A heap of withered boughs was piled, Of juniper and rowan wild, Mingled with shivers from the oak, Rent by the lightning's recent stroke.
Behind the intricacies of one of Smart's most elaborate "Te Deums," with clenched hands and little shivers of apprehension, she fought a poor little battle.
Little shivers ran continually about her body, and her hands, clenched tightly, were damp within her gloves.
The cold shivers ran up and down his spine as he contemplated such a happening.
Escape was impossible, and, although cold shivers began to run up and down his spine, Colter ran the bow of the canoe towards the bank.
She shivers with horror at the thought of the previous night's attempt upon her.
The axe rebounds and shivers into fragments; and we cannot but sympathize with the Archrebel, who is now in a bad plight indeed.
Thus their squadrons are confused: And with the Stadtholder's important fall The crescent's bow soon intoshivers breaks.
Boil it like other hams, and when 'tis cold, cut it out in shivers like Dutch-beef.
When you boil it, you must put it in a cloth: when 'tis cold, it will cut out into shivers as Dutch-beef.
But it gives me the cold shivers to think how nearly they put this scheme of theirs across.
So do the beatific speak; Yet have they ears, and eyes as well; And if not with a paler cheek, They feel the shivers in them dwell, That something of a dubious future tell.
In a soliloquy he discloses the purpose of his labours and laments that Siegfried shivers every sword which has been forged for him.
The Siegfried Motive resounds as he inveighs against the weapon's weakness, then shivers it on the anvil.
There are plenty of thrills and shivers in these stories to keep you on your toes.
Harve Hall's a-goin' to tote the Widder Shivers clean across the Cumberlan'.
An' Abe Shivers a-settin' thar by the fire a-bitin' his thumbs!
Now, I clean fergot to tell ye, stranger, that Abe Shivers nuver could talk out loud.
Still, he continued working during the off days, and seemed little the worse until one evening when he went to bed with the shivers after a leopard hunt.
Mack Shiverswas shoving it at the time but escaped much injury.
Mack Shivers on horseback to report to General Stewart that all Confederate infantry had been driven into the fallen timber at our front, and that it was evident the enemy would soon rush us with a charge.
Shivers returned with the orders, "Tell Captain Lumsden it is necessary to hold the enemy in check to the last minute regardless of losses.
His heart became a little icy, and countless cold shiverswent rippling down his spine.
When he did, though, his breath caught in his throat, and cold shivers of horror shook his body from head to foot.
Sight of them made little shivers start rippling up and down his spine.
Here Spring appears with flowery chaplets bound; Here Summer in her wheaten garland crowned; Here Autumn the rich trodden grapes besmear; And hoary Winter shivers in the rear.
The boy now fancies all the danger o'er, 70 And innocently sports about the shore, Playful and wanton to the stream he trips, And dips his foot, and shivers as he dips.
Was it so bitterly cold, so creepily chilly in her rooms, that she felt shivers all down her old, bent back?
I removed all hanging objects because their lurching shadows sent shivers of apprehension through me.
I stood over her, making guttural noises, which I did so realistically that it made shivers run up and down my back while doing it.
I had some real shivers when I read your telegram saying that your plane had fallen and that you had had to jump for your life.
When Jimmy thought of the old saying, so commonly quoted by criminals, that "dead men tell no tales," he could feel the cold shiversrun up and down his spine.
IX Villa Serbelloni, Bellaggio The fountain shivers lightly in the rain, The laurels drip, the fading roses fall, The marble satyr plays a mournful strain That leaves the rainy fragrance musical.
Murder became suicide--suicide became accident, before the clang of the ambulance-gong sent the depressing shivers through nerves that would thrill with pleasurable excitement at the sound of the fire-gong.
The depressing silence of checked music, of vanished laughter--even an actorshivers at sight of the auditorium of a closed theatre; it is like looking on the face of a dead pleasure.
It was still sleeping, drawing its tiny breaths peacefully, little dog-shivers passing every now and then over its face.
Greta remained sitting where she was, shivering violently, as a little animalshivers when it scents danger.
Shivers of anticipation ran through him; his tongue felt dry, his heart beat fast.
From dawn till darkness fell there had been no movement in the steely distant sky; a cold wind ruffed in the hedge-tops, and sent shivers through the branches of the elms.
With her, in her dream, had been another buzzard hawk, and she was filled with a sort of surprise, and queer pleasure that ran down her in little shivers while she bathed and dressed.
Her eyelashes rested on cheeks already faintly browned; her lips were parted; little shivers of delight ran down her; her chestnut hair glowed, burnished by the kisses of the sun.
Round about them to right and left the armies stand locked and the iron fieldshivers with naked points; thou wheelest thy chariot on the sward alone.