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Example sentences for "councell"

Lexicographically close words:
coulisses; couloir; couloirs; coulombs; coult; councellors; councells; council; councillor; councillors
  1. A Councell Table brought in with Chayres and Stooles, and placed under the State.

  2. Howbeit they got nothing of the king but faire words, and promises of amendment in that which had béene doone otherwise than equitie required which promises were vtterlie vnperformed, and so the councell brake vp.

  3. Now when the councell at Rhemes was ended, archbishop Theobald returned into England, and comming to Canturburie, was receiued with great honor, of the couent and citizens there.

  4. Now being come to London, and consulting with those of hir councell for the quieting of the whole state of the realme, [Sidenote: The quéene sueth to the empresse for the deliuerie of hir husband.

  5. For Attending at the Councell Chamber when the Judges Assign'd the Cause to be heard the next Court 13.

  6. For Attending at the Councell Chamber when the Cause was heard and their Lordships pronounced Agst.

  7. For Attending at the Councell Chamber when their Lordships Assign'd the Cause to be heard the 27 instant.

  8. For Attending at the Councell Chamber when the Cause was Assigned to be heard when their Lordships should Appoint 13.

  9. Pauls fee to Attend the Lords of the Councell etc.

  10. For two Copys of the Brief for Councell and One for my Self £ 5.

  11. And sure, I would not councell you to make him your Maister in this point, to learne A Grace: forasmuche as he him selfe had none.

  12. I would councell you rather to measure your pleasures by other mens willes: where there shal come no hurt nor shame of it: and therin alwayes to doe & to saye, more to please other mens mindes and fansies, then your owne.

  13. Ruscand called a councell at London, & propounded great causes why the prelats ought to aid the pope, and so therevpon demanded great summes of monie.

  14. Sidenote: A councell called at London by the legat.

  15. A councell also was holden by the archbishop of Canturburie at Oxford for reformation of the state ecclesiasticall and the religion of moonks.

  16. Hervpon they resorted in like maner vnto London, and there with Lewes tooke councell what was to be doone with their businesse touching the whole state of their cause.

  17. Published by aduise and direction of the Councell of Virginia.

  18. They accepting that councell which he like a friende had giuen them, and for as much as presently it could not be brought to passe by reason of his iourney to Mexico.

  19. They take no enterprize in hand, but first they assemble oftentimes their Councell together, and they take very good aduisement before they growe to a resolution.

  20. This yeare after the Epiphanie the archbishop of Canturburie called the cleargie of the prouince of Canturburie to a conuocation in Paules church at London, [Sidenote: Ambassaders appointed to go to the councell at Pisa.

  21. Shrewesburie, before they were in doubt of anie such thing, for the Persies thought that he would have staid at Burton vpon Trent, till his councell had come thither to him to giue their aduise what he were best to doo.

  22. Untill the 13 of May they sought a place to plant in; then the Councell was sworne, Master Wingfield was chosen President, and an Oration made, why Captain Smith was not admitted of the Councell as the rest.

  23. But, like his father, he was "pleased to authorise Sir Francis Wyatt knight to be governor there, and such as are now employed for his Majesties Councell there to have authoritie to continue the same employment".

  24. Samuel Matthews wrote that he had heard the Governor "in open court revile all the Councell and tell them they were to give their attendance as assistants only to advise with him".

  25. Claiming that Harvey could do nothing without their consent, and that all important matters had to be determined "by the greater number of voyces at the Councell Table", they entered upon a policy of obstruction.

  26. The Generall Assembly being informed, that after the Petition presented to the Lords of His Majesties Privie Councell by the Noblemen Burgesses, and Ministers, occasionally met at Edinburg the 31.

  27. His Majesties Commissioner in Councell having received the said supplication, promised to impart the same to His Majesty, and to report his diligence therein.

  28. The Assembly declared, that no Bishop may sit upon the Councell in name of the Kirk.

  29. This councell I give you, good Mr. Doctor, of a good heart, and good will toward you; and thereupon I drink to you.

  30. Geven under our hands and Councell sealle the day of May, in the seaventh yeare of His Majesties ragne of England, Fraunce & Ireland and Scotland the two and fortithe.

  31. Money payde to Thomas Moundeforde, Doctor of physicke and an Apothecarye appointed by order of the lordes of the privie Councell to geve their attendaunce uppon the saide lady Arbella: viz.

  32. For the hier of horses at severall tymes for S'r James Crofte betweene Barnett and London in attendinge the lordes of the Councell in this service xl's.

  33. Payde to Sir James Crofte, Knighte, appoynted by order from the lordes of the privie Councell to geve his attendaunce uppon the saide lady Arbella Seymour for his enterteynement at xxx's.

  34. Henry Mynors at severall tymes from Barnett to Whitehall and backe againe for dyreccons in this service from the lordes of the privie Councell xxxv's.

  35. Court of Comon Councell for ye addition of a roome to ye library, and ye better shelving of it.

  36. They further desired Mr. George Cock and Mr. Beresford to present ye petition to ye Comon Councell at their next assembly.

  37. The King ha's made him Master o'th' Iewell House, And one already of the Priuy Councell 2 He will deserue more 3 Yes without all doubt.

  38. A Councell Table brought in with Chayres and Stooles, and placed vnder the State.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "councell" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.