On the fifth day the wounds of the extremities suppurated, and on the eighth, that in the hypochondre was perfectly healed.
A thousand years before the Christian era, there were, at the two extremities of Egypt, temples devoted to Saturn, to which those labouring under hypochondriasis resorted in quest of relief.
The medical witnesses, who examined the body soon after its discovery, stated that they found it cold, and the extremities rigid, from which they inferred that the deceased had been dead eight or ten hours.
The wounds in the extremities were treated with fresh oil of sweet almonds and bread and milk poultices, renewed several times a day.
The extremities of both feet touched the carpet of the room, the point of suspension being about six feet and a half from the floor; the heels were elevated, and the knees half bent.
It remained in this situation a short time, feeling about with the extremities of its wings, as if to be convinced whether this business was properly executed, and then dropped into the nest again.
Light-houses were built at the extremitiesof these piers.
Were it not at one of the extremities of the world, it should be visited by every one.
After surveying the northern extremities of Santa Cruz, without any result so far as the object of his expedition was concerned, D'Entrecasteaux directed his course to De Surville's Land of the Arsacides.
The extremities of the branches intended to be dwarfed are always pulled off, which precludes the possibility of their growing tall, and forces them to throw out shoots and lateral branches.
There are above twenty nations which bear the name of Aquitani, small and obscure, the major part of them dwelling by the ocean, and the remainder in the interior and by the extremities of the Cevennes, as far as the Tectosages.
Between this coast, where the Guadalquiver and Guadiana discharge themselves, and the extremities of Maurusia, the Atlantic Ocean forms the strait at the Pillars [of Hercules] by which it is connected with the Mediterranean.
These narrowed extremities of the continent are, Spain on the west, terminated by Cape St. Vincent, and on the east the peninsula of India, terminated by Cape Comorin.
These lines being produced east and west to the opposite extremities of the habitable earth, form, when joined by the perpendiculars falling from their extremities, a kind of parallelogram.
For the habitable earth is bounded to the west by two continents, namely, the extremities of Europe and Libya,[982] which are inhabited respectively by the Iberians and the Maurusians.
The remaining portion forms an obtuse angle towards the east as far as the extremities of the Pyrenees which terminate at the ocean.
The people refused compliance; the duke had recourse to his usual expedient of the gibbet; and thus matters came still nearer the last, extremities between the Flemings and the Spaniards.
This article, indeed, was the most heavy, and the only one that could fully justify the queen in proceeding to extremities against her.
The extremitiesshe exhibited were not prepossessing.
Dolly's short skirt revealed nether extremities which would have done great credit to Barnum's fat lady or a baby grand piano!
When the month of Ramadan happens in the extremities of the seasons, the prescribed abstinence is almost intolerable, and is more severe than the practice of any moral duty, even to the most vicious and depraved of mankind.
His successor imitated his wise and generous course; and thus knowledge extended from the capital to the most distant extremities of the empire.
It is the only expedient that you still have, if you seek your happiness solely in the brilliancy of a diplomatic career; and it is not our intention to exclude you from it, for we do not wish to drive you to extremities unnecessarily.
Youatt has remarked that at the present day, whenever cattle of the shorthorn breed are white, the extremities of their ears are more or less tinged with red.
On the inheritance of other anomalies in the extremities see Dr.
These latter bones in the Call duck are short, and a line drawn from their extremities to the summit of the skull is nearly straight, instead of being concave as in the common duck; so that the skull resembles that of a small goose.
In the bones of the extremities I could detect no difference, except in their proportional lengths; for instance, the metatarsus in a Pouter was 1.
The extremities of the furculum, where articulated to the coracoids, vary considerably in outline.
The observer who gives this account remarked that the lower extremities were in no instance affected.
If the extremities of a Cross are cut off to points, it is “pointed,” as in No.
These spirits are in an instant conveyed to the very extremities of the members.
All these vertebrae have in the middle a gutter or channel, that serves to convey a continuation of the substance of the brain to the extremities of the body, and with speed to send thither spirits through that pipe.
Then those whose territory lay at the extremities began to feel the disadvantages of their isolated position, and after one or two victories gave up all hope of ever establishing a supremacy over the whole country.
His two principal adversaries, Nurrammân and Amika, had eluded him, and still preserved their independence at the eastern extremities of their former states.
It had six spokes: two of them were made of the same piece of wood as the nave, and their extremities formed part of the rim; the other four, two on each side, connected the fellies with the central piece.
They all consist of the articulate extremities of the long bones of some large bovine animals, with the exception of two, one of which was the thick end of a scapula and the other a cervical vertebra.
Their lower extremities almost always bore cutting marks, which could only be made by metal tools.
Both at Lochlee and Lochspouts the piles were found to be tightly embraced at their lowerextremities by a curiously constructed network of transverse beams.
From among these embers some large prepared beams, also partially burnt, were disinterred, two of which terminated in round tenons, having at a little distance from their extremities a raised head or flange.
By means of a series of painless manipulations through the abdominal wall of the mother, the head, the body, and the extremities of the child may be mapped out, and the conclusions verified by locating the fetal heart-sounds.
You are too absolute; Though therein you can never be too noble But when extremities speak.
Christian symbols, and when in our ornamentation of ecclesiastical properties we omit the circle we as often as not make the cross itself wheel-like by rounding the extremities and widening them till they nearly meet.
A coin issued during the reign of Constantine the Great in the name of his son Constantine, has upon its reverse a cross of four equal arms, the extremities of which are rounded.
The duller extremities of the hair, which a sadder liquid than that which now dropped from her eyes and rendered stiff and difficult to entwine with the warp of the silk, seemed to adhere to her fingers.
This was readily done, the men having only to take up the extremities of the plaid on to the boat.
A person who places a finger of each hand upon the extremities of the string, witnesses the recording of his own heart beats.
Upon the spindle connecting these two parts of the mechanism was a small wing-piece L, one of the extremities of which rested upon a vertical spindle E connected with an electro-magnet F.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "extremities" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.