Her nephew Eugene, she said, was doomed to be henpecked for the rest of his days that she saw clearly.
Take it he was henpecked when he married, and Madam Esmond took the spirit out of him when she got him in her island.
Had he survived his marriage by many years, they would have quarrelled fiercely, or, he would infallibly have been a henpecked husband, of which sort there were a few specimens still extant a hundred years ago.
Nay, white men who have lived among the blacks assure us that there are henpecked husbands even in the Australian desert.
In fact, they are consulted on every matter, and the henpecked husband is of no extraordinary rarity in the Nicobars.
Here it is:— Ten henpecked husbands agreed to form themselves into a society for resisting the oppression of their wives.
The general statement by the prefect is borne out by the fact that the "henpecked husband" is constantly held up to ridicule in humorous literature, which would be quite impossible if there were no foundation of fact.
I remember the late Mr John Sugden, of Eastwood House, coming up in his carriage to see the fun and frolic, which were practically the sole objects of the Henpecked Club.
I am a shining example of a much henpecked husband.
The henpecked deserve to be henpecked, and I would point out that there is no intention in these notes to attempt to substitute henpecked husbands for cockpecked wives.
The Henpecked Husband Curs'd be the man, the poorest wretch in life, The crouching vassal to a tyrant wife!
Now, there is nothing a weak man likes so much as to be considered strong, nothing a henpecked man likes so much as to be regarded a tyrant.
And a henpecked husband always makes a great show of opposing everything that looks toward the enlargement of the work or privileges of women.
I could only look at Tim and groan, and Tim did the same; for, poor fellow, though only her brother, he was as much henpecked as myself.
No one but a henpecked husband who may happen to be shut up in prison with his wife, can appreciate the horror of the situation in which I now found myself placed.
I had the gout, my wife was a shrew, and I was--a henpecked husband.
Only he had a finer head than the English novelist At last the henpecked man discovered my inattention and fell silent.
Was Nodelman the henpecked husband that his mother advertised him to be?
Efforts are accordingly made to induce the henpecked man to stay and be merry, and if he can be made drunk a great point is gained, as then a squad of volunteers take him inside his own door and critically observe his reception.
A moral point involved appears to be that a henpecked husband is a disgrace to manhood in general; and the purpose of the coolstrin is to reform it altogether.
Certainly you never could havehenpecked me into Congress the way you did Jim Walton!
Yes, two blocks from the Bridge, and for a henpecked husband you got a large fat job on your hands if you want to make another getaway to-night.
See, Hochenheimer, when you get a wife howhenpecked you get!
The suffragette and a little henpecked fellow crawling along beside her; that is her husband.
We have an inveterate habit of laughing at the "henpecked husband," and no essayist has been bold enough as yet to devote a chapter to him from a purely historical point of view.
But one could have very well spared the servant-wench who henpecked Peter the Great, and Scarron's widow who henpecked Louis XIV.
There is only one point alone in which I have done him injustice, and that is in depicting him as a henpecked husband.
The idea of one of his choristers being in the henpecked line was very amusing to the bishop.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "henpecked" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.