Defn: A segmental tubule; one of the tubules of the primitive urinogenital organs; a segmental organ.
Malhighian capsules or corpuscles, the globular dilatations, containing the glomeruli or Malpighian tufts, at the extremities of the urinary tubules of the kidney.
Defn: A minute tube lined with glandular epithelium; as, the uriniferous tubules of the kidney.
Defn: A small mass of tubules near the ovary in some animals, and corresponding with the parepididymis of the male.
The kidney tubules subserve the excretory function in two different ways.
In the case of Amia they open into the tubules or even directly into the mesonephric duct.
The primary tubules of this region of the kidney have undergone a modification of high morphological interest.
A small mass of tubules near the ovary in some animals, and corresponding with the parepididymis of the male.
A segmental tubule; one of thetubules of the primitive urinogenital organs; a segmental organ.
This is quite a robust species, both externally and in the broad, flat tubules of the capillitium.
This order is readily recognized by the spiral ridges which wind around the tubulesof the capillitium.
Capillitium of tubules forming a loose net-work, bearing large, irregular, white nodules of lime, which are sometimes confluent in the axis of the sporangium.
Tubules of the capillitium having the granules of lime in them aggregated into roundish or angular nodules, with intervening empty spaces.
Capillitium of tubules forming a net-work of irregular meshes, more or less expanded at the angles, the tubules containing in greater or less abundance irregular nodules of lime.
Capillitium of tubules forming a loose, irregular net-work, bearing large, violet-red nodules of lime which are often confluent in the axis of the sporangium.
The tubules appear as an interwoven fibrous stratum upon the inner membrane; they send long slender branched extremities inward among the spores.
Capillitium of thick tubules, forming a loose net-work of rather small meshes, with wide expansions at the angles; the tubules filled with white granules of lime, sometimes confluent toward the base of the sporangium.
He attributes in many cases the atrophy of the tubulesto an increase in the connective tissue of the mucous membrane, and draws a comparison between atrophy of the stomach and the atrophic form of chronic Bright's disease.
These new-formed tubules are lined by clear cylindrical or cutical epithelial cells, and may undergo cystic dilatation.
As the alterations in the structure of the kidneys progress, fatty epithelium is cast off, and thus the tubules come finally to be much obstructed and the function of the organ seriously impaired.
Surrounding these tubules are groups of spheroid or slightly ovoid spores from five to four millimeters in diameter.
The kidneys are large and pale; the cortical substance is relatively increased and the tubules contain granular epithelium.
The origin of cylindrical epithelioma from the gastric tubulesis generally accepted, and is more readily demonstrable than the similar origin claimed for the other forms of gastric cancer.
The kidneys are congested, sometimes enlarged, and the tubules devoid of epithelium.
The mouths of the gastric tubules become blocked up, while deeper parts are dilated into cysts; and at times they are atrophied or filled with granular fatty matter.
The gastric tubules are separated from each other and compressed by infiltrated blood, and contain cells which do not stain.
In the case reported by Nothnagel tubules could be found only in the pyloric region of the stomach.
These tubules are filled with link-like groups of elongated cells in compartments, giving them an appearance of regular constriction at the junctions of adjoining groups of cells.
When taken up by mosquitoes they differ from Filaria bancrofti in that they undergo their development in the Malpighian tubulesrather than in the thoracic muscles.
These intracellular forms multiply by ordinary fission in the cells of the Malpighian tubules and gonads.
The cæcal tubes are extensions of the mesenteron, the Malpighian tubules of the proctodæum.
The contents of the Malpighian tubulesmay be examined by crushing the part in a drop of dilute acetic acid, or in dilute sulphuric acid (10 per cent.
The tubules appear transparent or yellow-white, according as they are empty or full; sometimes they are beaded or varicose; in other cases, one half is coloured and the other clear.
Development shows that these tubules belong to the proctodæum, and not to the mesenteron.
The Malpighian tubules mark the beginning of the small intestine, to which they properly belong.
Such a flow of air along innumerable tubules might well suffice for the respiratory needs of the Cockroach.
The murexide reaction does not give satisfactory indications with the tubules of the Cockroach.
The Malpighian tubules develop as diverticula from the proctodæum, which is an invagination of the outer integument and its morphological equivalent.
In late October spermiogenesis is essentially complete and the tubules are relatively empty before the snakes hibernate.
In racers recently emerged from hibernation he found the seminiferous tubulesfilled with Sertoli syncytium, but containing few germ cells.
During the season of activity the seminiferous tubules increase to approximately double their minimum diameter, reaching the maximum in August.
The urinary tubules are excretory organs which carry off, in solution, the waste products of the flea’s body.
These tubules answer to the kidneys of the higher vertebrate.
The functional independence between the interstitial cells and the seminal tubules is shown by the fact that if the vasa deferentia are closed the seminal gland (i.
Later on the hairs and the sebaceous glands entirely disappear, and the milk gland alone is left with its tubules and ducts opening into the cavity of the teat.
These branches are thetubules of the future milk gland.
In one part of this organ the tubules were larger than elsewhere, and one of them exhibited spermatogenesis in progress.
The genital ridge runs along the inner edge of the mesonephros, with which the testicular tubules become connected.
When it succeeded, however, degeneration of the seminal tubules took place, with increase of the interstitial or Leydig's cells.
It consists of an inflammation, involving the air cells and smallest air tubules of the lungs; in other words, it is an inflammation of the substance or tissues of the lungs.
I also think that the paired appendages which have left the pronephric tubules as signs of their past existence, existed originally, in the invertebrate stage, on every segment of the body.
I have not succeeded in tracing it through this layer with any more success than in the corresponding case of the tubules belonging to the smaller goblets of the branchial sense-organ of Limulus already described.
Tubules with funnels which open into the pericardial coelom.
In this supposition Boveri is right, in so far that both pronephros and the tubules in Amphioxus belong to the same system of excretory organs; but I entirely agree with van Wijhe that the region in Amphioxus is wrong.
The recent observations of Brauer on the excretory organs of the Gymnophiona throw great doubt on the existence of mesonephric and pronephric tubules in the same segment.
The development of the mesonephridian tubules is subject to considerable variations.
Early development of the Wolffian duct and anterior Wolffian tubules in the Chick; with some remarks on the vertebrate excretory system.
In Mammalia the segmental tubules (Egli) are formed as solid masses in the same situation as in Birds and Reptiles.
The most important of the former is the fact that the glandular tubules of which it is formed are always outgrowths of the segmental duct; while in the mesonephros they are always or almost always[263] formed independently of the duct.
In the case of the remaining tubules developed from the S-shaped cords the attachment to the peritoneal epithelium is very soon lost.
They soon become oval vesicles, which develop into complete tubulesin the manner already indicated.
In the Chick the mode of development of this mass into the segmental tubules is different in the regions in front of and behind about the sixteenth segment.
Secondary and tertiary segmental tubules are formed in the Chick, on the dorsal side of the primary tubules, as direct differentiations of the mesoblast.
The duct which receives the secretion of the anterior mesonephrictubules is the true mesonephric or Wolffian duct.
Amongst the Anura the connection of the testis with the tubules of the Wolffian body is subject to considerable variations.
The horn tubulesof the frog are sinuous in their course.
The papillæ of the coronary cushion secrete the horn tubules forming the wall, and the papillæ of the perioplic ring secrete the varnish-like veneer of thin horn covering the outside surface of the hoof.
To the left are seen, again, the horn tubulesof the wall, and to the centre the horny laminæ.
This is accounted for by the fact that in the horn of the frog there is a large amount of intertubular material, this having the effect of frequently turning the horn tubulesfrom the straight.
To the extreme right of the figure are seen the horn tubules of the sole.
There remains now but to notice the arrangement of the horn tubules in the frog.
In it the parallel dark striæ are the horn tubulesin longitudinal section.
As the diagram shows, they contain regularly arranged horntubules cut across obliquely.
To the left of this picture we find the horn tubules cut across, and standing out as so many concentrically ringed circles.
Pseudo-columellae present at least in many of the tubules 2.
The nodules, however, are not large; they are rounded and connected here and there by the ordinary retal tubulescharacteristic of a physarum.
The tubules are shorter than in either of the preceding species; the spores are darker, larger, and more thoroughly reticulate.
The pieces of the skeleton of these Dictyochida never assume the form of slender, cylindrical, tangential tubules which is characteristic of the Cannobelida.
The lesions in the tubules and in the glomeruli are not generally uniform.
Scattered small cysts are met with in chronic Bright's disease and in granular contracted kidney, where the dilatation of tubules reaches a high degree.
Such tubules as remain are dilated, and the epithelium lining them is altered, the cells becoming hyaline and losing their structure.
The epithelium of the convoluted tubules undergoes degeneration; considerable quantities of it are shed, and form the well-known casts in the urine.
The cystic degeneration is caused by obstruction of the uriniferous tubules or by anomalies in development, with persistence of portions of the Wolffian body.
The tubules become blocked by the epithelium, and distended with the pent-up urine; this is one cause of the increase in size that the kidneys undergo in certain forms of Bright's disease.
In the kidney also, repair mainly takes place by cicatricial tissue, and although a few collecting tubulesmay be reformed, no regeneration of secreting tissue takes place.
From the capsules, the excretion passes through the tubules into the pelvis, and on through the ureters to the bladder.
But the delicate epithelial walls of the tubules through which it passes permit the inflow of urea and other waste products from the surrounding capillaries.
Outer umbilical mouth of the tubules somewhat wider than the inner truncated mouth.
Besides these modifications, the pores may be prolonged into tubules which are directed radially towards the outside (rarely towards the inside) of the sphere.
Intervals between the tubules larger than their length, which surpasses the radius of the shell.
Shell subspherical or irregular rounded, occupied by a small number (six to twelve) of large funnel-like tubules of very different size, scattered irregularly at great distances.
The genus Pharyngosphaera differs from Collosphaera by the development of radialtubules on the inside of the shell, which are directed centripetally towards its centre.
Length of the tubules equal to their breadth and to the intervals between them.
Shell a regular or subregular sphere, occupied by numerous broad cup-like tubules of very different sizes.
Similar tubules occur also in some genera of solitary Ethmosphaerida (Coscinomma, Ethmosphaera, Conosphaera, &c.
These occur as well on the inside as on the outside of the shell, and the tubules are now more conical, now more cylindrical; their wall either solid or pierced by pores (Pls.
Besides the tubules of the fenestrated shells, in some genera of Collosphaerida the surface is armed with irregular thorns, rarely with more regular radial spines.
Diameter of the tubules about one-eighth that of the shell, three to four times as large as the length of the tubules, and the distance apart of their bases.
Ten to twelve tubules in the half meridian of the shell.
Tubules three to six times as broad as the pores, about as long as broad, now quite cylindrical, now somewhat dilated at the outer opening.
There is a relationship almost positive between the size of the tubules of the cauda epididymis and the length of the testes.
In the walls of the seminiferous tubules the spermatozoa are formed.
The cells lining thesetubules are of several different kinds (although in childhood they are not differentiated as they are after the puberal development has taken place).
Secondary spermatocytes are still evident near the periphery of the tubules but they are much less numerous than spermatids.
The seminiferous tubules of immature males are small, lack lumina, and contain a few large but inactive spermatogonia (Pl.
A few spermatozoa and spermatids remain in the seminiferous tubules during hibernation.
Primary spermatocytes appear in the tubules from mid-May to early June.
Sternotherus, Terrapene, and Thamnophis are alike in completing spermatogenesis late in the season and storing spermatozoa, in the seminiferoustubules or in the epididymides, during hibernation.
Nuclei of Sertoli cells, which outnumber the spermatogonia, are evident at the periphery of the tubules and the clear cytoplasm of the cells extends into and nearly fills the lumina.
The excretory organs consist of a series of tubules in the region of the pharynx, connecting the body-cavity with the atrium.
The larva of six weeks suggests the outline of the mature fish; head and sides show the various openings of the tubules of the insunken sensory canals; and the archipterygium of the pectoral fin is well defined.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tubules" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.