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Example sentences for "testicular"

Lexicographically close words:
testes; testi; testibus; testicle; testicles; testification; testifie; testified; testifies; testifieth
  1. Brown Sequard and his extract of testicular tissues is a typical example of how strong suggestion may influence the old and make them think that they are renewing their vigor and strength, and even their youth.

  2. Brown Sequard's extract of testicular substance came in this category.

  3. The testicular products are brought to it through the coils of the anterior segments of the Wolffian body by a number of vasa efferentia, the arrangement of which is treated of on pp.

  4. These tubes receive the tubuli coming from the testicular ampullae.

  5. The whole network may be called, with Semper, the testicular network.

  6. The posterior of these have the same arrangement in both sexes, but in the male modifications take place in connection with the anterior ones to fit them to act as transporters of the testicular products.

  7. When it is borne in mind how strikingly similar in most respects is the arrangement of the testicular ducts in Amphibia and Elasmobranchii, it will not easily be credited that they develop in entirely different methods.

  8. But Nussbaum found that the testicular secretion does not work if the nerves of the secondary sexual region are cut, and that the secretion has no direct action on the organism.

  9. But when the testicular substance of actively sexual frogs was injected into the castrated frogs it exerted an elective action on the sexual reflex, sometimes in a few hours, but the action is, Steinach concludes, first central.

  10. Rather before this I had begun to suffer with severe intermittent testicular neuralgia which practically defied all treatment and continued on and off for four or five years, the attacks gradually becoming fewer and less severe.

  11. The testicular secretion of frogs that were not sexually active had no stimulating action, but if the frogs were sexually active the injection of their central nervous substance was as effective as their testicular substance.

  12. As noted above, Riddle discovered that his more feminine female pigeons were often killed by a dose of testicular extract which was practically harmless to a partially masculinized female.

  13. We may say that it cannot possibly be that the ovarian or testicular secretion is composed of enough different chemical substances to produce each different effect.

  14. The more feminine birds were often killed by the testicular extract, the more masculine by the ovarian extract.

  15. In the actinopterygian Ganoids a well-developed testicular network is present; e.

  16. The system of covered-in canals forms the testicular network, the individual canals being termed vasa efferentia.

  17. If the period of sexual excitement extends over fifteen to thirty minutes, the whole duct system from the epididymis to the ampulla becomes gorged with the secreted testicular product.

  18. We must then look upon the internal secretion as composed of the liquid elements of the testicular secretion.

  19. The seminal vesicles are not receptacles for the testicular secretion.

  20. Loss of deep and bony sensibility on right side and diminution of testicular sensibility.

  21. However, instead of following exactly the original prescription, Fürbringer employed a testicular emulsion which had been previously raised to the boiling-point.

  22. In the medical treatment of the evils of old age, testicular emulsions or spermine have not been so favoured as general hygienic measures.

  23. Malpighian bodies along the base of the testis: they unite to form an interrupted cord in the substance of the testis, from which the testicular tubuli (with the exception of the seminiferous cells) are subsequently differentiated.

  24. In the Reptilia Braun has traced the passage of the primitive germinal cells into the testicular tubes, and I am able to confirm his observations on this point: he has not however traced their further history.

  25. Rudiments of the testicular network are found in the female Coeciliidae and in the females of many Urodela (Salamandra, Triton).

  26. The system of canals connecting the testis with the Malpighian bodies is known as the testicular network.

  27. Embryological evidence, as well as the fact of the persistence of the peritoneal funnels of the generative region in the adults of some forms, proves that the testicular network is not developed from the peritoneal funnels.

  28. As in the lower types the semen is transported from the testicular network to the Wolffian duct by parts of the glandular tubes of the Wolffian body.

  29. It is not certain to what parts of the testicular tubuli they give rise, but they probably form at any rate the vasa recta and rete vasculosum.

  30. The mesonephros (r), divided into an anterior sexual part connected with a rudimentary testicular network, and a posterior part.

  31. Ontogeny does not however altogether favour this view of the origin of the testicular network.

  32. Rudiments of the testicular network have in many cases become inherited by the female.

  33. With reference to the development of these parts little is known except that the testicular network grows out from the primary Malpighian bodies, and becomes united with the testis.

  34. In one particular case only a minute nodule of testicular tissue showing normal spermatogenesis was found on post mortem examination attached to the intestine.

  35. This is rather a surprising conclusion in view of the fact that testicular grafts show active spermatogenesis.

  36. Castration, then, tends to prove that in Birds the development of the male characters is not so closely dependent on the stimulation of testicular hormone as in Mammals.

  37. This hypothesis is not supported by observation of testicular tissue in any such case, but by the condition found in a hermaphrodite specimen of the common fowl described in the paper.

  38. When the bird was killed some months after the operation, a greater or lesser amount of regenerated testicular tissue was found either on the original site of the organs or engrafted upon neighbouring organs.

  39. Masculising of females was much more difficult than feminising of males because the testicular tissue was less resistent, and could not be grafted so easily.

  40. The annual shedding and recrescence of the antler, however, is only to be understood in connexion with the effect of the testicular hormone.

  41. The genital ridge runs along the inner edge of the mesonephros, with which the testicular tubules become connected.

  42. He would doubtless assume that the antlers of stags arose as a mutation, without explaining how they came to be affected by the testicular hormone, and that when they arose the stags found them convenient as fighting weapons.

  43. And since the capon and the eunuch acquired a cowardice that avoided fatigue, effort, or conflict, it was clear that the mental qualities were as directly influenced by the testicular secretion as the physical.

  44. Very often there are unsuspected hydroceles, forming cysts in the testicular mass, which must be cut out, or there may be varicocele requiring attention.

  45. There were 13 conscripts having a testicular diameter of less than 14 millimeters.

  46. They not only form the ova, but they elaborate for internal use a secretion which develops and maintains the special physical and mental qualities of womanhood, as the testicular secretion those of manhood.

  47. The positive action of semen, or rather of the testicular products, has been much investigated during recent years, and appears on the whole to be demonstrated.

  48. As the ovaries are strictly analogous to the testes, it was surmised that ovarian extract might prove a drug equally valuable with testicular products.

  49. The notable discovery by Brown-Séquard, a quarter of a century ago, that the ingestion of the testicular juices in states of debility and senility acted as a beneficial stimulant and tonic, opened the way to a new field of therapeutics.

  50. The average testicular diameter in the first class was nearly 24 millimeters, and progressively rose in the succeeding classes to over 26 millimeters in the fourth.

  51. In yearling colts the testicular cord is sometimes short, and the testicle is situated high up in the scrotum and inguinal canal.

  52. The blood-vessels of the testicular cord are larger in the adult animals, and the danger from haemorrhage is greater than in the young.

  53. Massage was begun again, strychnia and salol were administered, and a short course of full doses of the testicular fluid was given.

  54. For several years past in all patients with the general lowering of nervous force and vitality so common in this disease I have habitually used the testicular elixir of Brown-Séquard.

  55. Seven adult males collected in late February and early March had an average testicular length of 5.

  56. Five males captured at San Antonio on 9 and 10 March had an average testicular length of 5.

  57. Four adult males collected on 20 February had an average testicular length of 5.

  58. Ten males taken at the same time had an average testicular length of 5.

  59. Four males taken on Isla de Ometepe in late March and early April had a mean testicular length of 9.

  60. The testicular secretion is a tenacious fluid.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "testicular" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    genital; ovarian; seminal; spermatic; uterine; vaginal