Yet before he skyppeth oute of hys couche and departeth from his darling, if he like her well, he will apoint her where to mete shortlye after, with a warninge to worke warely for some chetes, that their meting might be the merier.
Forth came his ladye 65 Shortlye and anon; Boldlye to the mantle Then is shee gone.
Forth came Craddockes ladye Shortlye and anon; But boldlye to the mantle Then is shee gone.
XVII Forth came his ladye Shortlye and anon; Boldlye to the mantle Then is she gone.
XXVII Forth came Craddocke’s ladye Shortlye and anon, But boldlye to the mantle Then is shee gone.
X He toke his leave of hys brethren two, And to Carleile he is gon: There he knock’d at his owne windòwe Shortlye and anone.
XLII The Bishop of Durham commanded his men, And shortlye he them bade, That never a man shold goe to fight Till he had served his God.
Forth came Craddockes ladye shortlye and anon, But boldlye to the mantle then is shee gone.
Forth came his ladye shortlye and anon, Boldlye to the mantle then is shee gone.
Forth came Craddockes ladye shortlye & anon, But boldlye to the mantle then is shee gone.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shortlye" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.