The catheter allowed of free urination, and the scrotum was further held up in position by a flat suspensory bandage passed underneath the scrotum and fastened over the abdomen near each hip.
When the dressings were removed, five days afterward, all was healed, the sutures removed, and the suspensory alone replaced.
Chicoineau and Sonlier the disease had existed for two years, the inguinal glands were implicated, and even the suspensory ligament was affected.
The lens is held in position by the suspensory ligament, which consists of interlacing fibres attached on the one hand to the ciliary process and on the other to the capsule at the lenticular margins (Fig.
The pretracheal fascia, which encloses the isthmus of the thyreoid gland and, when traced upwards, finds attachment to the anterior aspect of the cricoid cartilage, thus forming the suspensory ligament of the isthmus.
The tension on the fibres of the suspensory ligament, in addition to keeping the lens in its place, also exercises traction on the lens capsule.
A piece of steel in the vitreous always travels round the posterior surface of the lens and through the suspensory ligament, and does not injure the lens capsule.
The fluid passes partly direct into the posterior chamber and partly behind the suspensory ligament of the lens, making its way forward into the posterior chamber through the fibres of the suspensory ligament.
If from these or any other causes the suspensory ligament rupture and the vitreous present in the wound, the lens should be removed with the vectis.
The tearing of the suspensory ligament on the inner side may be assisted by the cutting edge of the needle during depression.
Fortunately the gyratory movement of the water was opposite to that of the suspensory screws, otherwise the aeronef would have been hurled into the sea.
It need hardly be said that to keep the aeronef in this rarefied atmosphere the suspensory screws had to be driven at extreme speed.
She swept through a hail of ejected material, which was fortunately kept at bay by the centrifugal action of the suspensory screws.
At a second gesture from Robur the suspensory helices revolved at a speed that can only be compared to that of a siren in acoustical experiments.
To tell the truth, and not to exaggerate like Tapage, it was only reasonable that owing to the excessive speed the work of the suspensory screws should be somewhat lessened.
But the aeronef, slowing hersuspensory screws, came down just as fast.
These screws were of much larger diameter than the suspensory ones, but could be worked at quite their speed.
The suspensory screws were undamaged and had worked admirably amid all the violence of the storm, which, as we have said, had considerably lightened their work.
His first glance was at the suspensory screws, which were working with gratifying regularity without any signs of haste.
At the same instant an order was given by Robur, and the suspensory screws being slowed, the cable was hauled in on board, and the "Albatross" sank towards the ground.
In the center house was the machine which drove the suspensory helices, in that forward was the machine that drove the bow screw, in that aft was the machine that drove the stern screw.
Consequently the apparatus was furnished with seventy-four suspensory screws, whose three branches were connected by a metallic circle which economized their motive force.
Without the prodigious coolness of the engineer, who reversed the gyratory motion of the fore propeller and converted it into a suspensory screw, the men of the "Albatross" would all have been asphyxiated by the fall.
The "Albatross" continued her descent, slowing her suspensory screws and moderating her speed so as not to leave the train behind.
The lower jaw is attached to the cranium by a chain of suspensory bones, which vary a good deal with different groups of fishes.
The gill-arches are suspended to the cranium from above by the suspensory pharyngeal (44).
The treatment by suspensory bandage and lotions is necessarily somewhat slow in producing remedial results; yet, many quite well marked cases have, in our experience, been cured by such means perseveringly applied.
The only precaution necessary is that he should, for a reasonable time after the operation, wear a well-fitting suspensory bandage.
I wrote you this at third month of treatment, and you sent without extra charge, a Suspensory and Lotion, and two months' treatment cured me sound and well of this distressing malady; I have not felt the least symptoms of its return.
The use ofsuspensory bandages, with strongly astringent lotions, will, in mild cases, produce relief and many times cure.
It is inclosed in a thin sheath, called the membranous capsule, which connects with a divided sheath from the sides of the eyeball, called the suspensory ligament (Fig.
To flatten the lens, the ciliary muscle relaxes, the elastic force of the eyeball resumes its tension on the suspensory ligament, and the membranous capsule resumes its pressure on the sides of the lens.
The ciliary muscle plays between these opposing forces in the following manner: To thicken the lens, the ciliary muscle contracts, pulling forward the suspensory ligament and releasing its tension on the membranous capsule.
The crystalline lens together with the suspensory ligament and the ciliary processes form a partition across the eyeball.
The following, proposed by Helmholtz, is the theory most generally accepted: The lens is held in place back of the pupil by the suspensory ligament.
The ventral abdominal vein ascends between the layers of the suspensory ligament and near the liver becomes connected by a large branch with the portal vein.
The ventral segment of the membrane, forming the suspensoryor broad ligament, extends between abdominal wall and ventral surface of the liver.
Caudad, the lesser omentum and the suspensory ligament are seen to have a common concave falciform edge.
The segment of the ventral mesogastrium between liver and stomach becomes the lesser or gastro-hepatic omentum, while that between liver and ventral abdominal wall forms the falciform or suspensory ligament.
It will of course be seen that the area of direct adhesion to the diaphragm, extending transversely, would separate the lesser omentum from the suspensory ligament.
Mesenteric Peritoneum, connecting these two, carrying the intestinal blood vessels and lymphatics and acting as a suspensory support to the alimentary canal.
The liver divides the ventral mesogastrium into a dorsal segment, the gastro-hepatic or lesser omentum, and a ventral segment, the suspensory or falciform ligament of the liver.
Ventral portion, between diaphragm and liver, forms the broad falciform orsuspensory ligament of the liver.
The so-called "suspensory muscle of the duodenum" belongs to this category.
Fitted or serving to suspend; suspending; as, a suspensory muscle.
The clutches of four eggs, although they too were compact clusters, had each suspensory pedicel distinct from the others.
The clutch of six eggs was a compact mass, and the individual suspensory cables of the eggs were intertwined and fused with one another.
Further communication between the portal and the veins of the diaphragm takes place by means of the veins in the coronary and suspensory ligaments.
Stallions which manifest a tendency to varicocele should wear suspensorybags when they are exercised.
It is inclosed in a membranous covering (capsule) and is maintained in position by a membrane (suspensory ligament) which extends from the margin of the lens outward to the sclerotic at the point of junction of the choroid and iris.
The most common injury to the suspensory ligament is sprain of the internal branch in one of the fore legs.
These two tendons not only flex, or fold up, the foot as the latter leaves the ground during motion, but at rest assist the suspensory ligament in supporting the fetlock joint.
In some instances suspensory bandages are recommended, but except for small animals our experience does not justify a concurrence in the recommendation.
In some instances they assume more important dimensions, and pass from the inside to the outside of the bone, on its posterior face, between that and the suspensory ligament.
Before its attachment to the os pedis it receives on each side of the middle of the first phalanx reinforcement in the shape of a strong band descending obliquely over the fetlock from the suspensory ligament.
Passing down between the suspensory ligament in front, and the perforatus tendon behind, it glides over the sesamoid pulley and passes through the ring formed by the perforatus.
The underneath surface of the superior suspensory ligament was much thickened, and firmly adherent to the bone; at the posterior surface of the metacarpus there was a quantity of gelatinous substance.
This is an irregular vessel running up between the suspensoryligament and the posterior face of the large metacarpal bone.
The liver is fixed to the right side, 11, by its suspensory ligaments.
As the two sacs of the superficial fascia join each other at the line B, coinciding with the linea alba, they form by that union the suspensory ligament of the penis, which is a structure precisely median.
A suspensory bandage should be worn throughout the continuance of the disease.
The new-hatched larva, whose suspensory cord is lengthened by the sheath of the egg, reaches the game and takes a first cautious bite at it.
Like the egg, it hangs perpendicularly, by the rear, from the ceiling; but the suspensorycord has gained considerably in length and consists of the original thread eked out by a sort of ribbon.
The president was replaced by a governor elected annually by the people, and endowed with the power of appointment and a suspensory veto.
He was intrusted with the power of appointment to offices, with a suspensory veto, and with the royal prerogative of reprieving or pardoning criminals.
As for the interosseous muscles, they are represented by the suspensory ligament of the fetlock, and by two other small muscles, tendinous throughout, which are situated between the principal metacarpal and the rudimentary ones.
We may further add that the suspensory ligament of the fetlock in ruminants and solipeds represents, as in the fore-limbs, the interosseous muscles.
The clitoris is also provided with a suspensory ligament, by which it is connected to the ossa pubis.
Under the Bill of 1893 (as amended) there was to be a suspensory period of six years during which all existing taxes were to continue to be imposed by the Imperial Government; but with power to Ireland to add taxes of her own.
All future appointments should be made by the Irish Government, without the suspensory period of six years named in the Bill of 1893.
If the pain is great, extract of belladonna may be applied along with the soap, and a dry suspensory bandage with holes for the teats may be applied.
The aqueous humor occupies a chamber which is bounded in front by the posterior surface of the cornea and behind by the capsule and suspensory ligament of the lens and by the ends of the ciliary processes.
It is enveloped by a delicate capsule--the hyaloid membrane--which is connected in front with the suspensory ligament of the lens, and ends by joining the capsule behind the lens.
In more serious cases resulting from sprains, the vacant space between the back tendons and the suspensory ligament may also become filled with fluids.
The tension of the suspensory ligament, which is attached to the front of the lens all round its edge, renders the anterior surface of the lens much less curved than it would naturally be.
The ciliary muscle is a ring of muscular fibre attached to the ciliary process close to the circumference of the suspensory ligament.
The secret was that the night was devoted to the Suspensory Bill for the Established Church in Wales, and anybody who knows Welshmen, will know that this is a question on which Welsh blood incontinently boils over.