And first he sware the Nobilitie of the realme, that they should be true to him and his sonne William after his deceasse.
Preparatioun of scailles[1012] and ledderis was maid for the assault, whiche was concluded by commoun consent of the Nobilitie and Barones.
That the Frenche men should be send away at a reasonable day, and that none uther should be broght in the cuntrey without consent of the haill Nobilitie and Parliament.
The nobilitieneyther desyres my honour nor continuance; for thei wold nott rydd a myle for my pleasur to follow my ennemyes.
Our Brother is imprison'd by your meanes, My selfe disgrac'd, and the Nobilitie Held in contempt, while great Promotions Are daily giuen to ennoble those That scarse some two dayes since were worth a Noble Qu.
I am a woodland fellow sir, that alwaies loued a great fire, and the master I speak of euer keeps a good fire, but sure he is the Prince of the world, let his Nobilitie remaine in's Court.
The Nobilitie thinke scorne to goe in Leather Aprons Beuis.
But the Nobilitie consulting on the matter, refusing libertie which they coulde in no wise disgest, desired to haue a King.
There was no mindfulnesse amongest them of running awaie, so that a great number of the nobilitie and other were beaten [Sidenote: Capat formicæ.
In the Hebrue toong (as some affirme) it signifieth Filij solis, and what are the nobilitie in euerie kingdome but Filij or serui regum?
Lucius and all his houshold with diuers of the Nobilitie were baptised, beside infinit numbers of the common people, which dailie resorted vnto them, and voluntarilie renounced all their idolatrie and paganisme.
Our nobilitie weare commonlie swords or rapiers with their daggers, as dooth euerie common seruing man also that followeth his lord and master.
But bicause thenobilitie and commons of this realme would not by parlement consent vnto it, their king being within age, the same release procéeded not, albeit the Scots ceased not their practises with this quéene and earle.
The rehearsall of the temporall nobilitie of England, according to the anciencie of their creations, or first calling to their degrees, as they are to be found at this present.
Thence also to the baptisme of Lucius, and his nobilitie in the yeare after their conuersion, 12.
The baronie or degree of lords dooth answer to the degree of senators of Rome (as I said) and the title of nobilitie (as we vse to call it in England) to the Romane Patricij.
But as these serue not at all seasons, so in their seuerall turnes there is no plentie of them wanting, whereby the tables of the nobilitieand gentrie should seeme at anie time furnisht.
Herevpon therefore he caused more than eleuen hundred of their said castels to be raced and ouerthrowne, whereby the power of hisnobilitie was not a little restreined.
Many of his Nobilitie were in cloth of golde, but himselfe in white sattin.
This company was welcommed of the high officers, and after brought into the kings presence, all the nobilitie being present; and there after great reuerence made, M.
The nobilitie wnderwrittin convenit in Edinburgh, and chesit and electit James erle of Mortoun regent.
Albeit sum of the lordis of the nobilitie for pleasour of the quene seamed to aggre thairto for the tyme, yit the barronis and gentill men was nathing content thairwith' .
Herevpon there were not manie of thenobilitie that offered to go with the bishop.
The king, in riding thorough the citie towards Westminster, on the 15 daie of Iulie being wednesdaie, was accompanied with such a traine of the nobilitie and others, as in such case was requisite.
For the Nobilitie and Gentrie, there is scarce any of them expects anything but the prosperitie of the Action [success of the colony]; and there are some Merchants .
Then sate his nobilitie round about him, richly apparelled with gold and stone.
Which intention of yours wee also of the Nobilitie are ready to our power to helpe and further: neither doe wee holde any thing so deare and precious vnto vs, which wee will not willingly forgoe, and lay out in so commendable a cause.
Y'are a Lord Borne with as much nobilitie as would Divided serve to make ten noble men Without a Herald, but with so much spirit, And height of soule, as well might furnish twenty.
Who surprising the Chrim Emperour by a stratageme done by one of hisnobilitie (called Iuan Demetrowich Belschey) was content with this raunsome, viz.
Chetfird) the fault is rather in the practise of their Nobilitie that vse to engrosse it, then in the Countrey it selfe.
Of their Parliaments, and maner of holding them, 3 Of the Russe Nobilitie and meanes whereby it is kept in an vnder proportion agreeable to that state.
Kindry, with scepters, and battle axes of gold in their hands: the Princes, and nobilitie were all placed according to their degrees, all in their rich roabs.
By which persons diuerse of the nobilitie of his realme were greatlie misused and put to trouble, both with imprisonment, exactions, & death; insomuch that some of them went into voluntarie exile.
When the king of England had receiued his monie, and his nobilitie their rewards, he trussed vp his tents, laded his baggage, and departed towards Calis.
Openlie and apparantlie meaning by such words that by the meanes of some of the nobilitie he was deceiued and brought to confusion.
So that I now perceiue, that it is euen come to this point, that he will destroie all the nobilitie; or else the nobilitie must shortlie of verie necessitie destroie and confound him.
These priests comming into the prouince of the Middleangles, preached the woord, and were well heard, so that dailie a great number of the nobilitie & communaltie renouncing the filthie dregs of idolatrie, were christned.
He "was married with her solemnedlie by the advice of the nobilitie of England and Scotland, and gatt great summes of money with her: and promise of peace and unity made and ordained to stand between the two realms," says Pitscottie.
And so the haill nobilitie absolved John Knox again.
He keeped both the Castle of Edinburgh and also our young King thereintill, who was committed to his keeping by the haill nobilitie and ane great part of the noble men assisted to his opinion.
There is not a word in the letters to the Queen's Majestie, to the Nobilitie of Scotland, and the fierce address to the priests in which they afterwards stated their case, of any wrong on their own side or provocation given.
The Queen was brought again and placed in her chair, and they commanded to vote over again, which thing highly offended the haill nobilitie so that they began to speak in open audience--'What!
Diuerse other of the Danish nobilitie to the number of thirtie (as Simon Dunelmensis saith) came at the same time in companie of their king Gurthrun, and were likewise baptised, on whòme king Alured bestowed manie rich gifts.
English bloud was so mixed with that of the Danes and Britains, who were like enimies to the Englishmen, that there was almost few of the nobilitie and commons, which had not on the one side a parent of some of them.
Sidenote: The nobilitie of Scotland submit themselues to the king.
The Queene Dowager past by sea to F[r]aunce with gallies that for that purpose were prepared and tooke with her diuerse of the nobilitie of Scotland.
Sidenote 2: The nobilitie and the hole realme of England, caste themselves willing in to the pit.
The same is the dutie of the nobilitie and estates, by whose blindnes a woman is promoted.
Sidenote 84: The nobilitie and the hole realme of England, caste themselues willingly in to the pit.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nobilitie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.