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Example sentences for "distances"

Lexicographically close words:
distained; distal; distally; distance; distanced; distancia; distancing; distans; distant; distante
  1. Mundane distances become trivial when compared with the distance from the earth of the sun and still more of other heavenly bodies: hence we infer infinite space.

  2. In the Narrows, torpedoes were moored at distances of one hundred feet apart, and were connected with the shore by electric wires.

  3. You must know that the east coast of Australia has running parallel to it at distances of from five miles to seventy or eighty an almost continuous line of coral reefs, the Great Barrier as it is called.

  4. The distances these holes are placed off center will depend entirely upon the motion of the valve.

  5. This piece must be nailed to the bottom of each of the ribs, one at each end, and the other two containing the holes at equal distances apart.

  6. Hitherto this mode of conveyance, as applying to the transmission of seeds for great distances across the ocean, has been rejected by botanists, for two reasons.

  7. The eggs of insects, being often deposited in borings or in crevices of timber, may have been conveyed long distances by floating trees, as may the larvae of those species which feed on wood.

  8. To obtain direct evidence of the transmission of such minute and perishable objects, which do not exist in great quantities, and are probably carried to the greatest distances but rarely and as single specimens, is extremely difficult.

  9. The distances above referred to between the loftier mountains may thus be greatly reduced by the occurrence of suitable conditions at lower altitudes, and the facilities for transmission by means of aerial currents proportionally increased.

  10. It will be noticed that there is usually no very great accumulation of dots about the median line which shows the average dimensions, but that a considerable number are spread at varying distances on each side of it.

  11. Hence he concluded that the prevalent opinion that seeds may be carried through the air for very great distances "is not supported by fact.

  12. The distances he traversed can only be appreciated by having an atlas at hand while perusing the story.

  13. The beginner should concentrate on casting accurately and delicately; ability to cover average fishing distances is soon gained without much conscious effort to that end.

  14. Some of them make occasional foraging expeditions to considerable distances from home.

  15. If she would have taken boarders, she could have obtained far higher terms, for good schools were scarce; but this she would not do, and her pupils all lived within distances where they could walk backwards and forwards to their homes.

  16. Before choosing it, Captain Rogers placed a bit of paper against a tree, and fired several shots at various distances at it.

  17. As we have said before, it is mainly over long distances that the airship will score, and for long distances on the amount carried the success of the enterprise will be secured.

  18. Its range, of course, is strictly limited; but it may be worked to advantage within the distances at which the best naval artillery can be depended upon to make good practice.

  19. The first notable service rendered by systems of the kind indicated will no doubt be in connection with the rediscovery of very valuable lodes which have been followed up for certain distances and then lost.

  20. But it is found in practice that for heavy freight this endless cable traction does not suit over distances of more than about two miles.

  21. Hence its great value for the defence of harbours by striking at distances of perhaps two or three hours' steaming.

  22. The various stages of this history are to be represented by the successive distances between the earth and the moon.

  23. Some of those wonderful old books are still in existence, and people go long distances to see them.

  24. He is a small, long-legged animal, who can leap long distances and run like the wind.

  25. Of its ancient glories there remain only the splendid causeway, still kept in repair, and the inns encountered at short distances apart, many of them once grand hostelries.

  26. By this, the four canoes have arrived at the entrance to the inlet, and are forming in line across it at equal distances from one another, as if to bar the way against anything that may attempt to pass outward.

  27. The length of the marches was regulated by the distances between places affording a supply of water for the troops, and these distances were sometimes long and sometimes short.

  28. Up to this time my troops had been kept in supporting distances of each other, as far as the nature of the country would admit.

  29. Defeat to us would lay open to the enemy the States of Maryland and Pennsylvania for long distances before another army could be interposed to check him.

  30. Every foot of road had to be guarded by troops stationed at convenient distances apart.

  31. The whole distance from there to Vicksburg and thence to Warrenton was also intrenched, with batteries at suitable distances and rifle-pits connecting them.

  32. Well, that's rather an exaggerated way of putting it, but one does look at distances differently in the South Seas.

  33. Davidson's district consisted of a group of islands to the North of Samoa; they were widely separated and he had frequently to go long distances by canoe.

  34. Then I got him to recall, as nearly as he could, the courses and distances steered by the Amazon until the time of her wreck.

  35. When within it you find the distances great from one extremity to the other, and become aware of the importance involved in mere dimensions.

  36. The streets have been extended on the south side, on the same plan as those of the rest of the city, with small parks at short distances from each other, planted with trees; and the new houses are handsome and well-built.

  37. The distances traversed by the missionaries in reaching these outposts demand determined purpose, strength of body and love for humanity.

  38. The work is strenuous, and he must have a heart warm with the love for souls of men who would willingly, faithfully brave the dangers and privations consequent to the long distances between the camps.

  39. Food and water also have often to be brought long distances to their camps by the camel-men, while the women are occupied with their domestic duties and their weaving.

  40. Their vast distances only prevent its being more apparent.

  41. The superior accuracy and minuteness with which the motions and distances of the heavenly bodies were now observed, resulted in the accumulation of a mass of new materials, both for tabular comparison and theoretical speculation.

  42. The second class of instruments consists of those which are designed principally to measure the angular distances of the heavenly bodies from each other, and their time of passing the meridian.

  43. Grazing herds had their sustenance buried from their sight, and could save their lives only by traveling long distances in this loose dust.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "distances" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.