This points to the identity of Helvius Cinna the tribunewith Helvius Cinna the poet.
The last three writers mentioned above add that he was a tribune of the people, while Plutarch, referring to the affair, gives the further information that the Cinna who was killed by the mob was a poet.
Such discussions are not the province of a novelist, and may all be found in the files of the Tribune at the State Library.
The State Tribune of Mr. Peter Pardriff, who had stood so staunchly for Mr. Crewe and better things?
The State Tribune itself seemed to be especially interested in the past careers of the twenty signers.
The Tribune could not account for this phenomenon by any natural laws, and was forced to believe that the thing was a miracle--in which case it behooved the Northeastern Railroads to read the handwriting on the wall.
The Tribune modestly ventured the theory that Mr. Crewe had appeared to each of the twenty in a dream, with a flaming sword pointing to the steam of the dragon's breath.
Could this be the State Tribune he held in his hand?
Bob, take that down for the Press and Tribune as coming from a rising young politician of St. Louis.
And the Tribune was prepared to state; on its own authority, that a Mr. Humphrey Crewe did exist, and might reluctantly consent to take the nomination for the governorship.
Judge Bass was found by a Tribune reporter in the familiar Throne Room at the Pelican, but, as usual, he could not be induced to talk for publication.
In spite of the strange omission of the State Tribune to print his speech and to give his victory in the matter of the Pingsquit bill proper recognition, Mr. Crewe was too big a man to stop his subscription to the paper.
The carriage was preceded by the Kingston Brass Band, producing throbbing martial melodies, and followed (we are not going to believe the State Tribune any longer) by a jostling' and cheering crowd.
The State Tribune gave column reports of the hearings, and little editorial pushes besides.
After having the command of a cohort, they were promoted to a wing of auxiliary horse, and subsequently received the commission of tribune of a legion.
Again she made an effort, but again her resolution abandoned her; when a tribune burst into the gardens, and plunging his sword into her body, she instantly expired.
In 584 the lagoon folk had so expanded that an additional tribune was chosen for each community.
Obelerio, tribune of Malamocco, and the other heads of the conspiracy found safety at Treviso, whence they stirred their partizans to action with decisive effect.
A more successful rival was the Tribune Caroso, who worked on popular suspicion of the hereditary tendencies in the reigning family, and drove Giovanni to exile in France.
The marble seat on the grass-grown piazza of Torcello, to this day called Attila's chair, was probably the official seat of the tribune when he administered justice to the people.
Standing at the tribune in his half Quaker coat, and genteelly attired, he remained undaunted and self-possessed during the tempest.
That one Englishman, standing on the tribune for justice and humanity, amid three hundred angry Frenchmen in uproar, was as sublime a sight as Europe witnessed in those days.
A speaker acquainted him from the tribunewith his election, amid the plaudits of the people.
I did go to the Tribune office to see if such an article was wanted, because I belonged on the regular staff of that paper and it was simply a duty to do it.
I have also inserted portions of several letters written for the New York Tribune and the New York Herald.
When the facts were known at Rome, the tribune Memmius insisted that Jugurtha should appear in person and be questioned as to the negotiations.
Jugurtha appeared under a safe conduct, but he had partisans, such as the tribune C.
And as they went about to kill him, it was told the tribune of the band that all Jerusalem was in confusion.
And when they saw the tribune and the soldiers, they left off beating Paul.
The tribunecommanded him to be brought into the castle, and that he should be scourged and tortured: to know for what cause they did so cry out against him.
Then the band and the tribune and the servants of the Jews took Jesus and bound him.
The tribune also was afraid after he understood that he was a Roman citizen and because he had bound him.
And Felix put them off, having most certain knowledge of this way, saying: When Lysias the tribuneshall come down, I will hear you.
The tribune therefore dismissed the young man, charging him that he should tell no man that he had made known these things unto him.
And the tribune answered: I obtained the being free of this city with a great sum.
Which the centurion hearing, went to the tribune and told him, saying: What art thou about to do?
Wolff had been standing in front of the tribune with a cab-whistle at his lips, on which he blew incessantly during the reading of the resolution.
He was the first to reach the tribune or raised platform on which the President sits, and seizing the bell which was placed on the table, he swung it to and fro, shouting and screaming to make himself heard.
In the year following the enactment of the lex Thoria, or, by some other authorities, in 105, an agrarian law was proposed by a tribune named Marcus Philippus.
In 133, more than two centuries after the enactment of the law of Licinius Stolo, Tiberius Gracchus, tribune of the people for that year, brought forward a bill which was in fact little less than a renewal of the old law.
Another plebeian, Lucius Sextius by name, was chosen tribuneat the same time.
The first military tribune with consular power elected from the plebeians was another Licinius Calvus.
The first agrarian movement after the Sullan Revolution was that inaugurated by the tribune Rullus.
A third bill declared the office of military tribune with consular power to be at an end.
But he causes Appius to state, in his speech favoring the corruption of certain tribunes, "that the veto of onetribune would be sufficient to defeat all the others.
Saturninus, an agrarian law was proposed by the tribune Titius, but we know nothing of its conditions.
At the time of the Gracchi the veto of a single tribune was sufficient to hinder the passage of a law, and Tiberius was for a long time thus checked by his colleague, Octavius.
In all the manuscripts of Appian the name of the tribune proposing the second law is Spurius Borius.
Even the group of secretaries at the round table below the president's dais roused themselves from their usual apathy to consider this young man who was mounting the tribune of the Assembly for the first time.
He defended in the tribune the massacres of the prisoners, affirming that the tree of liberty could never flourish without being inundated with the blood of aristocrats and other enemies of the Revolution.
To this sample of a modern tribune I will add a specimen of a modern legislator.
Heretofore, during John's residence at the presbytery, the tribune had stood vacant.
Therefore, two days later, he delivered from the tribune of the Duma some terrible allegations against the camarilla.
Even from thetribune of the Duma it was declared that the Black Cabinet was a fiction.
The labour leader Kerensky, who afterwards became Minister of Justice in the Provisional Government, rose and from the tribune proclaimed the infamy of the police.
To the Region of Saint Eustace belongs the history of Crescenzio, consul, tribune and despot of Rome.
Rienzi assumed the title of Tribunewith the authority of Dictator, and with ten thousand swords at his back exacted a humiliating oath of allegiance from the representatives of the great houses.
But Colonna, Orsini and Savelli were not men to submit tamely in fact, though the presence of an overwhelming power had forced them to outward submission, and in his calmer moments the extravagant tribune was haunted by the dream of vengeance.
It did me good before the Pallace gate, To braue the Tribune in his brothers hearing Deme.
How fayre the Tribune speakes, To calme my thoughts Bassia.
Clouds Let me deserue so ill as you, and make me Your fellowTribune Scicin.
A few days afterwards we accused Claudius Fuscus, a son-in-law of Classicus, and Stilonius Priscus, who had acted under him as tribune of a cohort.
Supposing appeal was made to me as tribune either by my client or by the other party to the suit, what should I do?
Moved by these considerations, I preferred to be at the disposal of all men as a tribune rather than act as an advocate for a few.
In that wealthy, well-ordered house everything stood ready to hand; and in less than a quarter of an hour the tribune Nemesianus was informed that the chamber was ready for the reception of his brother.
But you are too youthful a tribune for me to believe that you took up the sword as a means of livelihood.
As the widow of a tribune who had fallen in my father's service, she had undertaken to attend on me.
Breathing hard, as if stunned by her words, the tribune remained standing on the threshold where the terrible lady had vanished from his sight, and then, striving to regain his composure, pushed back the curling locks from his brow.
His colleague Lutatius Catulus found a tribune to place his veto on Lepidus's proposals; and the quarrel between the two parties in the state became so acute that the senate made the consuls swear not to take up arms.
Barere first proclaimed from the tribune of the Convention that terror must be the order of the day.
Barere declared from the tribune that the cause of these attempts was evident.
He now preached mercy from that tribune from which he had recently preached extermination.