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Example sentences for "potassium"

Lexicographically close words:
potash; potass; potassa; potassae; potassic; potation; potations; potato; potatoe; potatoes
  1. Since the discovery of potassium by Davy, it was assumed that alumina also, the basis of clay, contained a metal in combination with oxygen.

  2. After having taken up the residue in distilled water it is treated with platinum chloride, and the potassium chloro-platinate obtained is reduced with oxalic acid.

  3. Potassium permanganate in neutral solution oxidizes it to nitrobenzene, in alkaline solution to azobenzene, ammonia and oxalic acid, in acid solution to aniline black.

  4. From an aqueous solution calcium sulphate is deposited as crystals of gypsum, but when the solution contains an excess of sodium or potassium chloride anhydrite is deposited.

  5. If the fluid is acidulated with a few drops of acetic acid, and a drop of ferrocyanide of potassium added, a white precipitate, or, at least, turbidity is produced.

  6. Characters written with a solution of ferrocyanide of potassium acquire a blue color, if washed with a solution of perchloride of iron.

  7. If potassa is then added to the solution, it combines with the bromine and, upon evaporating the decanted fluid, calcining the residue, and treating it with water, a solution of bromide of potassium is obtained.

  8. If no coloration was caused by the action of sulphuretted hydrogen, it is probably that either a solution of ferrocyanide of potassium or a persalt of iron has been resorted to.

  9. For this purpose, cyanide of potassium is added, and sulphuretted hydrogen conducted through the filtrate: if cadmium be present, a yellow precipitate is produced, copper not being thrown down in presence of an alkaline cyanide.

  10. The manuscript under examination is again spread upon a glass-plate, and a solution of tannin (or preferably, a solution of ferrocyanide of potassium containing one per cent.

  11. Upon decanting the solution, and treating it with potassa, bromide of potassium is formed, and can be detected as directed above.

  12. If animal matter is contained in the consumed materials, cyanide of potassium will be present in the aqueous solution.

  13. Those tanks were part of the cyanide plant, wherein the refuse of the mill was treated with deadly cyanide of potassium for recovering what little gold was left after the refuse, or "tailings," had come from the stamp mill.

  14. Cyanide of potassium is the most virulent poison known.

  15. Willgerodt suggested removing sulphuretted hydrogen by means of potassium hydroxide (caustic potash), then absorbing the phosphine in bromine water.

  16. Ignition was effected by the flame resulting when a pad of cotton-wool impregnated with benzoline or potassium chlorate was fired by an electrically heated wire.

  17. Among minor reagents suggested as purifying substances for acetylene may be mentioned potassium permanganate, barium peroxide, potassium bichromate, sodium plumbate and arsenious oxide.

  18. According to Benz the first two do not remove the sulphuretted hydrogen completely, and oxidise the acetylene to some extent; while potassium bichromate leaves some sulphur and phosphorus behind in the gas.

  19. Diazobenzenecyanide, C6H5N2·CN, is an unstable oil, formed when potassium cyanide is added to a solution of a diazonium salt.

  20. This compound is then decomposed by ammonia, dinitrophenylhydrazoate being formed, which on hydrolysis with alcoholic potash gives potassium hydrazoate (azide) and dinitrophenol.

  21. The most easily obtained mixed azo compounds are those formed by the union of a diazonium salt with the potassium or sodium salt of a nitroparaffin (V.

  22. All experiments with potassium hydroxide in the form of sticks or in solution failed to give the desired results and the use of soda-lime has supplemented all other forms of carbon dioxide absorption.

  23. Now add sufficient cyanide of potassium to dissolve the precipitate and a little more, and make up two quarts of solution with fresh clean water.

  24. A solution of cyanide of potassium is next prepared in water, in the proportion of about one ounce of cyanide to the pint of water; some of this solution is then added to the one containing the nitrate of silver.

  25. These processes depend on the discovery that gelatin or similar organic material, if treated with potassium or ammonium bichromate and exposed to the action of light, is made insoluble in water.

  26. For bleaching bromide prints cyanide of potassium (KCN) to which a few drops or flakes of iodine have been added should be used.

  27. For bleaching blue prints a saturated solution of oxalate of potassium (K2C2O4 + H2O) has been used with good results.

  28. On oxidation with potassium permanganate it gives homovanillin, vanillin, &c.

  29. In this the tanning liquor was made by reducing potassium dichromate in the presence of a limited amount of hydrochloric or sulphuric acid by adding glucose.

  30. Thus the chrome tannage is reversible in solutions of ammonium or potassium oxalate and of ammonium acetate.

  31. Potassium chromate is neutral to this indicator, i.

  32. A patent was taken out later by Cavallin in which skins were to be tanned by treating with potassium dichromate and then with ferrous sulphate which reduced the former to chromic salts, being itself converted into ferric salt.

  33. Potassium acetate and sodium acetate show only slight action, because the solution is too alkaline, but strip if acetic acid be added until litmus is just reddened.

  34. The first bath was made up commercially of potassium dichromate and hydrochloric acid, so that, strictly speaking, it contained potassium chloride also.

  35. Thus the potassium sulphate in a chrome alum liquor has its own specific action of this kind and contributes to the leather formation.

  36. Hence we find that the saturated solutions of such substances as ammonium sulphate and potassium carbonate will dehydrate a gel almost completely, and will also, by a similar action on pelt, make a kind of white leather.

  37. A suitable volume of liquor is titrated with N/10 thiosulphate after acidifying with hydrochloric acid and adding potassium iodide.

  38. Albumins and keratins may be distinguished also from gelatins by adding acetic acid and potassium ferrocyanide to their aqueous solutions.

  39. Gelatine has been crystallized by von Weimarn by evaporating a dilute solution in aqueous alcohol whilst in a desiccator containing potassium carbonate, the temperature being maintained at 60 deg.

  40. The best method, however, of imitating the yellowish tone of old paper is to stain the inlay with potassium permanganate.

  41. Potassium permanganate, described in the chapter on General Restoration, is applicable for this operation.

  42. If so, why was it not entirely relieved by the treatment which consisted of blisters and iodine, externally, and mercury and iodide potassium internally?

  43. Epsom Salts 7 " Chloride of Magnesium 10 " Chloride of Potassium 2 " Management of Artificial Water.

  44. Sweet clover, like all legumes, has the power to extract nitrogen from the atmosphere, and on account of its extensive root system it is able to obtain phosphorus and potassium from a larger area than most plants.

  45. Improved physical condition causes the bacterial flora to increase and thereby indirectly causes a larger quantity of unavailable phosphorus and potassium to be made available for plant use.

  46. Some of these soils contain sufficient phosphorus and potassium for fair crop production, although this supply may be in such a condition that it will not become available fast enough to supply the needs of most crops.

  47. On soils which are known to be low in phosphorus or potassium an application of fertilizer containing the necessary element should be made when sweet clover is sown without a nurse crop.

  48. One of the crystals that he thought was quartz turned out to be calcite, and one of the ones that he was sure could be nothing but calcite was actually potassium nitrate.

  49. Fertility in Normal Soils Of the four important mineral elements, potassium is by far the most abundant in common soils.

  50. Thus, as an average of triplicate tests each year, the addition of potassium to such land on the University of Illinois experiment field near Manito, Mason county, increased the yield by 20.

  51. Even in soils abundantly supplied with potassium temporary use may well be made of soluble potassium salts when no adequate supply of decaying organic matter can be provided.

  52. For this purpose, kainit--which contains potassium and also magnesium and sodium in chlorides and sulfates--is preferred to the more concentrated and more expensive potassium salts.

  53. In the former case we have silver chloride formed with a little hypo-chlorous acid; in the latter we have a more difficult decomposition: the potassium nitrite is decomposed into hydrochloric acid and potassium nitrate.

  54. For landscapes, Mr. England has successfully used a strong solution of cyanide of potassium with the same object.

  55. Divide the slightly blackened chloride on the strip of glass into two portions, and over one pour a little beer, and over the other a weak solution of potassium nitrite, and again note the difference.

  56. I found that cyanide of potassium totally destroyed the print, even when used moderately strong.

  57. Another plan is to add potassium permanganate (permanganate of potash) to it, till such time as the solution takes a faint permanent rose tint.

  58. The silver hyposulphite, having been reduced to the sulphide by the addition of the potassium sulphide, is placed in a crucible, and subjected to a white heat; the sulphur is driven off, and the silver remains behind.

  59. Any other chlorine absorber may be substituted; thus citric acid, potassium nitrite, and many others are effective, and cause vigorous prints to be produced.

  60. To prevent crystallization, it is better to use ammonium, which contains a greater amount of chlorine than do sodium or potassium chlorides.

  61. How many cubic centimeters of a solution of potassium bichromate containing 26.

  62. Make a blank test for the amount of thiosulphate solution required to react with the iodine liberated by the iodate which is generally present in the potassium iodide solution, and deduct this from the total volume used in the titration.

  63. One gram of an oxide of iron is fused with potassium acid sulphate and the fusion dissolved in acid.

  64. One gram of crude ammonium salt is treated with strong potassium hydroxide solution.

  65. Note 3: A considerable excess of potassium iodide is necessary for the prompt liberation of iodine.

  66. The fluxes in most common use are sodium carbonate and sodium or potassium acid sulphate.

  67. A mixture of the chlorides of sodium and potassium from 0.

  68. Calculate the percentage of potassium oxide in an impure sample of potassium carbonate from the following data: Weight of sample = 1.

  69. It may be purified by sublimation after mixing it with a little potassium iodide, which reacts with the iodine chloride, forming potassium chloride and setting free the iodine.

  70. Let x represent the weight of sodium chloride present and y that of potassium chloride.

  71. Both potassium bromate and cupric salts in solution will liberate iodine from an iodide, which is then titrated with the thiosulphate solution.

  72. Note 9: The addition of the sulphuric acid converts the sodium chromate to bichromate, which behaves exactly like potassium bichromate in acid solution.

  73. Prussic acid or potassium cyanide is what the appearances suggest," he replied.

  74. To make incombustible writing and printing paper, asbestos of the best quality is treated with potassium permanganate and then with sulphuric acid.

  75. The following process of preparing paper will prevent alterations in writing:--Add to the sizing 5 per cent of cyanide of potassium and sulphide of antimony, and run the sized paper through a thin solution of sulphate of manganese or copper.

  76. To render the paper fit for copying without being made wet, to the acetate solution chromic acid or ferro-cyanide of potassium is added.

  77. The oxycellulose nitrate was treated directly with dilute solution of potassium hydrate in the cold.

  78. Potassium sulphuret will lower the surface value of silver or copper to a rich velvety black associated with antiques.

  79. Potassium sulphite will supply a deep, rich black to silver and copper.

  80. This converts the white chloride of mercury, which constitutes the picture, into the yellow iodide, in the same manner as the solution of iodide of potassium recommended by MR.

  81. One of the essentials in explosives is some compound of oxygen (such as the manganese dioxid or potassium chlorate you used to make oxygen in Experiment 93) which will easily set its oxygen free.

  82. Both manganese dioxid and potassium chlorate have a great deal of oxygen bound up in them.

  83. In a test tube mix about one half teaspoonful each of white potassium chlorate crystals and black grains of manganese dioxid.

  84. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "potassium" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    potassium bichromate; potassium bromide; potassium carbonate; potassium chlorate; potassium chloride; potassium cyanide; potassium hydroxide; potassium iodide; potassium nitrate; potassium permanganate; potassium sulphate