It was a humiliating position for Philip, who had been so dutiful a son himself, and had such far-reaching ambitions to hand down to his heir.
Whatever may have been Philip’s faults, he was a good and dutiful son, with a high sense of honour, and it is incredible that he would thus early have been guilty of deceit upon such a subject as this.
He was a dutiful son, it is true, but Charles must have known of his domestic arrangements with Doña Isabel Osorio, and could not be certain that a man of twenty-six would be absolutely docile.
He had departed from Brussels in the spring of 1564, and the three nobles at once wrote dutiful letters to Philip, who replied graciously.
She was a fine, bouncing young woman of four-and-twenty; she was dutiful and bountiful, if not beautiful.
And the dutifulboy placed a golden doubloon in the trembling hand of the overjoyed mother.
Exemplary and dutiful as a daughter, loving and helpful as a sister, she could hardly fail to be a devoted and faithful wife.
I hope your Majesty will generously forgive the fault I have committed of entering into any engagement unknown to your Majesty, in consideration of the tender regard and dutiful respect with which I shall remain for life, &c.
When she led him into the kirk of a Sabbath morning, all the neighbors greeted the dutiful daughter with an approving smile, and the old man looked so serene and happy that Jeanie was fully repaid for her labors of love.
With much love to all the family, believe me my dear mother, your dutiful and affectionate son, J.
A good and dutiful daughter till the Englishman stole her from us.
Kilrush came in before her task was finished, but she laid her pen aside gladly, and rose to take his hat and stick from him with her dutiful daughterly air, just as she did for her father.
He, the dutiful son of the Church, ally himself with a member of one of those heretical sects who insult her in her affliction!
The two hens obey the little man as if they weredutiful children.
I have, I thank Heaven, onedutiful child, and I shall henceforth think her my only one.
While Agnes was actuated by the most dutiful affection to her father, she seemed by a happy trustfulness to escape participation in that gloom and care which daily deepened upon the clouded brow of the Sicilian.
Richard, his most dutiful and affectionate son, had accompanied him to England.
Which side should a dutifulsubject and an equally dutiful Christian take?
Neither was I surprised when, on the very next day, Uriah, like a dutiful son, brought his worthy mother to take possession.
But if I would enumerate all the instances in which the authority of the fathers is insolently rejected by those who would be thought their dutiful children, my address would exceed all reasonable bounds.
Well judged the Friend who placed it there 5 For silence and protection; And haply with a finer care Of dutiful affection.
It may be further mentioned, that he was a passionate admirer of Nature; she was his mother, and he was a dutiful child.
It was not as the dutiful property of another, but as herself, a separate and responsible individual, that she would act and feel, rightly or wrongly, as the case might be.
I will take care you never shall, for I will be for ever hereafter, Your most dutiful Son, F.
Had the Duke said what he did, I would have taken it with a dutiful bow and a silent tongue.
Sir," said he, "the Duke of Monmouth has had the dutiful kindness to release his claim on your present services, and to set you free to serve me.
She was exceedingly dutiful to her parents, very loath to grieve them in the least: and if she had at any time (which was very rare) offended them, she would weep bitterly.
Does the same system make men patriotic and cruel, loyal and arrogant, obedient and deceitful, courageous and cunning, dutiful and beastly?