Yet still the besieged, with obstinate valor, frustrated every attempt to penetrate within; reëstablishing during the night the breaches which had been made during the day.
They had no idea of reëstablishing things just as they were before the Napoleonic cataclysm, for the simple reason that Austria, Russia, and Prussia all had schemes for their own advantage that precluded so simple an arrangement.
After bringing the king of Sardinia to terms, Austria pushed southward, reëstablishing the old order as she went.
He called scholarly men to his court, took advantage of their learning, and did much toward reëstablishing a regular system of public instruction.
Then the possibility of Napoleon's reëstablishing Poland as a national kingdom which might threaten Russia's interests, was a constant source of apprehension to Alexander.
In the course of some weeks both sides grew weary of the mere waste of time and military strength consumed in attacking and defending railroad stations, and interrupting and reëstablishing the regularities of provision trains.
I have given the decree [for the stablishing of] my throne and I am the ruler thereof; and in very truth, my mouth keepeth an even balance both in speech and in silence.
At the same time the emperor of Germany, writing to his counsellor at the diet of Nuremberg, expressed the desire he had always felt of reëstablishing the empire of Constantine, and delivering Greece from the domination of the Turks.
Its only effect was to hasten the general discredit, without the essential advantage of reëstablishing a real, legal value.
Some steps have been taken toward reëstablishing it under the authority of the military, and in no other way.
As the spring approached, Nikias transferred his position from Naxos to Katana, reëstablishing that camp which the Syracusans had destroyed.
Great effects of the victory in reëstablishing the reputation of Sparta.
He was directed to try and organize an anti-Syracusan party in the island, for the purpose of reëstablishing the Leontine Demos.
The consequences of the battle were thus immense in reëstablishing the reputation of the Lacedæmonians, and in exalting them again to their ancient dignity of chiefs of Peloponnesus.
Two years later a treaty was signed bringing Tonkin almost directly under French rule and reëstablishing the protectorate in Anam.
Louis eagerly embraced this opportunity for reëstablishing peace in Europe and assuring the success of the holy war.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stablishing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.