This sorowfull night, which was the tenth of July in An .
Then the Indians departed home to their houses with sorowfull hartes, God knoweth, as you may imagine.
Likewise I esteme al that we haue done is nothing, if we winne not Mexico, our victories shoulde also be sorowfull if we reuenge not the death of our déere fellowes.
And now hearken the mostsorowfull scene of all the Tragedy.
And in that sorowfull agonie she with lamentable countenance and sorowfull cheare, repaired to the presence of the king hir husband, demanding of him what it should meane, that he had iudged hir worthie to die.
Shortlie after this solemne buriall, his sorowfull queene returned into England, and kept hir estate with the yoong king hir sonne.
The king went vnto Beuerlie, to visit the shrine of saint Iohn, and immediatlie vpon his departure from thence, the sorowfull newes of his brother the duke of Clarences death, came to him, for which he was right pensife.
Though all men were sorowfull for his death, yet the duke of Bedford was most striken with heauinesse, as he that had lost his onelie right hand, and cheefe aid in time of necessitie.
Ah cruell enemy of all pitie, doest thou not knowe and feele in thy minde, the heauie and sorowfull sounde of my bitter plaintes?
The king ending his sorowfull complainte, stopped by sobbes and sighes, helde his peace.
Whom Violenta aunsweared: “Sir Didaco, you bid me good morrow in words, but in deede you go about to prepare for me a heuie and sorowfull life.
The poore Duke being sorowfull beyond measure, for that he loued the Duchesse entierly, sent for the Suffragane of the Bishop of Thurin, a man of uery holy life, to thintent he might geue her ghostly councell.
Now was the Clark very sorowfull to leaue his Ladye, but yet no lesse ioyfull he was that his life was saued.
Thys poyson I send hir with so dolefull Message, as my poore hearte (God knoweth) doth only fele the smart, being the most sorowfull present that euer was offred to any fayre Lady.
Wherfore verye sorowfull and pensiue hee departed, and retourned to the Campe.
During this time, king Edward enioied Scotland peaceablie, and then at the contemplation and wearie suit of his sorowfull sister, wife of this Dauid, he was contented once againe to restore him to the kingdome of Scotland.
Harfager and Tostie, they hoised vp their sailes and directed their course homewards, bearing sorowfull newes with them [Sidenote: Simon Dun.
These newes were nothing pleasant to the christian princes, and namelie the two kings Henrie and Philip seemed sorowfullfor the same, [Sidenote: An enteruiew betwixt the two kings.
The frier Costodio remained so sad and sorowfull for the carrying away of the ara and Madlin of feathers, as though he had lost a great treasure: and being desirous to recouer them againe, he did recommend the same vnto S.
These souldiers carried in their handes blacke banners, and other heauie and sorowfull signes (which is vsed in that kingdome, when at any time they doo execute anie person).
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sorowfull" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.