Thus was the prediction of Manuel accomplished; all the efforts employed to unite opinions, only served to raise a new barrier between the Greeks and the Latins.
This disappointment, however, only served to stimulate the British to another action.
The resumed debate, however, only served to place the difference of opinion which existed between the Rockingham and Chatham parties respecting America in a clearer light.
The fourth crusade, which we are about to describe, and in which the Christians might have greatly profited by the troubles of the East, only served to reunite the scattered members of the empire of Saladin.
But the sight of a revered sign, and the passing ardour which it created, only served to increase the disorder of the fight.
A great number of Christian families which had left the devastated provinces of Palestine, filled the capital, and, very far from bringing it any assistance, only served to increase the general trouble and consternation.
The distressing consciousness of neglect occasioned by his own misconduct, was thus forced upon him wherever he turned; and instead of teaching him a lesson of humility, it only served to sour his temper, and pervert his feelings.
The consequence naturally was, that a coldness took place between them, and that the consideration with which Mary continued to treat Rizzio, as her foreign secretary, only served to increase Darnley's disaffection.
His acquittal certainly disappointed Mary; but it only served to convince her more and more, that bigotry and justice were incompatible.
Instead, however, of disturbing the Pythian mood of his lady, it only served to deepen it; but she said nothing, though her look intimated that she was offended by his levity.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "only served" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.