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Example sentences for "sorowe"

Lexicographically close words:
sorores; sororis; sororities; sorority; sorow; sorowes; sorowful; sorowfull; sorra; sorrel
  1. With sorowe shalt thou beare thy children, and thy will shall be subiect to thy man: and he shal beare dominion ouer the.

  2. The anguishe and sorowe would not suffer the Prince to aunsweare one worde for weping.

  3. If ye mynde to bee my wyfe, Ye shall be assured for the tyme of my lyfe, I will keepe ye ryght well, from good rayment and fare, Ye shall not be kepte but in sorowe and care.

  4. Love, which that joy and sorowe doth departe, Hath set the ladies out of al servage, And largely doth graunt hem, for their parte, Lordship and rule of every maner age.

  5. There liveth non but he hath disese; your might than that brought me to suche service, that to me is cause of sorowe and of joye.

  6. My 60 greet joye it is to have in meditacion the bountees, the vertues, the nobley in you printed; sorowe and helle comen at ones, to suppose that I be +weyved.

  7. Thou might in love so thee have, that loos and fame shul so ben raysed, that to thy frendes comfort, and sorowe to thyne enemys, endlesse shul endure.

  8. For in prosperite she maketh a jape in blyndnesse; that is, she wyndeth him to make sorowe whan she withdraweth.

  9. Sone he was to souper sette, And served well with silver white, And when the sherif sawe his vessell, For sorowe he myght nat ete.

  10. Yf I dwele lenger with the kynge, Sorowe wyll me sloo.

  11. And he that this sorowe forsaketh, By hym that dyed on tre, Shall he never in grenë wode No lenger dwel with me.

  12. The Lord works The lord satt and dyd hys werke, away, The stuard drewe in to the derke, Gret sorowe was in hys þought.

  13. Lo, thus may ye se, that women sorowe ryght longe, after theyr husbondes be departed to God.

  14. At laste, whan he was alyghted his wyfe parceyued and shewedde hym playnlye, that the asse, that he rode on, was the same that he soughte, and made suche sorowe fore.

  15. And fyrst of all he thought on a feder, a straw, a pynnes poynte, and suche other; but nothynge could he deuyse but that it was somwhat; wherfore he came home all sadde and pencyfe for sorowe of losynge of his xl.

  16. There is also greate sorowe if thy children proue wicked and dissolute.

  17. In order to make them more alike, Thynne inserted an additional line--And thus in sorowe lefte me alone--after l.

  18. Thynne inserts And thus in sorowe lefte me alone; it is spurious; see note.

  19. Than thynke what sorowe & waylynge may be to them [that] for so lytell a thynge here haue lost so grete Ioye contynuell.

  20. Ioye thou not in wyckednesse but sorowe [thou] rather.

  21. Or ellis I may singe of sorowe a songe, And of mournynge right I-nowe.

  22. He wente home tille his tente than With grete sorowe and mournyn[g|] mode.

  23. The Soudan gives the Loke, here sorowe be evere newe, prisoners into her Tille that Ferumbras delyu«er»ed be.

  24. Thus was moche sorowe bygon̄, Thai slougħ all, that were ther-Inne.

  25. With vitaile in agayne, For sorowe he woxe nere wode.

  26. He shall make no booste in his contre; God giffe him sorowe thikke!

  27. But of the Sowdon̄ laban speke we nowe, Howe of sorowe was his songe.

  28. When Tristram thought Isoud unfaithful, he "made grete sorowe in so much that he fell downe of his hors in a swoune, and in suche sorowe he was in thre dayes and thre nyghtes.

  29. Whan syr Arthur wyst that syre Gawayne was layd so lowe he went vnto hym, and there the kyng made sorowe oute of mesure, and took sire Gawayne in his armes, and thryes[22] he there swouned.

  30. Lament, mourne, and sorowe for your enormyte.

  31. For often plesour endeth with sorowe and dolour.

  32. Soone he was to super sette, And served with sylver whyte; 190 And whan the sheryf se his vessell, For sorowe he myght not ete.

  33. And he that this sorowe forsaketh, By hym that dyed on a tre, And by him that al thinges maketh,[L99] No lenger shall dwell with me.

  34. And Esau hated Iacob because of the blessynge y^t his father blessed him with all/ & sayde in his harte: The dayes of my fathers sorowe are at hade/ for I will sley my brother Iacob.

  35. And so shuld ye brynge my gray head with sorowe vnto the graue.

  36. This same shall comforte vs: as concernynge oure worke and sorowe of oure handes which we haue aboute the erthe that the LORde hath cursed.

  37. OF the rysyon of the deth of Roulland, and of the sorowe of Charles.

  38. I am wounded mortally, and may not helpe myself; and take in pacyence alle the sorowe that I suffre, and am therwyth content when it pleaseth the.

  39. Here endeth the payne and sorowe of evyll maryage.

  40. Therfore let yonge men to eschew sorowe and care Withdrawe theyr fete or they come in the snare.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sorowe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.