Reluctantly they come to the tribunal and give audience to the parties.
They asked magistrates and sheriffs how far they would go in their defence before God's tribunal for the slaughter of his creatures, if they could only answer the divine arraignment by appealing to the edict of 1550.
The chancellor, or president judge of that tribunal was notoriously corrupt--a creature of the Spanish.
It was, of course, suggested that it was the aim of Orange to govern the new Tribunal of Ten.
This tribunal is called in Russia nijenei-zemskoisoud, or inferior territorial tribunal.
Proud of having been received among the judges of the tribunal of Ingiga[18], he valued his reputation too much to suffer any one to treat me ill in his presence.
The question was the establishment of a tribunal of supreme judges, whose business it should be to govern the whole finny tribe.
She took his hands in hers, saying: "Dear friend, bring me before thetribunal and I will bless you.
If you refuse, you must answer before the Tribunalto the accusation.
Ahead of him, a priest without hope told his beads; while before the tribunal was a man so bowed with years that he had to be supported on either side.
His legend is a poem of the Christian knight ensnared by sin, aroused to a sense of guilt, condemned by the supremetribunal of the Church, and pardoned by the grace of God.
At the close of the National Convention, Elbridge Gerry refused to sign the Constitution because, among other things, it established "a tribunal without juries, a Star Chamber as to civil cases.
A member of the Tribunal remarked that the exemption would mean one month for each child.
A market gardener told the Enfield Tribunalthat a conscientious objector whom he had employed was found asleep at his work on two successive days.
Here he raises his eyes in proof that he will be ready to answer, if the tribunal of Heaven begins to write a protocol that moment.
The English nation was weary of a tribunal which sold its decrees for money, or allowed itself to be used as a tool by the Continental Sovereigns.
Crowned offenders are arraigned at the tribunal of history for the crimes which they are alleged to have committed.
The supreme tribunal in Christendom was transparently influenced by no motive save interest or fear.
The difficulty rose from Catherine's determination to force the King before a tribunal where the national pride would not permit him to plead.
Charles Francis Adams, American Minister to England during the war, was member of the Tribunalfor the United States, and Lord Chief Justice Cockburn acted for Great Britain.
Over the viceroys, and acting for the sovereign, was the tribunal called the Council of the Indies, established by King Ferdinand in 1511, and remodeled by Charles V.
From the swift tribunal to the slow fire constituted no complicated legal process, and appeal there was none, save to the king, from whom might be expected little mercy, less justice.
Before this tribunal of ladies whose beauty and learning he has outraged by his disaffection and spleen, I summon him for trial," continued the duke's jester.
Ferrer was condemned by a military tribunal and shot (Oct.
While he accepted the Christian revelation, he held that revelation if it contradicted the higher tribunal of reason must be rejected, and that revelation cannot give us knowledge as certain as the knowledge which reason gives.
But the tribunal of the Inquisition did not itself condemn to the stake, for the Church must not be guilty of the shedding of blood.
I think the two principal points which he makes are theseĀ (1) He maintains that the individual should at any cost refuse to be coerced by any human authority or tribunalinto a course which his own mind condemns as wrong.
He would probably have been more severely treated, if one of the members of the tribunal had not been a man of scientific training (Macolano, a Dominican), who was able to appreciate his ability.
A tribunal is appointed to examine their reasons for temporarily quitting their family.
In case a slave has been put to death, a superior tribunal investigates the action of the master, and if it be found that he has abused his right, the innocent blood is revenged.
The award is rendered executory by an order of the president of the Civil Tribunal of First Instance (art.
The signatory powers desiring to apply to the tribunal for the settlement of a difference between them are to notify the same to the arbitrators.
The members of the tribunal have the right of putting questions to the counsel and agents of the parties and to demand from them explanation of doubtful points.
The establishment of a permanent tribunal at the Hague, pursuant to the Peace convention of 1899, marks a momentous epoch in the history of international arbitration.
If such arbitrators are appointed and cannot agree on an umpire, the president of the civil tribunal appoints an umpire.
The cases decided by the permanent tribunal at the Hague established in 1900 are not included in these tables.
The tribunal is to sit at the Hague when practicable, unless the parties otherwise agree.
He knew that the revolutionary tribunal was fixed permanently at Paris, that it struck without pity mothers, wives, and daughters of the absent ones, and that the bloody knife never ceased to fall.
Authors preside at a tribunal in Europe which is independent of all the powers of the earth--the tribunal of Opinion!
Is it not manifest, on the contrary, that if the jury is, on the whole, as fair a tribunal as it is represented to be, the lesson which can be got from that source will be learned?
They were now eight in number; two presided in the civil court; of these the praetor urbanus tried suits between citizens at a fixed tribunal in the Forum; the praetor peregrinus suits between citizens and foreigners.
A curious survival exists in Valencia in the Tribunal de las Aguas, which is presided over by three of the oldest men in the city; it is a direct inheritance from the Moors, and from its verdict there is no appeal.
Above all is the Supreme Tribunalof Justice at Lisbon, which is the final court of appeal, and the reputation of which is somewhat better than that of any other tribunal.
From this decision Mr. Peyton shortly afterwards appealed to the Circuit Court, then the appellate tribunal in such cases.
What security have we, were the proposed amendments adopted, that thistribunal would not substitute their will and their pleasure in place of the law?
That tribunal was one of the most beneficent institutions which we inherited from our mother country.
The sub-prefecture, a tribunal of first instance, and a communal college, are among the public institutions.
The town is the seat of a tribunal of commerce, a board of trade-arbitration and a chamber of arts and manufactures, and has a communal college.
Or that, when thou kneelest before me at the tribunal of penitence, and, speaking in the presence of God, canst find naught of evil to reveal to me, so wholly have I kept thy soul in the pure regions of heaven?