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Example sentences for "fullie"

Lexicographically close words:
fulled; fuller; fullered; fullers; fullest; fulling; fullness; fulls; fully; fulmar
  1. This doone, the morow after Trinitie sundaie, being the third of Iune, the mariage was solemnized and fullie consummate betwixt the king of England, and the said ladie Katharine.

  2. Such wit, such prudence, and such policie withall, that he neuer enterprised any thing, before he had fullie debated and forecast all the maine chances that might happen, which doone with all diligence and courage he set his purpose forward.

  3. Now when they were almost fullie resolued to haue turned backe againe, [Sidenote: Bernard de Balliolle.

  4. Also in England no man is commonlie created baron, except he maie dispend of yearelie reuenues a thousand pounds, or so much as maie fullie mainteine & beare out his countenance and port.

  5. Howbeit, sith diuerse are knowne to haue watched the same, it may be that at sometimes it riseth, but not continuallie; and that it so dooth I am fullie persuaded to beleeue.

  6. But this Henrie reigned but nine yeares, whereby the homage of this Iames their king (hauing not fullie accomplished the age of one & twentie yeares) was by reason and law respited.

  7. How manie they are in number I cannot as yet determine, bicause mine informations are not so fullie set downe, as the promises of some on the one side, & mine expectation on the other did extend vnto.

  8. Tagus dooth: but an infinit plentie of excellent, sweet and pleasant fish, wherewith such as inhabit neere vnto hir bankes are fed and fullie nourished.

  9. Gerson in like sort hath said fullie asmuch.

  10. In the second warre of Carthage the nauie that went with Scipio was felled in the wood, and seene to saile on the sea fullie furnished in sixe weekes: which vnto them that are ignorant of things doth seeme to be false, and vnpossible.

  11. The king could not beleeue this report to be true at the first, but after that, by letters of credence sent from his freends, he was fullie persuaded that it was too true, he was put in no small feare, and not without great cause.

  12. Howbeit I doubt not but that the truth of this matter shall be more fullie sifted out in time by the learned and studious of such antiquities.

  13. The groome of the salarie for the time being or his deputie is furthermore appointed to be readie with vineger and cold water, and not to depart from the place vntill the arme of the offendor be bound vp and fullie dressed.

  14. For the English bearing a continuall malice in their hearts against the French and Normans, did now their best to be fullie reuenged of them, vpon so conuenient an occasion offered.

  15. Herevpon king Richard was fullie persuaded to returne home, but yet through the admonition of certeine persons, [Sidenote: William de Poicters K.

  16. Yf your Grace please to frequent the publict sermonis, then doubt I nott but that ye shall fullie understand boyth what I like and myslike, als weall in your Majestie as in all otheris.

  17. By quhilk treatie and accord, eather of us have fullie accordit with uther, to keip gude peace and amitie betwix oure selfis, oure countreis, and subjectis.

  18. And hereof fayle you not, as you will answer the contrary if through youre defalt any parte of this service shal not be fullie pĖ€formed.

  19. Englande and the roiaume of Fraunce shulde for ever cease; and the saide finalle peas heelde not fullie .

  20. Danius; and by an old chronicle which Fabian much followed, Elanius and Kimarus should seeme to be one person: but other hold the contrarie, and saie that he reigned fullie 8.

  21. And that at everie sessions you cause all instructions and charters that are already or shall hereafter bee sent from hence to bee read and so from sessions to sessions untill our directory shall bee fullie executed.

  22. We therefore beseech you to assigne vs day and place, where we may meet, and we will be readie to accomplish fullie our businesse: and we beseech you to make vs a safe conduct for thirtie horsses, that we may in safetie come to your parts.

  23. Theophilus the doctor, and the generall consent of all writers, which fullie consent, that the first inhabitants of this Ile came out of the parties of Gallia, although some of them dissent about the time and maner of their comming.

  24. All these obiections he vtterlie denied, or faintlie auoided: but none fullie excused.

  25. He hauing with him not fullie fiue thousand persons, contrarie to the minds of his faithfull councellors, would needs issue foorth to fight with his enimies.

  26. The new worke of the church of Westminster, to the end of the quier, begun (as before is shewed) in the third yeare of king Henrie, was in this yeare fullie finished.

  27. And although Sturmius herein doth farre passe all other, yet hath he not so fullie and perfitelie done it, as I do wishe he had, and as I know he could.

  28. Goodricke, whose iudgement I could well beleue, did once for all, satisfye me fullie therein.

  29. Spanish, haue both, by good iudgement, auoyded the fault of Ryming, yet neither of them hath fullie hite perfite and trew versifiyng.

  30. But of Cicero more fullie in fitter place.

  31. In Tullie, it is well touched, shortlie taught, not fullie Cicero.

  32. And one example, though out of the compas of learning, yet not out of the order of good maners, was notable in this Courte, not fullie xxiiij.

  33. Antonius, yet in Tullies tyme onely, and in Tullie himselfe chieflie, was the Latin tong fullie ripe, and growne to the hiest pitch of all perfection.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fullie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.