from healed ulcerations are seen in perspective on the anterior wall.
Fungating ulcerations may in some cases be made to cicatrize by superficial cauterization.
They grow larger and become papillomatous, with superficial ulcerations and a tendency toward hemorrhage.
If calves are allowed to suckle the cows the pustules become confluent, and the ulcerations may extend up into the teat, causing garget and ruining the whole quarter of the udder.
The ulcerations may remain limited by cicatricial tissue, but it is more likely that the infiltration and destruction of tissue will spread out wider and deeper until a rodent ulcer (so called) is formed.
Deeply burrowing and infiltrating forms which appear as lumps and ulcerations cause marked disfiguration of the affected part.
Syphilitic and other ulcerations may so destroy the tissues as to form a urinary fistula.
If the eruption has been excessive or confluent, the ulcerations may act as irritants and render the animal unfit for use for several weeks.
If this is not done, erosions and ulcerations of the throat ensue, and this again is prone to be followed by constriction (narrowing) of the gullet.
Certain germs may produce ulcers, as the glanders bacilli, which cause the ulcerations on the nasal septum in glanders.
Cullen; who for this purpose recommends the juice of the Erysimum to be mixed with an euqal quantity of honey and sugar; in this way also it is said to be an useful remedy in ulcerations of the mouth and throat.
The leaves have a bitterish astringent taste, and are recommended in powder, to the extent of at least two drams a-day, in ulcerations of the urinary passages and catarrhus vesicae.
I have lately seen some very tedious and troublesome Disorders and Ulcerations of the Kidnies, ensue the Application of a corrosive Water, by the Advice of a Quack.
Repeated attacks of acute inflammation occur, of greater or lesser intensity, and the uratic deposits attain a considerable size, occasionally forming abscesses or ulcerations in the overlying skin.
The size varies from a small ulcer less than one centimeter in diameter, sometimes found with varicose veins, to the large ulcerations which surround the leg and are called annular ulcers.
Fijians were admitted for ulcerations of strumous origin.
Strumous ulcerations of the limbs are the commonest diseases in Fiji.
The morbid anatomy was the same as at Glasgow--congestions, numerous small ulcerationsespecially of the transverse colon, or sloughing of considerable portions of the mucous membrane.
Although Dr Hewett, in 1826, identified his cases with the dothienenterite of Bretonneau, yet neither he nor Dr Bright took the abdominal ulcerations or sloughs as distinctive of a new kind of fever.
In some cases there were ulcerations which almost penetrated the coats.
At the same time some cases of smallpox, with miliary eruption, also had ulcerations of the stomach, with inflammatory spots on other parts of it and of the intestine, the mesenteric glands being enlarged and hard.
Many other children had these ulcerations behind the ears, sometimes with swelling of the parotid and sublingual glands.
Some were spread over with a kind of little millets, similar to that in the miliary fevers, and which scaled off the skin the sixth or seventh day; in which cases the ulcerations were very slight, as also all other symptoms of malignancy.
Hippocrates advised it with honey for "ulcerations of the lungs.
Aphthous ulcerations in the glands of the small intestines are also symptoms of the presence of antimony—there were none in this case.
Aphthous ulcerations are not often observed in cases of poisoning by antimony.
In 1853 Charcot reported the birth of a premature fetus presenting numerous variolous pustules together with ulcerations of the derm and mucous membranes and stomach, although the mother had convalesced of the disease some time before.
He also states that in these cases the ulcerations of the anus were contemporaneous with similar ulcerations of the mouth; their coexistence and the exact similarity of their appearance left little doubt as to their identity.
A fact to which special attention should be directed here is that small ulcerations may exist in the sinuses of Morgagni.
Use as astringent in sore throat, relaxed uvula, and ulcerations of mouth.
The animal exhibits heat and restlessness, and ulcerations of different kinds appear in various parts, superficial but extensive.
In inflammatory sore throat, ulcerations of the mouth, scarlet fever, &c.
In sore nipples, ulcerations of the breast, tetters, &c.
A superficial circumscribed glossitis attending the localulcerations of syphilis, tubercle, and epithelioma is differentiated by the clinical history of the case.
When large or extensiveulcerations have cicatrized they occasion symptoms of organic stricture.
Inflammation of the interior of the mouth, usually unilateral, eventuating in multiple ulcerations of the mucous membrane.
For some indeterminate reason, the ulcerations are mostly unilateral, and occur much the more frequently on the left side.
In the confluent form of the disease the aphthae are much more numerous, and the individual ulcerations run into each other; coalescing into elongated ulcers, especially upon the lower lip and at the tip of the tongue.
The excoriations and superficial ulcerations are most frequently due to disturbance of nutrition by pressure.
The situation of follicular ulcerations is almost always in the large intestine, and they vary considerably in number: sometimes only a few follicles are thus affected, while in other cases the bowel is crowded with them.
Sometimes labial herpes or similarulcerations follow, which are likewise sore and painful.
But it is a matter of surprise that Stoll (1780) was able to declare as the result of autopsies made by himself that, although the colon is thickened and inflamed, ulcerations in dysenteries are very rare.
Ulcerations of cartilages, contractions of tendons, atrophies of muscles with subluxations of joints, are more common in rheumatoid arthritis than in gout.
In certain rare cases of mono-articular acute arthritis true ulcerations of the cartilage are observed.
The affected areas became deep red, then violacious in color; and in many instances ulcerations and necrosis (breakdown of tissue) followed.
At the same time, similarulcerations were observed in the larynx, bowels, and in females, the gentalia.
The ulcerations may be touched with a little honey or borax; and if they assume a dark colour, or there be much debility, astringents and tonics should be had recourse to.
Sooner or later, in most instances of the severe form of this disease, emboli from the ulcerations in the heart reach the different organs of the body, and of course the symptoms will depend on the place in which the emboli locate.
In the malignant form the infection is probably more serious or the infective germs are more active, the ulcerations deeper, and the likelihood of emboli and the seriousness of such embolic infarcts more serious and more dangerous.
Occasionally the ulcerations become serious, and ulcerative endocarditis or malignant endocarditis develops on the mild inflammation.
External ulcerations should be washed twice a day with Pyroligneous acid, 2 ounces.
As soon as the ulcerations assume a healthy appearance, touch them with Turlington's balsam or tincture of gum catechu.
A strong infusion of this herb makes a valuable application for eruptions and ulcerations of the mouth.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ulcerations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.