The rare chastite of Penelope, is remainyng as a example herein: So many snares laied to caste doune her vertuous loue towarde her housebande U- lisses.
Richard went off Towarde the Mountrible he hyed him faste, towards Mantrible.
Towarde the brigge so longe; 2916 The Geaunte faught with hem̄ alone, He was so harde and stronge.
Euen towarde the proud Sawdan̄ With-outen̄ any more.
Than toke Ioseph them both: Ephraim in his ryghte hande towarde Israels left hande ad Manasses in his left hande/ towarde Israels ryghte hande/ and brought them vnto him.
Than the men stode vp from thence and loked towarde Sodome.
And Abraham departed thence towarde the southcontre and dwelled betwene Cades and Sur ad sogeorned in Gerar.
He dispatched also a Spanyarde by post to Mexico, with newes of the victory, and hée himselfe followed towarde Mexico, with the great care that he had of those whome he had lefte there in guard of Mutezuma and the Citie.
Cortez hearing this newes, departed towarde Zempoallan, and from thence in two dayes iourney with a greate armye of Indians to Tizapansinca, which stoode eyghte leagues and more from that Citie.
It grieueth mée to heare of the euill vsage of Mutezuma towarde his countrey and subiectes.
Cortes departed frö Zempoallan, leauing that towne named Siuillia, towarde Mexico the sixtene day of August of the same yéere, with 400.
These stréetes are kepte alwayes cleane, and the moste parte of the houses haue two dores, the one towarde the calsey, and the other towarde the water, at the whiche they take boate to goe where they list.
And upon the same saturday the quene came forth from y{e} towre towarde Westmynster in goodly aray as here after foloweth.
Wych done the ladyes ayen to gyder met ¶ And towarde heuen vp they gan to fly ¶ Embraced in armes as they had ben knyt.
Following our way wee discouered a faire and great medowe, diuided notwithstanding with diuers Marishes which constrained vs by reason of the water which enuironed it about, to returne backe againe towarde the Riuers side.
About the which there are many Ilands, among which is that which is named Terra de Labrador stretching towarde Groenland.
On afore Truepenie, holde thyne owne Annot, On towarde them Tibet, for scape vs they can not.
Now thys man towarde you being so kinde, You not to make him an answere somewhat to his minde.
A punishment more rigorous than death, of a husbandtowarde his wife that had committed adulterie.
And againe they rise towarde one side, that is to say, vpwarde toward the line A.
And then sette one foote in one pricke of the circumference of the circle, and with the other make a marke in the circumference also towarde both sides.
Vpon one right lyne there can not be made two cantles of circles, like and vnequall, and drawen towarde one parte.
Vpon the heade of the trygonall blacke stone, towarde euerie corner, I did behold an Egiptian Monster of Gold, fower footed couchant.
Leauing towards both sides of the Olyphant so much space as might serue for any man to passe, eyther towarde the head or hynder haunches.
Fabyan says that "upon the iiij day of July (an error for June) he rode with a goodly company thorugh the cytie towarde the see syde.
Kyng Edward had called before hym a wydow, muche aboundynge in substance, and no lesse grown in yeres, of whome he merely demaunded what she gladly woulde geve him towarde his greate charges.
Oh that our sturdie rebels were had in the like subiection to knowe their duety towarde their Princes.
And what shalbe your towardemynde herin I pray you to Aduertise me in wrytyng by this berer my servaunt.
The yong gentleman was a marueiloustowarde youth, so actiue and valiaunte as anye that liued in his tyme, and therewithall verie beautifull and comely.
The king astonned with so sage and wise aunswere, chaunging his minde, went towarde the castell: where after interteignement and accustomed welcome, he began by litle and litle, to feele himselfe attached wyth a newe fier.
Then Panthea tolde her husbande the goodnes, temperance, and clemencie of Cyrus towarde her.
Haue ye forgotten I saye, the dutie of a vertuous gentleman, wel nourished and trayned vp towarde suche and so great a ladie as I am?
And so by your grace’s leaue, I will departe towarde my daughter, to let her vnderstande from point to point your maiestie’s pleasure.
And then Ianique taking her leaue, retourned towarde Violenta, telling her what shee had doen.
And as he cam towarde them, he askyd and sayd: is he fat, is he fat?
One John Roynoldes[259] rode oute of London vpon a tyme towarde Walsyngham, in company of a yonge man of the same cite, that hadde nat moche ben accustomed to ryde.
He tourned towarde his frendes and sayde: I am nothynge affrayde: for in that space, either I, the asse, or elles my lorde may dye.
But for all that she wolde not reste, tyll Conon chose out a great syght[176] of the fayrest rootes, and toke his iourney towarde the courte.
The principal doore of my lodging was in the middest of the great place, and the other was towarde the river.
How now, 185 neighbour, you looke towarde the ground as well as I; you muse on something.
On afore Trupenie, holde thyne owne Annot, 10 On towarde them Tibet, for scape us they can not.
In a wode, that is tyght, It drewe towardethe nyght.
Their discouery was beyond the Bay, towarde the Samoeds, people dwelling neare the riuer of Ob, and found a sound or sea with an Island called Vaigats, first by them put into the Carde or Mappe.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "towarde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.