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Example sentences for "torpidity"

Lexicographically close words:
torpedo; torpedoed; torpedoes; torpedoing; torpid; torpor; torque; torques; torrent; torrential
  1. Bread, cheese and beer are supplied to the players, and a glass of gin is handed, when called for, gratis.

  2. It was the practice, also, to present post-dated cheques, which had been refused payment, and even to sue on them.

  3. The period, however, is not one of general torpidity or repose for animal or vegetable life.

  4. Of course there is no hybernation; nor, as the dry season is not excessive, is there any summer torpidity as in some tropical countries.

  5. We do not know what conditions, what natural provisions precede torpidity and are essential to it; but possibly there are some, which in these cases were compulsorily precluded by human interference.

  6. If they fail in finding water, they are said to burrow in the still soft mud, and pass the dry season in torpidity like the Lepidosiren.

  7. Or is there some other cause of torpidity besides mere cold?

  8. We may safely dismiss the notion of submersion till better authenticated; but that of torpidity is still open to examination.

  9. Some glimpses of an indefinitely protracted torpidity in Wasps are given to us in a communication from an eminent entomologist, Mr G.

  10. Mr Smith's hypothesis, that they are "probably hybernating for the winter," will not account for their torpidity in June and July.

  11. For headache, constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, or all diseases arising from torpidity of the liver.

  12. I am perfectly convinced that had I not been startled from the torpidity of horror in which I was bound by some powerful and arousing stimulant, I should have gazed upon this unearthly apparition until I had fairly lost my senses.

  13. There was, after all, more truth than we are quite willing to admit in the classic theories which assigned the undue predominance of any one affection of the mind to the undue action or torpidity of one or other of our bodily organs.

  14. The great majority of intestinal diseases, as also of chronic blood-disorders, are associated with a torpidity or derangement of the function of the liver.

  15. Horseback riding will form another admirable means of effecting our purpose, especially where the patient suffers from more than the usual opiate torpidity of the liver.

  16. The former method in wise hands is the better, both as the speedier, and, considering the opiate torpidity of the intestines, by far the more certain.

  17. I also suffered from indigestion, torpidity of the liver, and constipation of the bowels.

  18. It is also a well-known fact that torpidity of the liver throws an excessive amount of work on the kidneys.

  19. Excess of urates has now been definitely traced, in the majority of instances, to functional torpidity of the liver.

  20. Poverty begetting despair, and despair destroying hope, the incentive to action, the powers of genius sunk into the torpidity of stupefaction, and the strength of a lion slumbered in the inactivity of a sloth.

  21. They are exceedingly useful in cases of intestinal congestion and torpidity of the liver.

  22. In the support of this theory I may refer to many cases of ordinary stomach trouble, constipation, torpidity of the liver, etc.

  23. A strange torpidity had come over him; every rising day gazed into his eyes with a fierce unmeaning glare.

  24. Among the very highest animals, the most familiar example of this sort of semi-torpidity is to be found among the bears and the dormice.

  25. The vibrio tritici has also been restored, after perfect torpidity and apparent death for five years and eight months, by merely soaking it in water.

  26. Could our torpidity go further than our requiring Frenchmen to makes tiles, to grind knives, to carry water and to knead bread?

  27. That the torpidity of insects, as well as of other hybernating animals, is caused by cold, is unquestionable.

  28. Solander in Terra del Fuego, as well as from other facts, is felt by man when exposed to a very low temperature; yielding to which, torpidity ensues.

  29. In this state it continues during the existence of great cold, but the degree of its torpidity varies with the temperature of the atmosphere.

  30. The reasoners upon torpidity have almost all confined their view to the hybernating quadrupeds, as the marmot, dormouse, &c.

  31. Bees, then, do not appear to pass the winter in a state of torpidity in our climates, and probably not in any others.

  32. Uses: Valuable in liver complaint, torpidity of the liver, and as an alterative to act on the secretions of the system generally.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "torpidity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    apathy; blah; boredom; coma; detachment; dispassion; drowsiness; dullness; ennui; fatigue; hebetude; hopelessness; inaction; indifference; indolence; insouciance; languor; lassitude; lethargy; listlessness; nonchalance; numbness; passivity; phlegm; resignation; sleepiness; sloth; slowness; slumber; somnolence; sopor; stupor; torpor; unconcern; weariness