Women and children looked from the unglazed windows of the houses; men stood in front of them.
The wooden shutters were thrown back from the unglazed windows, and the big rooms were utterly bare--not a book, not an ornament.
There were solid wooden shutters on the unglazed windows.
In the afternoon of the day following our arrival there was a heavy rain-storm which drove into the unglazed windows, and here and there came through the roof and walls of our daub-and-wattle house.
They say, however, that such a method is more successful for biscuit (the unglazed china) than for the glost.
Is the same sort of clay sagger used for the glazed as well as for the unglazed wares?
To entirely prevent the mischief arising from the action of the acid upon the metallic utensils usually employed to prepare pickles, the whole of the process is directed to be performed in unglazed stone jars.
If gouache is used over a print a preliminary drawing is of course unnecessary, but the photograph should be an unglazed print of a size that will require considerable reduction, and the finished drawing should be protected by an oversheet.
The early sun streamed through the wooden grating before the unglazed window.
Three kinds of wares are well known--a dull plain red, an unglazed but highly polished black, and a brilliant glazed green.
Besides this characteristic product, the town makes a good deal of unglazed but polished red pottery.
She was gazing across at the unglazed window into the obscurity beyond, marvelling in what direction lay the sea and the shores of England.
The north-westerly blast came in cruel gusts through the unglazed window and a vague instinct of self-preservation caused Yvonne to seek shelter in the one corner of the room where the icy draught did not penetrate quite so freely.
For a long time the red sunset light was strong enough to make clearly distinguishable the dazzling white frontages, the flat roofs, and unglazed windows, standing out against the perpendicular walls of basaltic rock.
Base sherd from unglazed red-earthenware water cooler, with spigot hole.
A group of pale-red unglazed fragments is from the bottom of a water cooler.
The other sherd is a portion of an unglazed handle, probably from a potlid (USNM 59.
The man still sat where I had last seen him, but a noise, the same, perhaps, which had roused me, drew him as I looked to the unglazed window.
An old black cloak nailed to the wall, and flapping to and fro in the draught like some dead gallowsbird, hung in front of the unglazed window.
Every book should be written twice, the first draft being made on softunglazed paper with a No.
Any unglazed paper will answer, but the Rives paper is the best.
Unglazed stone jars are of all vessels the most suitable for the containing of pickles, both by virtue of their chemical composition, and on account of their pleasant wholesome look.
The mixing and heating of the vinegar is best performed in unglazed stoneware vessels; if these are unavailable, enamelled iron pans should be used.
The reader has observed that, although the viands were choice enough, they were laid on the cheapest pottery, and even on leaves, that the plate from which I ate was of unglazed earthenware, and that the coffee was served in a gourd.
PLAIN ROMAN WARES The plain unornamented and unglazed Roman pottery which answered to the modern earthenware has usually been considered by writers on the subject in a different category from the glazed and ornamented wares.
The jars are always made of a plain red unglazed clay, and are uncoloured.
To detect it, add one teaspoonful of baking soda to one quart of milk and immerse in it a strip of unglazed paper; in a few hours examine the paper; if annatto is present, it will have become an orange color.
Most of the floor tiles are of unglazed red, except some in the chapel, which are supposed to have formed the paving of the original mosque, and some in an upper room, worn smooth by the feet of Dom Affonso VI.
The enamel is applied only to the ornamentation, the body, busts, and statuettes being all leftunglazed and showing the natural color of the clay.
The ceramic productions of Egypt are divisible into two great classes, unglazed and glazed.
The paste is a strong, tough brown clay, on the unglazed surface of which enamel painting is laid.
The unglazed was almost exclusively restricted to articles of a domestic kind.
Of the vases showing unglazed carvings in bas-relief there is a single pair, sufficient for illustration.
The best works were unglazed terra-cottas, Greek in form, and decorated with Greek subjects.
The best Chelsea works are in red and white unglazed earthen-ware.
It consists of painting on the surface, of carved figures in unglazed relief, and of forms glazed and attached to the surface.
Leaving the unglazed and polished wares, there yet falls to be considered that with an undoubted glaze, to which belong the most artistic works of the Egyptian potters.
The different kinds of unglazed Roman ware may be divided, according to the color of their pastes, into yellowish white, red, gray, and black.
Another kind of unglazed ware is of a light gray color, and was common to Egypt and some of the countries of Asia.
Like the unglazed red pottery, it was extensively used for table services, and may broadly be said to have been the chief domestic ware of the Romans.
From sun-dried bricks we pass to burnt bricks, thence to unglazed pottery possessed of an artistic character, thence again to glazed specimens and enamel.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unglazed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.