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Example sentences for "skilfully"

Lexicographically close words:
skiing; skil; skilful; skilfull; skilfullest; skilfulness; skill; skilled; skillet; skillets
  1. Hence I consider that the chamber has been restored at different periods; an opinion confirmed by the barrel-vault formed of long oblong stones, skilfully laid with mortar.

  2. The capitals of these columns, which are skilfully executed, are a Byzantine imitation of the Corinthian order.

  3. The north facade is built of well-wrought stones of different colours, skilfully laid with even joints, especially in the door-posts, where lead is employed instead of mortar.

  4. The picture is full of life and colour, and the stirring and romantic incidents which marked the struggle are most skilfully blended with the personal interest and charm of the story.

  5. The story, from the critical moment of the killing of the sacred cat to the perilous exodus into Asia with which it closes, is very skilfully constructed and full of exciting adventures.

  6. Birds, I may incidentally remark, are cooked without the bones; these are skilfully taken out and serve to enrich the gravy.

  7. But am bound to admit you have managed your affair up to this point skilfully and well.

  8. Lord Beaconsfield skilfully played upon this feeling, and there ensued a condition of affairs in which Mr. Gladstone made triumphal progresses through the north of England, and was hooted weekly in the streets of London.

  9. And now Shuiski applied a match to the train he had so skilfully laid.

  10. You fence skilfully," said he, sneering, "too skilfully for an honest man.

  11. He fenced skilfully under exurnination, ever evading the magistrate's practiced point when it sought to pin him, and he was no less careful to say nothing that should incriminate either of the other two prisoners.

  12. The boat, skilfully steered by the boatswain, had reached the large shoal of crustaceans.

  13. Hercules could, without imprudence, quit the boat, and he managed his hatchet so skilfully that two hours afterward the barrier had given way, the current turned up the broken pieces on the banks, and the boat again took the channel.

  14. New Zealand did not lack harpooners, sailors of all nationalities, deserters or others, who sought to be hired for the season, and who followed skilfully the trade of fishermen.

  15. But that was no longer to be feared, and, at that moment, the oar skilfully handled sufficed to maintain it in a direction a little oblique to the current.

  16. Howik worked skilfully then, and held himself ready to make the boat turn rapidly, in case the whale should turn suddenly on it.

  17. Howik again skilfully avoided the jubarte's attack, by darting the boat aside.

  18. The next morning was bright and sunny, and, after an early breakfast, Mara was in the kitchen, with all the ingredients of the dainties she so skilfully produced, spread out upon the tables.

  19. He soon forgot all about Bodine in the pleasure of skilfully sailing his boat close to the wind.

  20. This was done, but not so skilfully as to prevent all bad consequences from the separation.

  21. These thoughts proceed without any suggestion from us: if the duty of a tempter is only to look into this mirror, I can perform it as skilfully as you.

  22. But the water-power was not permitted to go to waste; it had been skilfully harnessed and was being used to run a completely equipped machine-shop where were brought for repair everything from motor-trucks to machine-guns.

  23. As for the masonry as a whole, with the exception of the west front nothing could be sounder and more skilfully executed.

  24. This was most skilfully and successfully done.

  25. On the morning of May 28, Gregg was sent out by Sheridan to discover the movements of Lee, who was skilfully masking his designs behind his cavalry.

  26. Sheridan's retreat was skilfully conducted but was not especially eventful.

  27. The events nearly all take place on a big Atlantic liner and the romance of the deep is skilfully made to serve as a setting for the romance, old as mankind, yet always new, involving our hero.

  28. The book is skilfully written and makes one of the most baffling, mystifying, exciting detective stories ever written--cleverly keeping the suspense and mystery intact until the surprising discoveries which precede the end.

  29. Her charm glows warmly, the story is well handled, the characters skilfully developed.

  30. Skilfully avoiding the tent ropes, he wormed himself under the folds of the pavilion into the outer apartment, where the chamberlain and guard were snoring in melodious concert, and carefully lifting the curtain entered the royal presence.

  31. Mrs. Reed paused before these complicated relationships, and skilfully executed another tack; "I hope you find it pleasant here.

  32. Thus skilfully and lovingly these verses touch a prelude which naturally prepares for the theme of the epistle.

  33. But so skilfully did the queen's defenders use their blades that the spears did them no harm.

  34. Take off the pommel of this sword and make one of precious stones, skilfully wrought.

  35. What he aim'd at first was Applause; and skilfully suiting himself in every Respect to the Spirit of his party, he studied Day and Night to gain the good Opinion of the Army.

  36. Because the One is more skilfully adapted to our inward Make.

  37. Nothing is more necessary to an Army, than to have this latter strenously insisted upon, and skilfully unculcated to the soldiers.

  38. A good library cat or a series of mouse traps, skilfully baited, may rid you of this evil.

  39. For a succinct yet most skilfully written summary of English writers, there is no book that can compare with Stopford A.

  40. The Atharva-veda relates how, when the ceremony of shaving off his beard was performed on King Soma, Vayu brought the hot water and Savitri skilfully wielded the razor.

  41. Skilfully interwoven with this main story are the fortunes of Makaranda, a friend of Madhava, and Madayantika, a sister of the king's favourite.

  42. Roman education was skilfully designed to elicit heroic patriotism, and the great men of the past became the ideal figures of the imagination.

  43. Clever as was Harvey Hamilton, and skilfully as he had played the game, he was outwitted at last, for the individual who rushed toward him was his enemy Bill, and he carried a loaded gun.

  44. Skilfully keeping out of sight in the wood, he saw Alessandro Pierotti handcuffed and driven to the cabin as a prisoner.

  45. A Malay's clothing is of a very light description, consisting, both for men and women, of two large pieces of stuff skilfully arranged and confined at the waist by a scarf.

  46. The Japanese Amazons can also skilfully make use of a kind of knife, fastened to the wrist with a long silken string.

  47. In addition to bows and arrows, they carry long lances which they handle very skilfully as they dash along on their fleet steeds.

  48. He will take the ship to her destination, see that the repairs are skilfully executed, and bring her back on the appointed day.

  49. He worked skilfully and with uncommon energy.

  50. It would, I think, destroy the harmony of blank verse when skilfully written.

  51. William Carr, who has most skilfully opened out its features; and in whatever he has added, has done justice to the place, by working with an invisible hand of art in the very spirit of Nature.

  52. Had he been possessed of a lawyer's experience he could hardly have evaded more skilfully the snares set in his path, as with imperturbable gallantry he met his skilled hecklers.

  53. He was winning them against their prejudices, and so skilfully had he carried them step by step that they were saved from anything like full realization of self-reversal, which means loss of self-esteem.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "skilfully" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.