Spotting winners is nothing to providing three complete trousseaux at an hour's notice in a small country town.
Said he never knew anyone with such a talent for spotting winners.
We flew out against von Kluck's advance, spottingtheir gun-emplacements and getting the range for our gunners.
He is scouting and spotting for von Kluck's gunners on their south and west Fronts, and sometimes bombing positions he has skried out--and doing it all superbly, damn him!
His art is one in which the spotting of masses for the sake of balance supplants any attempt to produce generating lines.
Schumacheri, but may be distinguished from them by the spotting of the pileus when drying and the peculiar shape of the spores.
They wanted to cruise as much of the coastline as possible in the hope of spotting some sign of Huntington's sunken sloop.
Breathlessly, the boys told their fathers of spotting the prowler on board, of the brief tussle, and the results of their investigation.
Spotting their men, who did not seem to be laboring under any uneasiness of apprehension, they decided upon immediate arrest, and came down upon them like a thousand of brick.
The inference proved to be a correct one, and the watch had no difficulty in spotting the fellow, who came to the place and remained a day or two.
We tried to make those cowardly brutes fire, but they wouldn't; they were afraid of the ships spotting them, I suppose, or perhaps they were afraid of the guns bursting or doing something like that.
Nothing's out there, Professor Aronnax, and if there is some animal, what chance would we have of spotting it?
But spotting that they swam too fast, our Creator twisted their tails, and ever since they've been thrashing the waves up and down, at the expense of their speed.
As for me, I stared industriously in the direction under observation but without spotting a thing.
In that case, there is no occasion for spotting the lost ball.
Young birds are streaked with buffy above and the spotting of underparts inclines to bars on breast and sides.
Sparrow size; rusty brown coloration; heavily spotting of underparts distinctive save for the Passerella iliaca group from which it is further distinguished by smaller size and varied head markings.
Sparrow to Chewink size; slaty gray and brown coloration above with heavy spotting on breast distinctive; gray instead of brown on back as compared with the five members of the unalaschensis group.
All eggs appear beautiful to the seasoned oologist, but few surpass in dainty elegance the three creamy ovals of the Pewee, with their spotting of quaint old browns and subdued lavenders.
The brown spotting is all right and an unpigmented shell is not an impossibility, but deviations from the characteristic greenish blue of the ground-color have not since been reported.
The Beta was also sent over to Dunkirk to assist in spotting for artillery fire and locating German batteries on the Belgian coast.
Beta) also saw active service, as she was based for a short period early in 1915 at Dunkirk, and was employed in spotting duties with the Belgian artillery near Ostend.
The enemy machines did little gun-spotting over our positions.
You've said it, Boy," remarked Dixie, and turned to his spotting again.
Our reconnoitring and gun-spotting machines were quartering the ground in search of targets, the scout machines sweeping to and fro above them ready to drop on any hostiles which tried to interrupt them in their work.
In none is the spottingheaviest on the smaller end (reversed eggs).
At sufficiently close range the margination of the feathers of the upper parts is quite unlike the spotting of the yellow-legs' plumage.
There is much individual variation in the extent and intensity of the rufous and in the amount of black spotting on the breast.
Taverner he seems inclined to recognize the Alberta bird as a "short-billed bird resembling the eastern most, but intermediate, and with spotting characters different from either.
And now in the dead of night it was let loose; with the unlimited stillness of the night vibrating in grotesque, yapping echo, with the cold light of the moon spotting uncanny over the kennels, she had it.
Shadows that blurred around the shapes of flowers; shadows that spread over the flowers, smearing out the spotting color of them until they were a gloom-splotched, ghostly mass.
You may set your mind at rest, that, while I'm about you, Colonel Clay can do nothing without my instantly spotting him.
The two first mentioned had met with the good fortune of spotting a huge elk.
They are not the same men who personated Navarre and Napoleon at the ball; I would risk anything on the truth of my assertion; and they are both spotting the black domino.
Yes, yes, I see now; but who have they been spotting or shadowing?
India ink and Opaque, with pencil brushes and lead pencils for spotting negatives.
It was now considered time to draw off seawards, and the spotting officers, perched on their tripods, had to climb down the railway irons under a heavy fire and swim to the ships sent to rescue them.
Individual valour counts for little compared with accurate range-tests and spotting by waves of sound.
Somewhere the test instruments--which had seemed so lenient--had tripped him up, spotting the weakness that he had tried to fight.
Getting you back here, without Huth spotting the old heli I picked up once at a deserted settlers' camp was real tough going.
And—er—congratulations on spotting that Jap task force, Blake!
If it stayed there, Barry thought, the planes would have little trouble in spotting the Jap convoy.
Individuals with pale bluish spots are found throughout the range of the species in Michoacan; spotting is especially evident in the young.
The leading ship was listing badly, her tripod mast with its spotting top hung far over to port, and she was towing stern first a sister ship whose bows were almost hidden under water.
Of course there is a regular forest of masts and gantries showing, and a couple of spotting tops more or less might not be noticed.
They might see the spotting tops of the cruisers inside.
I was out on patrol duty," he explained, "spotting for submarines between the Straits and Zeebrugge.
The confusion of figures at first is puzzling; but viewed simply as a spotting of bright colors there is no finer panel among them all.
This has a wonderful synthetic quality, a suppression of detail and a spotting of interest at the important point.