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Example sentences for "spawning"

Lexicographically close words:
spavin; spavined; spawn; spawne; spawned; spawns; spayed; speach; speache; speaches
  1. A female pike, so called from its period of spawning being late, contemporary with the frogs.

  2. Applied to salmon in the spawning state, or such as have not for the current year made their way to the sea for purification; shedders.

  3. The phenomenon observed usually in connection with the spawning of fish, at the distance of four leagues from shore.

  4. A northern general term for fishes in the spawning state, but particularly applied to salmon.

  5. The first inhabit most European rivers, except in the spawning season, when, according to some naturalists, they betake themselves to the sea.

  6. Nothing is more curious to witness than a bank of oysters at the spawning season.

  7. In the spawning season the oysters which have been deposited on the artificial rocks discharge the myriads of young fry which have been nurtured in the folds of their mantles.

  8. It includes most of our fresh-water fishes, a great number of marine species, and many like the salmon, which betake themselves to the rivers in the spawning season to deposit their ova.

  9. They are fishes of great size, living in the sea, but ascending the larger rivers in the spawning season.

  10. The spawning season is usually from the month of June to the end of September: during this season the oysters deposit their eggs in the folds of the mantle.

  11. The spawning season is extended over an even longer period than that of our own brown trout, beginning, in its native country, in October, and sometimes lasting till March.

  12. As in nature, at best but a comparatively small percentage of the ova are impregnated, and by artificial spawning over ninety per cent.

  13. This may be done either by collecting the ova deposited by the fish in the spawning beds or from the gravid females.

  14. As the spawning season is extended over such a considerable period of time, it is obvious that the amateur will be able to obtain the ova, ready to hatch out, during a similarly lengthy period.

  15. The artificial spawning of trout is not an undertaking in which the beginner is likely to achieve great success, and therefore I should advise him to avoid relying upon it when he commences his operations as a fish culturist.

  16. The breeding of trout and salmon, and the artificial spawning and hatching of ova, are, however, an innovation of our own time.

  17. They spawn at a different time and would not be likely to frequent the spawning places at the same time as the trout.

  18. Probably not more than one egg in a thousand produces a fish which reaches the smolt stage, and a still smaller proportion grows to the spawning stage.

  19. Some, during the breeding season, were placed on spawning floats and anchored near the shore, where the shallow water is thoroughly warmed by the sun.

  20. Beyond strewing clean shells on these private beds, no provision is made to collect the swimming embryos during the spawning season, and multitudes must be carried away and lost.

  21. The general habit is sluggish, except at the spawning period in May and June.

  22. After spawning in the fresh water the grilse again seeks the sea in the autumn, and when its second stay in the ocean is over it returns after a few months’ absence as the adult salmon, weighing from eight to ten pounds.

  23. When the spawning season begins in autumn all the color disappears and the body becomes slimy to the touch.

  24. Having arrived at a shoal which seems to present suitable conditions for a spawning nest, the individual or pair commences at once to move stones with its mouth from the centre to the margin of an area one or two feet in diameter.

  25. Mueller, in 1865, showed that all the ova in the lamprey were of the same size, and that after spawning no small reproductive bodies remained to be developed later.

  26. The sunfish in the spawning time will build some sort of a nest of stones on the bottom of the eddy, and then, when the eggs are laid, the male with flashing eye and fins all spread will defend the place with a good deal of spirit.

  27. After clinging with their mouths to the stones at the foot of the falls for a few days, they work their way down-stream, carefully inspecting all the bottom for suitable spawning sites.

  28. In 'running' they move almost entirely at night, and if they do not reach a suitable spawning site by daylight, they will cling to roots or stones during the day and complete their journey the next night.

  29. Of the spawning beds personally observed during several seasons, nine-tenths of the entire number were formed just above the shallows at the lower ends of the pools, while only a few were placed below them.

  30. These alkaloids are most developed in the ovaries and testes, and in the spawning season.

  31. In fact, as the inlet is the only stream entering Cayuga Lake in this region which presents suitable spawning conditions and no obstructions, it can be seen at once that all the lampreys must spawn in this stream and its tributaries.

  32. The necessity of sand in the spawning bed indicates the explanation of why we see so many shallows which have no spawning lampreys upon them, while there are others in the same vicinity that are crowded.

  33. Holt led to the acquisition of much valuable information concerning the spawning habits of fishes and the distribution of fish on the Atlantic seaboard.

  34. Their report is an excellent summary of the condition of the sea fisheries at the time, and shows how little was then known with regard to the eggs and spawning habits of our marine food fishes.

  35. Accordingly, with the return of the spawning season there comes back an instinctive desire to seek once more the native fresh water.

  36. The people out here have the impression that a salmon never feeds again after leaving the sea in its spawning journey, and that none of the vast millions which commence the voyage ever return.

  37. They start from the ocean very fat and live on their fat until the spawning season is over, by which time they become so lean as to be scarcely edible.

  38. This is the spawning solution of the problem of securing the continuance of the race.

  39. One here and another there makes its effort good, touches the upper lip of the cataract, gives a swift stroke of its tail, and rushes on towards those upper reaches which are the immemorial spawning beds of its race.

  40. These illustrate the spawning method of solving the problem of survival.

  41. All the species breed in fresh water, but after spawning many of them descend to the sea if they have an opportunity.

  42. The spawning season also varies with the locality, and ranges from the latter part of July to the middle of November.

  43. The date of spawning seems to be determined by the temperature of the water, for it is said that the salmon will not spawn, even if on the spawning grounds, until the water has fallen to a temperature of 54 degrees Fahrenheit.

  44. As these gamy fish seek their spawning grounds, after their four-years' sojourn in unknown waters, they enter Monterey Bay at its southern headland and follow around it at varying distances from the shore.

  45. Soon after done spawning every one of them died, not only both forms of the red fish but the chinook salmon as well.

  46. As the spawning season approaches, the jaws of the males become lengthened and badly distorted and the color changes to more of a pinkish hue and blotched in appearance.

  47. Its run begins about the first of September, spawning in October and November.

  48. As the spawning season approaches the whole fish takes on a decided reddish cast, which sometimes becomes as dark as a brick-red.

  49. Apparently these are spawning fish that leave abruptly during January, working offshore again.

  50. The shad at their first coming up are fat and fleshy, but they waste so extremely in milting and spawning that at their going down they are poor and seem fuller of bones, only because they have less flesh.

  51. Unlike salmon they do not perish after one spawning and the oftener they return, the larger they are.

  52. Fish were salted when there was a surplus and in certain seasons, especially the spawning time of the anadromous river-herring, they were available in phenomenal quantities.

  53. In order to determine how many eggs oysters produce, they must be examined during their spawning season.

  54. If the hucho, as he believes, generally spawns late in the winter, it may sometimes meet with trout spawning at the same time.

  55. Even the pectoral and anal fins had more spines in the newly run fish, some of the smaller ones having been probably rubbed off in spawning by the other.

  56. In those I have caught at Laybach, which, however, were small ones, the ova were not sufficiently developed to admit of their spawning that spring.

  57. At first they all associated together in spawning in the brook which fed the lake, but those newly introduced were easily known from their darker backs and brighter sides.

  58. No doubt a further great source of food supply is the spawn of the salmon, which must be very plentiful on the spawning beds.

  59. It is so called from the misshapen appearance of the head and teeth of the males at spawning time.

  60. Possibly the trout flee upwards ahead of the serried ranks of the invaders with the view also of feeding on their eggs when they reach the spawning grounds.

  61. A hump appears just behind the head of the males at spawning time, fifteen rays in the anal fin.

  62. It spawns in fresh waters, and survives after spawning and returns to the sea.

  63. These fish might be steel-heads, but it is far more probable that they are silver trout, collecting at the mouth of the Nicola preparatory to running up it for spawning purposes.

  64. But in reference to the point in question, that cold accelerates the spawning process, let us take for a moment the general basin of the Oykel waters into view.

  65. As we have said above, the greater part of these breeders ascend in August and September, and the throng of the spawning process takes place in November and December.

  66. However this may be, they remain in the fresh water till the spawning months commence.

  67. Although the throng of our smolts descend in April and May, we have smolts descending in March, and as late in the season as August, which lapse of time agrees with the continuance of our spawning season.

  68. The earliest individuals are in general such as have escaped the nets and other accidents below, and have made their watery way in good time to proper spawning places.

  69. The earlier spawning begins in September with only a few pairs, generally grilse; and from that period the numbers increase till the first week of December, when the operation has attained its height.

  70. The lateness of the spawning season in the Shin may, in some measure, be owing to the early breeding fish going up into the loch, from whence, after a time, they fall back upon the spawning places in the fords of the river.

  71. I have seen fish spawning through the course of six months, and I have seen smolts descending through the same length of time.

  72. He has seen them in the act of spawning in these and all the intermediate months.

  73. We know that for several seasons back, the earliest spawning in that quarter has occurred in the Carron, in September.

  74. In the spawning time jack fish, which at other periods are apparently of a solitary disposition, go in pairs, and sometimes in trios, and are more tame than usual.

  75. During the spawning season, as was observed previously, jack go in pairs, and now and then in trios, and of this the poacher avails himself to take more than one at a haul.

  76. So also fish, even when manifestly unfit for table, in the midst of spawning time, commands a ready sale if overlooked by the authorities.

  77. Assuming the materials to have been turned once after having heated, and again disturbed previous to being made into beds, they ought to be in a condition for spawning from ten to twelve days after being put together.

  78. As the making and spawning of beds is a process continually going on, a bed of this sort must be ready at all times.

  79. A dark place in a warm house, or gentle hotbed, would do as well, but in no case should it be done more than three days before spawning time.

  80. At spawning this might with advantage be mixed with some that has not gone through this process.

  81. In passing, it may not be out of place to remark that spawning in this manner must be guided, or rather governed, by the state of the material of the bed.

  82. THE temperature of the material of the beds should never, at spawning time, exceed 80 degrees Fahr.

  83. If it is not sufficiently cooled, it will be safer to make holes in the usual manner for the spawn; but if in a fit state, then I think the broadcast spawning and earthing, as before described, is the best plan.

  84. For this spawning it is of course necessary to obtain a little spawn, whether home-made or bought from the seedsman, or found in what the French call "a virgin condition" in the dunghill.

  85. When the Shoveler comes to a spawning bed, in its voracity it destroys the young fish in thousands, before they are fully hatched.

  86. As it feeds much on the larvae of the May-fly and bank-fly, and others which are destructive to the salmon spawning beds, it must be of good service to the fisher.

  87. This is the head of the Henry's Fork of the Snake River, and a great spawning ground.

  88. Yet on the spawning run above, on the stream up here, I have seen fellows stand on the bank and snake out strings of them as long as a long willow would hold.

  89. Immediately the spawning is completed, a thick and even covering of clean straw or litter of some kind should be laid over the bed, secured from wind by canvas, mats, hurdles, or in some other way.

  90. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "spawning" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    fecund; productive; prolific; reproduction