It no longer appeared gravid and the ova could not be detected by palpation.
Gravid females that were kept in captivity in anticipation of their laying usually produced their clutches within a few days.
The calculated number of eggs pertains to a stage before oviposition, and subsequent losses through resorption under unfavorable conditions, through inviability of embryos and through deaths of some of the gravid females, are to be expected.
Gravid females have been found from April to August.
Clasping pairs and gravid females have been found mostly from June to August throughout its range.
Clasping pairs, gravid females, and calling males have been found mostly in June, July, and August.
Oblivious of the gravid mother and the future brood, the male gives her no assistance in her exhausting task.
These data explain the tactics of the gravid mother.
I should pass in review all the semi-ligneous plants of the country were I to catalogue the various supports which are utilised by the gravid female.
A few gravid females, more pressed for time than the others, confide their eggs to the growing pod, flat and meagre as it issues from its floral sheath.
The gravid female always retains an upright position at this time, as indeed she does at other times.
In such a proceeding I see the attempt of a gravid mother pressed for time to obtain prompt information.
I supplied these colonists with a gravid queen, so they very quickly became satisfied with their new home.
On one occasion I gave him a gravid lobster and came very near losing him thereby.
This latter condition, however, may in part be attributed to the pressure of the gravid uterus obstructing the peristaltic motion.
Having ascertained this point, it next becomes a question, whether the parietes of the gravid uterus increase in thickness during pregnancy, or whether they become thinner.
In the unimpregnated state they resemble the fibrous coat of an artery, whereas, those of the gravid uterus are more like the fibres of muscle.
This state lasts for two or more days after delivery, when the vessels begin to recover their former caliber, and lose that degree of dilatation peculiar to the gravid state.
In the mildest cases hemorrhage may not actually take place unless the patients be non-gravid females within the ovulating limits of life.
The same author produced death from septicæmia by injecting into the gravid uterus of one rabbit serum from the abdomen of another which had died from infection.
Gravid females of ferox and spinifer may wander overland some distance and select places where the view of the water is obstructed by vegetation; both species may wander little and nest in full view of the water.
The same authors recorded a gravid female taken on June 22 (op.
Movements of nest-seeking females were more extensive than those of males and non-gravid females observed in the same periods.
Of 22 box turtles known to have home ranges in the northwest corner area, only two individuals (both gravid females) were known to leave the area in the period in which observations were made.
A gravid female traveled farther in a single day than any other individual of T.
Movements of gravid females are more extensive (average, 363 feet per day) than those of other members of the population; one individual traveled approximately one-fourth of a mile in a single day.
Gravid females in June traveled the next longest average distance per day (363 feet).
Information gleaned from records of gravid females and known dates of nesting suggests that eggs are retained in the oviducts two to three weeks before laying.
It was there he effected the vital work on his great picture, "Promesse," a revelation of earth gravid with life, of the opulent promise and purpose of spring.
Gravid females were collected in June, July and August.
Breeding congregations have been found from December through April, but a few calling males and gravid females have been taken in June, July, and August.
Gravid females taken from their nest burrows and kept in the laboratory in containers with loose damp soil soon excavated new burrows and deposited clutches.
A series of gravid females were obtained and examined after ovulation; the numbers of eggs in their oviducts probably indicates accurately the sizes of their clutches.
However, he states that it also spends much time on the ground, and may take refuge in holes and cracks near ground level, and gravid females are less arboreal, making their nests in decayed logs of chestnut or oak.
Gravid females when exposed in nest cavities that still contain no eggs are similarly sluggish and reluctant to leave differing little or none in behavior from those that have laid their clutches.
The varied character of the nesting sites chosen demonstrated a wide range of tolerance for temperature, moisture, and other factors, in the gravid and brooding female and in the developing embryo.
On numerous occasions, at the time of year when most females are gravid and are staying in nest burrows, I have discovered well formed nest burrows empty and seemingly deserted, with no female in evidence nearby.
Occasionally gravid females were caught in the open, but most of them were in nest burrows under flat rocks.
It occurs even in gravid females that are slow and clumsy, being weighed down with eggs.
Nest occupied by a gravid female, apparently ready to lay.
Gravid females, and those with nests and eggs were rarely seen in the open.
Relatively few temperature readings on gravid or brooding females under natural conditions were obtained as they were easily disturbed and tended to desert their nests at slight provocation.
In late May or early June the gravid females become unusually secretive and excavate nest burrows in damp soil under flat rocks, or in rotten wood of decaying logs and stumps.
The disease is likely to cause hemorrhage from the uterus in non-gravid women, especially in those who are past the climacteric, and menorrhagia in younger women who are not pregnant.
De Lee says he has removed fibroids from the pregnant uterus, once even exposing the chorion, and has amputated the cervix of a gravid uterus, without interrupting pregnancy.
Women gravid with monsters commonly abort early in pregnancy, but even united twins may go on to term.
Pregnant women are more liable to infection by the gonococcus than non-gravid women, because of the increased blood supply to the generative organs in gestation, and the softening of these organs.
Septuagint version we find: 'He that strikes a gravid woman and causes abortion, will give life for life if the child was formed; if it was not formed, he will be fined.
She had no dulness on percussion in the space that would be occupied by the gravid uterus, but rather resonance.
His brother William, who had five years previously described the same in his Anatomy of the Gravid Uterus, thereupon wrote to the Society attributing to himself this honour.
His great work, The Anatomy of the Gravid Uterus, exhibited in Figures, fol.
The physical signs are those of a pelvic tumour incarcerated by a gravid uterus.
Occasionally the operation has been followed by miscarriage and other untoward results, but, speaking generally, a gravid uterus is very tolerant of interference.
When free bleeding follows a bullet-wound of the gravid uterus the hæmorrhage is usually due to damage of blood-vessels connected with the intestines.
Some of the most remarkable injuries inflicted on the gravid uterus are the consequences of attempts to induce what is technically called criminal abortion, especially when the abortion is self-induced.
When a gravid tube is detected before rupture, the operation is practically that of oöphorectomy: and is simple and safe.
I also pointed out that the large effusions of blood in the abdomen due to tubal abortion, or to the rupture of a gravid tube, are often attended with fever, and in some instances the temperature rises to 103°.
The gravid uterus has very thin walls and, occasionally, resembles so very closely an ovarian cyst as to deceive an inexperienced operator.
A frozen section was made of the pelvis, and on inspecting the cut surface the right ovary, converted into a dermoid, was found incarcerated by the gravid uterus.
Much free blood may be due to the bursting, or abortion, of a gravid tube.
In the sixth patient the tumour was regarded by some capable gynæcologists, who examined her, as a tubal pregnancy complicating a gravid uterus.
The gravid uterus and placenta of Hyomoschus aquaticus.
That is their natural situation; and as in the gravid state the length of the horns is greatly extended, of course some occupy a place far within the abdomen.
Although no amplectant pairs were found, several gravid females were collected at Lago Agrio in May, so it can be safely assumed that the species breeds in May.
The holotype of Hyla riopastazae is a gravid female having a snout-vent length of 64.
In late April and May many gravid females and males with well-developed nuptial excrescences were obtained from trees as they were felled at Lago Agrio.
The type of Hyla vilarsi is a gravid female having a snout-vent length of 62.
The holotype, a gravid female, is the largest known specimen (31 mm.
To place a gravid female in its proper age class, the weight of the embryos was subtracted from the total weight, and the remaining weight was used as the body weight.
The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of gravid females collected each month.
Fifty-eight gravid females of Microtus ochrogaster examined by me had an average of 3.
Figure 2 suggests that the decline was most marked in December and January; no gravid females were collected in these two months, although two females trapped in the first week of December were lactating.
Not included in either of the above analyses are nine gravid females collected in November in a pasture watered by an artesian spring in Atchison County, Kansas.