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Example sentences for "timekeepers"

Lexicographically close words:
timbrel; timbrels; timbres; timed; timekeeper; timekeeping; timeless; timeliness; timely; timent
  1. These jobs are scattered all over the State, and few of them are of sufficient size to warrant the employment of timekeepers on the jobs to keep exact records of expenditures and costs.

  2. It is probable that the invention furnished inspiration for somebody else for presently the covered tin baker made its appearance and Willard abandoned making clock-jacks and turned his energy toward timekeepers instead.

  3. Now, although timekeepers had vastly improved, they were still pretty faulty, experimental contrivances, whose outside trappings counted with the public far more than did their interior mechanism.

  4. All of the great companies produce timekeepers of the highest precision for railroad use, but the Hamilton Company has devoted itself more particularly to supplying this one field.

  5. He had worked with his hands for Terry and Seth Thomas at the old wooden wheels and veneered cases, which were peddled about the country and sold for thirty or forty dollars each to be the treasured timekeepers of many households.

  6. At one time the term was used to denote timekeepers driven by weights as distinguished from those driven by springs.

  7. Cheap and easy to make but inferior as timekeepers to the detached or dead-beat types.

  8. Important to the watch business because of the famous Kew tests of timekeepers and awards for accuracy of performance.

  9. These timekeepers lingered along in country churches for many years, but ceased to be in anything like general demand after about 1650.

  10. And perhaps you must n't expect them to be quite as good timekeepers as the professional chronometer watches that make a specialty of being exact within a few seconds a month.

  11. I turned the Eiffel Tower in the tenth minute and came back against an unexpected head wind, reaching the timekeepers at St Cloud in the fortieth minute, at an altitude of 200 metres, and after a terrific struggle with the element.

  12. All the same, I did not have time to bring the air-ship to a lower altitude before reaching the timekeepers in the Aero Club's grounds--a thing I might easily have done by slowing the motor.

  13. Factory-made clocks will be made, perfect timekeepers without doubt.

  14. As timekeepers they equal most of the modern, and excel the cheap clock, hardly worth designating as a timekeeper.

  15. As timekeepers they fell short of the abbey clock, or of the sundial--a perennial stickler for truth when the sun shone.

  16. The nobility employed, on the Continent and in this country, great clockmakers to produce these new scientific timekeepers for use in their private apartments.

  17. As timekeepers they never can bear comparison with the later type with the long pendulum.

  18. To obtain the positions of these places by our timekeepers was to me an important object; since they were connected with the former survey of Furneaux's Islands and the north-eastern part of Van Diemen's Land.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "timekeepers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.