It must not be confounded with the real pegmatite, generally destitute of mica, or with the geographic stones (piedras mapajas) of the Orinoco, which contain streaks of dark green mica irregularly disposed.
The shell shaped scallop buttonhole irregularly long and short on the inside.
Its woody structure was that of a ring, in some cases irregularly broken up into crescent-shaped bundles.
Judging from one of the specimens, this calyx appears to have consisted of five pieces, which united in a central stem, and were traversed by broad irregularly diverging striæ.
Bark of the trunk smooth, light gray slightly tinged with red, the outer layer falling away in large irregularly shaped patches displaying the smooth gray inner bark.
Bark of the trunk about 1/16' thick, with a smooth dark brown surface covered with large irregularly shaped pale blotches and numerous small white spots.
Bark 1/8' thick, with a smooth light gray surface irregularly broken by small appressed plate-like scales.
Coenosteum massive, irregular in form; pores scattered irregularly or in cyclosystems, without styles, with transverse tabulae; free medusae.
Coryne and Cordylophora the tentacles are scattered irregularly over the elongated hydranth.
The eggs are four, pointed, white or with a bluish tinge, and speckled irregularly with deep brown, the spots being closer and sometimes confluent at the broad end.
The nest is made on the round, or in a close bush near the surface; the eggs have a pale bluish ground-colour, irregularly marked with black and very dark brown spots, and in some instances clouded with faint grey.
The nest is composed chiefly of feathers and contains four eggs, creamy white, with a few very minute red spots, irregularly distributed.
Semi-Double—only slightly double, with a few petals irregularly disposed behind the single.
In this country it assumes the shape of an open bush of about 6 feet in height, but is usually of untidy appearance from the branches being irregularly disposed.
In this species the leaves are lobed and irregularly toothed, while the flowers are yellow, or slightly reddish-tinted.
Aquifolium Lawsoniana, with ovate, flat, almost spineless leaves, heavily and irregularly blotched with yellow in the centre.
The leaves are irregularly pinnate, and the minute flowers, which are borne in large, branching spikes, are of a peculiar dark purple colour.
This type of difference is exemplified in the work of longshoremen and lumbermen; some men being engaged on one type of work are employed regularly, while men engaged on other jobs are employed irregularly or casually.
The exterior of the Cimborio, as well as of the church, owes much of the picturesqueness which marks it to the fact that the brickwork is everywhere very roughly and irregularly executed.
I am not aware of the cause of this phenomenon, for it takes place not when we stand with our backs to the sun, but in clouds near the sun itself, irregularly and over indefinite spaces, sometimes taking place in the body of the cloud.
The fore wings are marked by a straight incomplete median band, and the hind wings by an irregularly curved median band or line.
Reddish-brown or gray, irregularly mottled and striped with black, the abdominal segments slaty-gray, marked with black on the edges where the short angular projections are located.
This line is repeated on the hind wing as an irregularly curved median line.
The division between the dark and light shades is irregular and very sharply defined, often indicated by a more or less perfect irregularly curved median white line.
On the under side the median band of the secondaries is narrower and more irregularly curved than in ridingsi, with the dentations of the outer margin more sharply produced.
The trees were tall, large, and so free from underbrush, that they resembled vast columns, irregularly scattered, upholding a dome of leaves.
It will be remembered that the lake was anirregularly shaped basin, of an outline that, in the main, was oval, but with bays and points to relieve its formality and ornament its shores.
Great undulations of harvest-laden fields rolled irregularlyon all sides.
Let them go to the Pen and Hand, or some other pigsty where they can be irregularly and illegally married for eighteenpence and a glass of rum.
Most of them will find the allowance made to them by their husbands insufficient or irregularly paid.
At first one may see a narrow funnel of white light projected against the top of the globe, where it produces an irregularly outlined phosphorescent patch.
The propriety, however, of acting upon these old enactments was now doubted, as they had been so long overlooked or irregularly executed; and hence the declaratory Act of the 48th of George III.
On the head from the nose up to between the eyes they are flat, irregularly cut, closely joined and adhere completely to the skull.
The eggs of this species vary from two to five and are usually somewhat blotched or irregularly marked with chocolate brown on a dull white background.
The upper part of the body in its whole length is azure, and the lower parts are of a golden hue, mottled irregularly with deep-blue spots.
Their quarter is full of crooked little streets and irregularly shaped open places, the houses are not high, the windows are small and old fashioned, and the entrances dark and low.