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Example sentences for "shortlie"

Lexicographically close words:
shortest; shorthand; shorthorn; shortish; shortleaf; shortlived; shortly; shortlye; shortned; shortness
  1. And shortlie after was sir Peter Spalding sent vnto Berwike, with a crew of souldiers to defend the towne against the said Bruce, who intended shortlie to laie siege to that towne, as the king had certeine vnderstanding.

  2. If anie offended him, he slue him shortlie after in his wrathfull mood.

  3. The castell of Leeds being thus yeelded to the king, he entred the same on All halowes daie, and shortlie after the castell of Chilham was deliuered, and the castell of Tunbridge left void by them that had it in keeping.

  4. They tooke also the castels of Mole, Chirke, and Olono, the keepers whereof comming vnto the king to Shrewsburie submitted themselues to him, who shortlie after sent them to the tower of London.

  5. But shortlie after, a truce was taken to last from the moneth of December, [Sidenote: An.

  6. This yeare the last of March, king Henrie made his sonne John knight, and shortlie after sent him ouer into Ireland, of which countrie he had made him king.

  7. Shortlie after his comming thither, he gaue licence to the Noble men that were come thither with him, to returne home, and then he himselfe went into Spaine to visit the bodie of S.

  8. The two kings hauing heard the popes letters read, and taken good aduice thereof, promised by Gods fauour shortlie to provide conuenient aid for reléefe of the holie land, and of the christians as yet remaining in the same.

  9. King Lewes hauing performed his vow, and receiued manie rich gifts of king Henrie, returned home into France, and shortlie after causing his sonne to be crowned king, resigned the gouernment to him (as by some writers appeareth.

  10. Shortlie after, king Henrie returned into England from Normandie, and at Woodstocke made his sonne Geffrey knight.

  11. King Henrie, shortlie after the marriage was consummate betwixt his sonne & the French kings daughter, got into his hands the castell of Gisors, with two other castels, situate vpon the riuer of Eata in the confines of Normandie and France.

  12. Shortlie after, calling togither aswell lords spirituall as temporall he caused them, all to sweare fealtie to him and his heires after him in the possession of this kingdome.

  13. Shortlie after also the aforesaid Henrie wan a strong towne called Damfront, and furnishing it at all points, he kept the same in his possession as long as he liued, mauger both his brethren.

  14. And shortlie after was the esquier called to defend his cause in this forme: Thomas Katrington defendant, come and appeare to saue the action, for which sir Iohn Anneslie knight and appellant hath publikelie and by writing appealed thée.

  15. Which indéed shortlie followed, for in the next parlement he was condemned and executed.

  16. The parlement shortlie therevpon tooke end, after that the merchants had granted to the king for a subsidie certeine customes of their wooles, which they bought and sold, called a maletot, to endure for foure yeares.

  17. Among other enterprises I find, that shortlie after the deceasse of king Edward, the duke of Burgognie wan Arde, and two or three other fortresses in those marches.

  18. Shortlie after, to wit, the morrow after the Purification of our ladie, the parlement began, the which was named the parlement that wrought woonders.

  19. This was presented to the king, the which he shortlie after offered to the shrine of saint Edward within the abbeie.

  20. The lord Wake was also committed but shortlie after, he was deliuered to his great honor, as Walsingham writeth.

  21. This yeare, shortlie after Easter, the duke of Britaine, that had beene deteined prisoner by the French king, and escaped out of prison, came ouer into England.

  22. The Frenchman that betraied it, was shortlie after put to execution at Amiens.

  23. Shortlie after their arriuall, a certeine number of the English archers, issuing foorth, beat the Frenchmen from an engine which they had reared against the walles, and set fire vpon the same engine.

  24. For duke Charles of Burgognie tooke his leaue suddenlie of king Edward, alledging that he must needs see his armie in Artois, promising shortlie with all his puissance to returne againe to the great commoditie of them both.

  25. Shortlie after, the conspiracie of the euill disposed people grew to an open rebellion, so that there assembled to the number of fifteene thousand men, euen readie bent to set on the citie of Yorke.

  26. The French king was not well pleased to be thus dallied with; but he shortlie (to appease the greefe of his wife and hir sister the ladie Bona) married the said ladie Bona to the duke of Millan.

  27. So that I now perceiue, that it is euen come to this point, that he will destroie all the nobilitie; or else the nobilitie must shortlie of verie necessitie destroie and confound him.

  28. I my good Lord, a very vertuous maid, And to be shortlie of a Sister-hood, If not alreadie Ang.

  29. The earle of Salisburie was sent to besiege the towne of Fresneie, the which after stout resistance made at the first, shortlie after was deliuered to him to the kings vse.

  30. Shortlie after, the king himselfe came, and lodged in the abbeie of Pharon, the duke of Excester in the abbeie de Chage, the earle of March at the greie friers, and the earle of Warwike directlie against that part that is called la March.

  31. Shortlie after was the castell Daumall yeelded to the earle of Warwike, to whome it was giuen.

  32. Shortlie after that the feast was finished, the duke of Holland returned into his countrie; but the emperour tarried still, and assaied all maner of meanes to persuade the king to a peace with the Frenchmen.

  33. The king himselfe shortlie after, about the middle of Maie, passed the seas to Calis, and so from thence he marched through the countrie vnto Boies de Vincennes, where the French king and the queene as then soiourned.

  34. An other part of the armie was sent vnto the castell of Montioie, which likewise by such fierce assaults and manfull approches, as the Englishmen made thereto, was shortlie giuen ouer and yeelded.

  35. Alas, Meg, it pitieth me to consider what Misery, poor Soul, she will shortlie come to.

  36. But his wife Constance tooke his death verie sorowfullie, and the more indeed for that she had no issue by him, wherevpon shortlie after she was sent honourablie home to hir father king Lewes with hir dower, and other rich and princelie gifts.

  37. Al this did he chieflie in hope that the same might be a safegard for him in time to come, if the empresse should inuade the land, as he doubted she shortlie would.

  38. In déed he wist not well whom he might trust, for he stood in doubt of all men, bicause he was aduertised by credible report, that the empresse sought for aid on all sides, meaning verie shortlie to come into England.

  39. Now the said Hugh for his periurie, by the iust iudgment of God, came shortlie after to a miserable end.

  40. For shortlie after, the earle was craftilie taken at a parlement holden at Northampton, by the practise of K.

  41. The Saxons as it were astonied with that present miracle, & the Britains not following their good successe, shortlie after fell at discord amongst themselues, which finallie brought them to vtter decaie, as after shall appeare.

  42. It chanced that shortlie after, king Redwald had aduanced him to the kingdom of Northumberland, to wit, about 6 yeares, the same Redwald deceassed, which made greatlie for the more augmentation of Edwins power.

  43. And so hauing dispatched his aduersaries, he thought to haue purchased to himselfe safetie: but shortlie after, his owne [Sidenote: Aurelius Conanus.

  44. But shortlie after, those brethren the kings of Essex, which had expelled their bishop in maner aboue said, suffered woorthilie for their wicked dooings.

  45. Shortlie after that Vortigerne was restored to the rule of the [Sidenote: Matth.

  46. Héerevpon a rumor was raised in the court, that the kings power should shortlie march foorth to assaile earle Goodwine in that place where he was lodged.

  47. But to conclude, such was the opinion conceiued of his holinesse of life, that shortlie after his decease, he was canonized amongst the number of saints, and named Edward the Confessor.

  48. Shortlie after, earle Harold chanced to passe ouer into Normandie, whither of hap or of purpose it is hard to define, writers doo varie so much in report thereof.

  49. Shortlie after, or rather somewhat before, queene Emma the kings mother died, and was buried at Winchester.

  50. Alfred had his eies put out, and was conueied to the Ile of Elie, where shortlie after he died.

  51. The said Edwin afterwards returned, and was then reconciled to the kings fauor (as some write) but shortlie after traitorouslie slaine by his owne seruants.

  52. Shortlie after the decease of Dunstane, the Danes inuaded this realme on each side, wasting and spoiling the countrie in most miserable wise.

  53. Shortlie after he fought with the Danes at Brentford, and gaue them a great ouerthrow.

  54. Denmarke, meaning shortlie to returne againe with a greater power.

  55. Shortlie after it was deuised that the king should be a suter vnto Richard duke of Normandie, for his sister Emma, a ladie of such excellent beautie, that she was named the floure of Normandie.

  56. Cnute shortlie after the death of king Edmund, assembled a councell at London, in the which he caused all the nobles of the realme to doo him homage, in receiuing an oth of loiall obeisance.

  57. The earle was caried to Beauuois, where of his hurt he shortlie died, & was buried in the frier Minors.

  58. I am betraied and shortlie shall be deliuered to death; I beseech you praie to God for me, for I shall neuer haue more power to doo seruice either to the king or to the realme of France againe.

  59. Shortlie after also sir Steuen de Vignoilles, surnamed la Hire, tooke by scaling the towne of Louiers in Normandie.

  60. This duke reioising much in his new office, chose foorth diuerse valiant and hardie souldiers, and with great pompe shortlie after tooke the seas, and sailed towards Calis.

  61. And being accompanied with diuers lords of England, he came to the citie of Excester, and so to Falmouth in Cornewall, and there taking ship sailed into Spaine, where shortlie after he died being thirtie yeares of age.

  62. But the danger of this seditious attempt was shortlie remooued and taken awaie, the maister and scholer being both apprehended and cast into prison and atteinted.

  63. Shortlie after sir Robert Clifford, partlie trusting on the kings promise, and partlie mistrusting the desperat begun enterprise, returned suddenlie againe into England.

  64. Norwich, and tarrieng there Christmasse daie, he departed after to Walsingham, where he offered to the image of our ladie, and then by Cambridge he shortlie returned to London.

  65. Shortlie after, she being accompanied with a great number as well of noblemen, as honourable matrons, was with good speed conueied to London, and brought to hir moother.

  66. About Christmasse, the more part of the prisoners of the Marshalseie in Southwarke brake out, and manie of them being shortlie after taken, were put to execution, speciallie those which had laine for felonie or treason.

  67. Shortlie after, hauing this Perkin with him in companie, he entered into England with a puissant armie, and caused proclamation to be made, to spare all those that would submit themselues vnto Richard duke of Yorke.

  68. Shortlie after also, with their assent he gathered an armie, and with the same eftsoones came ouer into Britaine, to make new warre vpon his brother Beline.

  69. Shortlie after came Cassibellane with all his power of Britains, and gaue battell to the Romans.

  70. Furthermore, Cesar considering the time serued not to assaile his enimies, kept his ground, and shortlie after brought backe his legions into the campe.

  71. For the Britains hearing that Cesar ment verie shortlie to come against them, were assembled in armour to resist him: and now being aduertised of his approch to the land, they prepared themselues to withstand him.

  72. Their losse if I may know it, I shall impeach and staie, so far as I shal be able, or else so shortlie as I can I shall signifie vnto them, or declare to such person the which I shall beleeue will declare the same vnto them.

  73. At his comming backe (as some write) he charged certeine of the Nobilitie with treason, bicause they did not follow him: wherevpon shortlie after he punished them verie greeuuouslie, and peraduenture not without some ground of iust cause.

  74. Finallie it was determined amongst them, that shortlie after Christmasse, they should go to the king, and require of him that they might haue those laws restored, which he had promised to them (as is aforesaid.

  75. Shortlie after this also, died William de Breuse the elder, which fled from the face of king John out of Ireland into France, and departing this life at Corbell, was buried at Paris in the abbeie of S.

  76. Lord Drummond, stewart of Stratharne, and principal forrester of Clenartney; the Queen, his Majesties dearest spouse, being yn shortlie looked for to arrive in this realm.

  77. It is true, that more misfortunes then one fell on me shortlie after; bot I am sure I could have better forseene them myselfe then rats or any such vermine, and yet did it not.

  78. Quintilian: neuerthelesse, shortlie after, by better assaye, disalowed of his owne scholer Plinius Secundus, who termeth it rightlie thus Audax contentio.

  79. In Tullie, it is well touched, shortlie taught, not fullie Cicero.

  80. I suppose they will shortlie license the Lengthe of Moll's Curls, and regulate the Colour of her Hoode, and forbid the Larks to sing within Sounde of Bow Bell, and the Bees to hum o' Sundays.

  81. Ralph Hewlett hath just looked in to say, his Father and Mother have in Safetie reached London, where he will shortlie joyn them, and to ask, is there anie Service he can doe me?

  82. Which thing he brought shortlie to conclusion, both to the kings destruction, and the dukes confusion, and to his owne safegard, and finallie to his high promotion.

  83. If you could agree and inuent the meane how to couple your eldest daughter with the yoong earle of Richmond in matrimonie, no doubt but the vsurper of the realme should be shortlie deposed, and your heire againe to hir right restored.

  84. They diligentlie dooing their dutie, shortlie after returned, declaring to the king that the earle was incamped at the towne of Lichfield.

  85. For if he had gone to the earle, and that notified to king Richard, his sonne had beene shortlie executed.

  86. And so he gaue the bishop faire words, saieng, that he should shortlie depart, and that well accompanied for feare of enimies.

  87. Which desire being obteined, the messenger shortlie returned to his lord and prince.

  88. Shortlie after their departure from the place where they landed, there came to them six hundred armed men of Gascoignes that were inrolled at Burdeaux.

  89. Among other prisoners, sir Manserd de Bos a valiant capteine was taken, and shortlie after put to death, as diuerse other were which the Burgognians bought of the Englishmen that had taken them prisoners.

  90. Shortlie after his returne from the sea now in this eleuenth yeare of king Henries reigne, he made a road into Scotland by land, [Sidenote: The earle of Angus Umfreuill cōmonlie called erle of Kime.

  91. The lord Bardolfe was taken, but sore wounded, so that he shortlie after died of the hurts.

  92. Gower departed this life shortlie after the deceasse of his déere and louing freend Chaucer; to wit, in the yeare 1402, being then come to great age, and blind for a certeine time before his death.

  93. Shortlie after, the abbat of Westminster, [Sidenote: The abbat of Westminster dieth suddēlie.

  94. And at their rising in the dawning of the daie, they sent about priuilie to their seruants in their Ins & lodgings about, giuing them commandement to make themselues shortlie readie, for their lords were to horsse backeward.

  95. Well did he weet, that if he deposed the one brother, all the realme would fall to the other, if he either remained in sanctuarie, or should happilie be shortlie conueied to his fathers libertie.

  96. I can no more but whosoeuer he be that breaketh this holie sanctuarie, I praie God shortlie send him need of sanctuarie, when he maie not come to it.

  97. Paule, so shal I shortlie do the same, by other testimonies of the forsaid writers.

  98. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shortlie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.