The plebeians had now returned to the city, headed by their ten tribunes, a number which was never again altered so long as the tribunate continued in existence.
It then as usual repaid its latest by inflicting a gentle blow on its earlier benefactor, declining to reëlect him when he stood for the third time as a candidate for the tribunate for the year B.
Thus there remained excluded the military tribunate with consular powers (II.
Throwing Open of Marriage and of Magistracies) the proconsulship, the quaestorship, the tribunate of the people, and several others.
The speeches delivered at the last sitting of the Tribunateare remarkable.
On the 31st of December the Tribunate was assembled, and Fabre de l’Aude, the President, announced the return of a deputation which had been sent to the Emperor.
The Tribunate had been considerably lessened in number under the Consulate.
The Emperor bestowed eight on the city of Paris, eight on the Tribunate, and fifty-four on the Senate; the entire Tribunatewas to present the latter.
And yet this very Tribunate was a source of anxiety to the Emperor, because it contained in itself a semblance of liberty; and he subsequently abolished it in order to consolidate his despotic power, even in the smallest outward signs.
As early as the first tribunate of Saturninus his armed bands had their skirmishes with the equites; the vehement opposition which his election as tribune for 654 encountered shows clearly how small was the party favourable to him.
Weakening of the Tribunate of the People The supreme magistrates of the state were at this period practically the three colleges of the tribunes of the people, the consuls and praetors, and the censors.
It is not possible to distinguish exactly what belongs to the first and what to the second tribunate of Saturninus; the more especially, as in both he evidently followed out the same Gracchan tendencies.
The circumstance, that the sums paid back to the treasury in consequence of the verdicts as to the embezzlement of the Tolosan booty were claimed by Saturninus in his second tribunate for his schemes of colonization (De Viris Ill.
Towards the end of his second tribunate (632) Gracchus, probably urged by obligations which he had undertaken towards the allies, ventured on a second attempt.
The Tribunateof the People As an Instrument of Government Chapter VIII 1.
The new constitution of France also adopted the Legislative Body and the Tribunate proposed by the Abbé Siêyes.
He therefore proposed that theTribunate should transmit to the Conservative Senate a resolution, requesting the Senate to consider the manner of bestowing on Napoleon Buonaparte a splendid mark of the national gratitude.
The majesty of the tribunate in his person had been outraged by Annius.
It was the business of the tribunate of Carbo to remove both these hindrances to popular power.
Tiberius was deposing the remaining tribunes from office; he was appointing himself to a further tribunatewithout the formalities of election.
Many were touched; to some the tribunate of Gracchus seemed like a rift in a dark cloud of oppression which would close around them at his fall, and their hearts sank at the thought of a renewed triumph of the nobility.
Men rose in the assembly, and shouted out that immediate re-election to the tribunate was forbidden by the law.
Carbo's second proposal, that immediate and indefinite re-election to the tribunateshould be permitted, was not recommended on the same grounds of precedent or reason.
The Tribunate pleased Bonaparte better in the great question of the Consulate for life, because he had taken the precaution of removing such members as were most opposed to the encroachments of his ambition.
The omission of the Tribunate in this enumeration is somewhat remarkable.
The Tribunate having adopted the proposition of Curee, there was no longer any motive for concealing the overtures of the Senate.
Write to Maret to make him erase from the note which Fleurieu has read to the Tribunate the phrase (spelt frase) concerning Costaz, and to soften as much as possible what concerns the reporter of the Tribunate.
The Tribunateunder this Constitution of the year VIII.
In conformity with the usual form, the proposition of the Tribunate was transmitted to the Senate.
The Tribunate resolved that a marked proof of the national gratitude should be offered to the First Consul, and the resolution was transmitted to the Senate.
The Tribunate having adopted the indefinite proposition of offering to the First Consul a marked proof of the national gratitude, it now only remained to determine what that proof should be.
To these and many other fine things the Consul replied, "This testimony of the affection of the Tribunate is gratifying to the Government.
But in yielding to necessity, the mere idea of the Tribunate filled him with the utmost uneasiness; and, in a word, Bonaparte could not endure the public discussions on his projects.
He reports to Cicero[123] that Clodius's main object in running for the tribunate is to repeal the legislation of Cæsar.
Curio is a candidate for the tribunate for the following year, and in it we find a keen analysis of the situation, and an interesting, though tantaizingly brief, estimate of his character.
For the same reasons the tribunate will also be laid aside, and His Majesty will rule the French Empire, with the assistance of his Senate, and with the advice of his Council of State, exclusively.
The character of the tribunate and the basis of its power reveal it as the result of a revolutionary movement and as existing in defiance of the patricians.
The epoch between the tribunate of Tiberius Gracchus and the death of Sulla revealed the incapacity of either the Senate or the tribunes and the Assembly to give a peaceful and stable government to the Roman state.
The tribunate was not considered as one of the regular magistracies, and the censorship, according to the custom previously established, followed the consulship.
But before this proposal could be presented to the Comitia, the elections to the tribunate for 132 fell due.
The chief weapon of the tribunes, their right of veto, which had been instituted as a check upon the power of the Senate and the magistrates, became an instrument whereby the Senate bridled the tribunate itself.
The Sullan regime was at an end, and in the tribunate emancipated from the Senate's control the ambitious general of the future was to find his most valuable ally.
The activity of Caius in supervising the execution of his legislation made him the leading figure in the government, and he was re-elected to the tribunate for 122 B.
Against this view, besides the existence of another explanation equally old which has been adopted above, it may be urged that although the military tribunate first appeared in 436 B.
Development of the tribunate and the comitia tributa.
The Government thereupon refused to send to the Tribunate any important measures, but merely flung them a mass of petty details to discuss, as "bones to gnaw" until the time for the renewal by lot of a fifth of its members should come round.
One of the most gifted of the new tribunes, Benjamin Constant, the friend of Madame de Staël, eloquently pleaded against this policy of distrust which would reduce the Tribunate to a silence that would be heard by Europe.
The question was left undecided, in order that the Senate might forthwith declare in favour of its own right to determine every year not only the elections to, but the exclusions from, the Tribunate and the Corps Législatif.
This device, which avoided the necessity of passing a law through two less subservient bodies, the Tribunateand Corps Législatif, was forthwith approved by the guardians of the constitution.
We need not credit Bonaparte or the orators of the Tribunate with any superhuman sagacity when he and they foresaw that such an order would prepare the way for more resplendent titles.
The Tribunate named a commission to report; it was favourable to the Bonapartes.
For the decree, passed the Tribunate on the 3d of May, and carried up to the Conservative Senate on the following day, see Annual Register, vol.
The Senate, to whom the Tribunate hastened to present their project of establishing despotism under its own undisguised title, hastened to form a senatus consultum, which established the new constitution of France.
He reminded the Tribunate that Domitian had been the son of the wise Vespasian, Caligula of Germanicus, and Commodus of Marcus Aurelius.
When, in 1807, theTribunate was dissolved, he was appointed a member of the Conservative Senate.
The sagacious and energetic Curio, who after resigning his tribunate (10 Dec.
Debates as to the Recall of Caesar and Pompeius Curio had in the first months of his tribunate of the people played the independent republican, and had as such thundered both against Caesar and against Pompeius.
The authority of Antias is refuted by the plebeian tribunate of Marcus Naevius, against whom there is extant a speech signed by Publius Africanus.
Thus it appears that he was living in the tribunate of Marcus Naevius, and might have been prosecuted by him; but that he died before the censorship of Lucius Valerius and Marcus Porcius.
Early in the reign of Claudius the post of praefectus alae disappeared from the career of the primipili, who were promoted henceforward to the tribunate of one of the cohorts of Household Troops at Rome.
Commencement of the disturbances under the tribunate of Tib.
His turbulent tribunate is recorded by Dion Cassius (42.
He found in the tribunate an office from which to work against the Senate.
To avoid impeachment Tiberius sought reelection to the tribunatefor the following year.
From lists selected by general election, the Senate was to designate a Tribunateand a Legislative Body.
The Tribunate was to discuss the laws without voting on them.
On the day when the signal of opposition was exhibited in the tribunate by my friend, I had invited several persons whose society I was fond of, but all of whom were attached to the new government.
Paris in 1801 The opposition in the tribunate still continued; that is to say, about twenty members out of a hundred, tried to speak out against the measures of every kind, with which tyranny was preparing.
The friends of liberty in the tribunate were still endeavouring to struggle against the constantly increasing power of the first consul; but they had not then the advantage of being seconded by public opinion.
The Senate was the guardian and preserver of the constitution; in addition to its role of grand electeur, its chief function was to annul laws and acts submitted to it by the Tribunate as being unconstitutional.
It was this body which really prepared and discussed the laws; and it was its members who advocated them before the Corps Legislatif, to which the Tribunate also sent orators to speak on its behalf.
Cæsar had declared at the Rubicon that the Tribunate had been violated in the person of Antony.
He tells us, by no means with approbation, how the Tribunate was established, and then, alas!