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Example sentences for "human love"

  • Thy dream is a reality; for in the ashes of Human Love, the Divine plants the sweetest hopes of existence.

  • My scarf lay upon his breast, and his right hand held out to me an urn, pure as though formed of consolidated light, upon whose amethystine entablature was engraven Human Love.

  • I have bathed in the Jordan, and worshipped at the sepulchre; but it was the human love and not the Divine, that baptized my soul with joy, and whispered pardon to my wounded spirit.

  • With him the friction of active life, and especially the experience of human love, are necessary to realise the Divine in man.

  • The spiritualising power of human love is the redeeming principle in many sordid lives.

  • Quite in the spirit of St. John he asks, "How can that course be safe, which from the first produces carelessness to human love?

  • Immortality was first dreamed of by human love, and yet the church is going to take human love out of immortality.

  • Human love builds every home--human love is the author of all the beauty in this world.

  • This, then, is the nearest approach to human love,--the removal of all antipathies!

  • Such laws are as old as human society; as old as the love of life; as old as industry; as the idea of prosperity; as old as human love.

  • This man believed in human love, in making a heaven here, in judging men by their deeds instead of creeds and titles.

  • I call attention to one thing--to Bacon's opinion of human love.

  • And what reaches of passion might not the Song of Songs suggest, although that imagined bridal of the Soul was never deemed a song of human love?

  • Nevertheless in Jesus' words God became lovable as never before, and God's love of man was shown anew, and was anew set forth as the perfect pattern of human love.

  • The Old Testament has its instances of human love: Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Rachel.

  • This is so essential to our understanding of human love, that I wish I could follow it further.

  • Immortality was first dreamed of by human love; and yet the church is going to take human love out of immortality.

  • They have always been the enemies of innocent pleasure, and of human love.

  • Robert Burns, the poet of human love--he is there.

  • Human love desires to give its most precious treasures to its object and is then most blessed: divine love cannot come short of human in this most characteristic of its manifestations.

  • It may be sought for in the ignoble paths of mere pleasure, amidst the sanctities of human love, amidst the nobilities of intellectual effort and pursuit.

  • This adjustment, as Browning expresses it, is that of human love to divine love.

  • Human love is nothing--nothing but a snare.

  • Love, human love, love of men and women, love of mothers fathers, and babes, is the perpetual and beneficent force.

  • She looked down into her love, and she saw there the face of God, but thought she saw the face of human love only.

  • Something was alive within her, something of distress, almost of apprehension, which needed the soothing hand, not of human love, but of religion.

  • But the emphasis thus laid on the divine worth and dignity of human love is balanced by the stress which the poet places on the frailty and finitude of every other human attribute.

  • But I may point out in passing, that the reference of human love to a divine creative source is accomplished by means of the idea of cause, one of the categories of the thought which Browning has aspersed.

  • For, however limited in range and tainted with alien qualities human love may be, it is still "a pin-point rock of His boundless continent.

  • They have imbibed the spirit of the Dark Ages, which regarded human love as sinful, overlooking the fact that all we may know of the "love of God," is by analogous comparison to what we know of human love.

  • This is that in human love, but above all in wedded love, we have a symbol (that is an expression of a similar force in different material) of the love between God and the soul.

  • We learn by human love, so be points out, to realise the possibility of contact between the finite and Infinite, for divinity can only be revealed by voluntarily submitting to limitations.

  • Thus, in the West, mystical thought has ever recognised the deep symbolism and sacredness of all that is human and natural, of human love, of the human intellect, and of the natural world.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "human love" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    buffalo were; cream soup; human activities; human acts; human bodies; human bondage; human brotherhood; human creatures; human dignity; human embryo; human frailty; human habitation; human judgment; human liberty; human origin; human passions; human representative; human skeleton; human thought; human virtue; human welfare; humanly speaking; peculiar species; should call; thou need; white vitriol