For when the people in manie parts of this realme will note and signifie anie great idle lubber that will not labour nor take paine for his liuing, they will call him Lordane.
Sidenote: Turkillus discloseth the secrets of the Realmeto K.
But now yer we procéed anie further, we will shew what rule the Danes kept here in this realme before they were thus murthered, as in some bookes we find recorded.
Then rested the whole rule of the realmein the kings hands, wherevpon he studied to preserue the people in peace, and ordeined lawes, [Sidenote: Hen.
This [Sidenote: The realme diuided betwixt Harold and Hardicnute.
He diuided the realme into foure parts, assigning Northumberland vnto the rule of Irke or Iricius, Mercia vnto Edrike, and Eastangle vnto Turkill, and reseruing the west part to his owne gouernance.
But the nobles of the realme thought otherwise, and therefore willed him to [Sidenote: Swaine returneth into England to make warre.
To this purpose the said Pope proffered a million of gold, the one halfe thereof to be paied in readie money, and the other halfe when the realme of England or any famous port thereof were subdued.
To the end that he might subdue the Realme of England, and reduce it vnto his catholique Religion, and by that meanes might be sufficiently reuenged for the disgrace, contempt and dishonour, which hee (hauing 34.
Compositions and Ordinances concluded between the messengers of Frater Conradus de Iungingen master generall of Prussia: and the Chancelor and treasurer of the realme of England 1403 VII.
Vnckle Gloster, what answere makes your grace ·dac150· Concerning our Regent for the Realme of France, Whom thinks your grace is meetest for to send.
We make your grace Regent ouer the French, And to defend our rights gainst forraine foes, [dac160] And so do good vnto the Realme of France.
He wald nocht suffer the noblemen to come to his presence, and to governe the realme be thair counsell.
The same time also, the tenth part of all the mooueable goods thorough the realme of England was leuied to the aid of the warres in the holie land.
Here is also to be noted, that in this seuenth yeare of king Richard, a great dearth chanced through this realme of England, and in the coasts about the same.
Moreouer, beside that power of the barons which laid siege to Windsor castell, there were Noble men also in other parts of the realme that were readie to resist him.
A great nobleman and Counseller in this Realme was secretlie aduised by his friend, not to vse so much writing his letters in fauour of euery man that asked them, specially to the Iudges of the Realme in cases of iustice.
Maiestie, sought to interrupt the quiet of the Realme by many euill and vndutifull practizes.
No forreine bannisht wight shall ancre in this port, Our realmeit brookes no strangers force, let them elsewhere resort.
When faith failes in Priestes sawes, And Lords hestes are holden for lawes, And robberie is tane for purchase, And lechery for solace Then shall the Realme of Albion Be brought to great confusion.
Until well into the seventeenth century, when much bitter experience had proved the contrary, America was still thought to be a land of wealth easily acquired--"as great a profit to the Realme of England as the Indies to the King of Spain.
Edward, came not into the realme till after the death of Hardiknought, and that he did helpe to expell the Danes, which being doon, he was slaine by earle Goodwine and other of his complices.
Diuerse others were compelled to forsake therealme at the same time, [Sidenote: Normans banished the realme.
Then was the realme of Britaine an heptarchie, that is, diuided into seuen kingdoms.
His high wisdome and policie stood the realme in great stéed whilest he liued.
In secrette she nurst him, and swaged his paine, While he throughe the realme was beleeved to be slaine At lengthe his faire bride she consented to bee, And made him glad father of prettye Bessee.
Then bowemen and gunners thou shalt have, And chuse them over my realme so free; Besides good mariners, and shipp-boyes, To guide the great shipp on the sea.
When he heard that such peeces of monie as were cracked would not be receiued amongest the people, although the same were good and fine siluer, he caused all the coine in the realme to be either broken or slit.
Diuerse in Normandie desired nothing more than to set the two brethren at square, and namelie Robert de Belesme earle of Shrewsburie, with William earle of Mortaigne: these two were banished the realme of England.
Anselme held an other synod or councell, whereat in presence of the king, and by the assent of the earles and barons of the realmeit was ordeined.
Henrie (who was borne after his father had conquered the realme of England) should now enioy the same, yeelding and paieng yeerelie vnto duke Robert the summe of iij.
It is said also, that he was after his taking once set at libertie by king Henrie, and bound to forsweare the realme of England and Normandie, being appointed to auoid within the space of 40.
Here is to be noted, that before this time, the kings of England vsed but seldome to call togither the states of the realme after any certeine maner or generall kind of processe, to haue their consents in matters to be decreed.
At his coronation he caused the bishops and barons of the realme to take their oth, that they should be his true and loiall subiects (according to the maner in that case accustomed.
Which he did by the practise of Philip the French king, who now began to doubt of the great puissance of king William, as foreseeing how much it might preiudice him, and the whole realme of France in time to come.
Malcolme should doo homage to king William for the realme of Scotland, and therevpon deliuer sufficient hostages: and that on the other side, king William should pardon all the English outlawes in Scotland which then rebelled against him.
Great hurt was doone in manie places of the realme by fire, and speciallie in London, where vpon the 7.
Yorke should be euer subiect to the archbishop of Canturburie, and come with all the bishops of his prouince to what place soeuer the archbishop of Canturburie should summon any councell within the realme of England.
After this, he tooke order how to keepe the realme in good and quiet gouernment, fortifieng the necessarie places, and furnishing them with garisons.
Times and with such powers, as they shall thinke good, both for the Company here within our Realme of England and for the Collonies in the said Islands .
Oathes not repugnant to the Lawes and Statutes of this our Realme of England as shall be respectively Administred unto them for the Execution of their severall Offices and places.
Instructions, not contrary to the lawes of this Realme of England .
Liberties and things unto Corporations requisite and usual within this our Realme of England"; and to set up markets; and to constitute and appoint magistrates and all manner of officers for all local units, with fit legislation for them.
Record, within this our Realmeof England, and that with the assent of the said sir Humfrey, his heires or assignes, shall travel to such lands, .
Ley then these sommes to the forseid therd part of the possessions of the realme that ye may se whether it drawe nighe vnto the half of the hole substaunce of the realme or not, So shall ye finde that it draweth ferre aboue.
O howe all the substaunce of your Realmeforthwith your swerde, power, crowne, dignite, and obedience of your people, rynneth hedlong ynto the insaciabill whyrlepole of these gredi goulafres to be swalowed and devoured.
Whereunto she aunswered and sayd, "a certaine subiect of his, one Fish, who was fled out of the Realme for feare of the Cardinall.
These be they that haue made an hundreth thousand ydell hores yn your realme whiche wolde haue gotten theyre lyuing honestly, yn the swete of theyre faces had not theyre superfluous rychesse illected theym to vnclene lust and ydelnesse.
For the whiche mater your most nobill realme wrongfully (alas for shame) hath stond tributary (not vnto any kind temporall prince, but vnto a cruell deuelisshe bloudsupper dronken in the bloude of the sayntes and marters of christ) euersins.
These be they that by theire absteyning from mariage do let the generation of the people wher by all the realme at length if it shulde be continued shall be made desert and inhabitable.
Us, and of all his good and loving subjects of this his realme ffor ye which his inestimable beneuolence soe shewed unto vs.
Sidenote: Kyng of Scotlond gave upp the realme of Scotlond.
And so by this meanes all the east part of the realme came vnto the possession of Lewes.
Howbeit, the earle of Champaigne was easilie reduced againe to his former obedience, by the high wisedome and policie of the queene mother, who had the gouernement of hir sonne the yoong king and his realme committed vnto hir.
The king and the peeres of the realme vnderstanding themselues to be touched in this wrong offered to this knight, had written in his fauour to the pope, so that his suit had the better successe.
This yeare was a parlement holden at Merton, a towne in Surrie, distant from London 7 miles, where was an abbeie of regular canons founded by one Gilbert a lord of Normandie, that came into the realme with William conquerour.
About the quindene of Easter, there was a parlement holden at London, at the which were assembled all the states of the realme in greater number than had beene commonlie seene.
Or what occasion leaves the Realme of Fraunce So voyd and empty of adventurous knights?
Nephewe, for you I give you freelye here the realme of Spayne And all domynions in it; for your guarde Ten thousand of our best Frenche gentyllmen.
This mariage seemed to manie both infortunate and vnprofitable to the realmeof England, and that for manie causes.
This was the root (as some haue thought) of that diuision amongst the English nobilitie, where through their glorie within the realme of France began first to decline.
Vpon the thirtith of Maie next following, she was crowned queene of this realme of England at Westminster, with all the solemnitie thereto apperteining.
In 1488 the Isle of Wight is to be repeopled with English people for "defence of the King's auncien ennemyes of the realme of Fraunce.
Print to the whole Realme and to all Posteritie, that all Graunt of Monapolyes and of the benefitt of any penall Lawes, or of power to dispence with the Lawe .
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "realme" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.