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Example sentences for "shagbark"

Lexicographically close words:
shady; shaft; shafted; shafting; shafts; shagbarks; shagged; shaggy; shagreen; shags
  1. SWAIM--The parent tree of the Swaim shagbark hickory stands on Maplewood farm, R.

  2. REED: In New England the shagbark grows considerably farther north than the black walnut and west of the Great Lakes the black walnut grows farther north than the hickory.

  3. MANN--This shagbark hickory came to light when awarded first prize in the Michigan contest of 1932, held under the direction of Prof.

  4. It appears to be the result of a natural cross between the shagbark and the bitternut hickories.

  5. I've also seen enough of them not growing well so that I prefer shagbark to bitternut.

  6. The shagbark hickory, Hicoria ovata, and the sweet hickory, H.

  7. The Cedar Rapids shagbark was discovered and brought to light by the late S.

  8. A couple of years ago hearing of Mr. Biederman's work in the use of the plane for grafting with his Persian walnuts, it occurred to me to try it with shagbark hickories.

  9. I started in with a very large lot of shagbark hickory trees.

  10. The shagbark hickory (Carya ovata) is the chief one of value for the production of edible nuts.

  11. But as it is only the varieties of the pecan and thick- and thin-shelled shagbark hickories that are likely to be of any economic value to the nut culturist, all others will be omitted.

  12. This species grows almost twice as rapidly as the common shagbark hickory, and while young the cambium is quite soft.

  13. It has less than half the strength and half the stiffness of shagbark hickory.

  14. The nuts are as large as shagbark nuts, but the two are seldom distinguished in market, though the shagbark's are a little richer in flavor.

  15. This tree is by some botanists believed to be a hybrid between shagbark and pignut.

  16. Shagbark is largest of the true hickories.

  17. Many persons do not know shagbark and shellbark apart, though the ranges of the two species lie only partly in the same territory.

  18. Its strength exceeds that of shagbark hickory, and it is doubtful whether a stronger wood exists in the United States.

  19. There is confusion of names among all the hickories, and shagbark is misnamed and over-named as often as any of the others.

  20. Why the offspring of such thick shelled nuts as the shellbark or the mockernut and the shagbark should be thin shelled, is more than I can imagine.

  21. The hickory will grow on the pecan very well, the shagbark hickory, but it will not do to change it with any degree of success.

  22. Then at the end of three or four years they begin to slow up, while shagbarks on shagbark stock, starting slowly at first, surpassed the ones on bitternut stock finally.

  23. It refused to thrive on the pignut which did not represent either one of its parents although that same pignut stock would have been accepted by shagbark scions--the shagbark representing the other parent of the Beaver.

  24. Fine grades of shagbark hickories and some of the hybrids will command prices equally high with prices for best pecans in the market of to-morrow.

  25. Most of the prizes are taken by shagbarks but when a nut not a shagbark gets into the prize winning class, we make a class that would include it.

  26. It is best I think to put shagbarks on shagbark or shellbark.

  27. Shagbark can be put on, I suppose, ten other kinds of hickory, but the pecan can not.

  28. The shagbark hickory, in my experience, has done best upon stocks of the shagbark or mockernut or pignut.

  29. The shagbark which is the most valuable nut producer of all the hickories, is rather widely distributed particularly in northern and central Missouri.

  30. There has been a long-standing belief among horticulturists that grafts of ~Carya ovata~, the shagbark hickory are incompatible on bitter hickory ~C.

  31. The pecan and shellbark hybrids include McAllister, Nussbaumer, and Rockville, while the Burton is believed to be a pecan-shagbark cross.

  32. The fact that shagbark hickory and butternut were common in our woods and that some of our neighbors have apparently flourishing individual trees of black walnut served to arouse my interest in the question.

  33. Perhaps the most natural type of hybrid occurring among the hickories is crosses between the shagbark and shellbark, one of the best varieties of which is Weiker.

  34. The mast crop produced by shagbark is an important food source for both fox squirrels and gray squirrels.

  35. Except in minor details, shagbark hickory conforms to the same distribution pattern on this area.

  36. Shagbark hickory is one of the more important hardwoods of the area.

  37. On the one slope where it is concentrated, ash is one of the most common trees, growing in association with American elm, chestnut oak, black oak, and shagbark hickory.

  38. A Thomas-Elmer Myers cross might possibly combine the desirable traits of both parents, or a McAllister-shagbark cross might increase the productivity of the former.

  39. I have never seen a shagbark hickory between Roanoke and the coast, more than 200 miles away, but it occurs freely to within two or three miles on the west.

  40. Shagbark does not occur on the acid (granitic) Blue Ridge mountains, but is found on the limestone Alleghanies running parallel only a few miles away.

  41. The Weiker hickory, which is a cross between shagbark (Carya ovata) and shellbark (C.

  42. Lancaster and Holden walnuts, Weiker shellbark and Kirtland shagbark hickories, Barcelona filberts and photographs of the Lancaster tree.

  43. I do not know at the present time how many species of nut trees will develop adventitious root buds, as my experiments have been confined to roots of the shagbark hickory, beech, and hazel.

  44. Some of the scions of shagbark hickory from wood four, five, and even six years of age have caught.

  45. It was found that the chinkapin would develop nuts freely in this way, and that the bitternut hickory, shagbark hickory, and pignut (Hicoria glabra) would develop nuts sparingly in this way.

  46. A member has offered to give $25 as a prize to be offered by the Association for the best shagbark hickory nut sent in.

  47. Unlike the shagbark hickory it is not generally found growing near buildings or in fields or pastures.

  48. But, if we except the shagbark hickories and the beechnuts, the value of the nuts is so far ahead of those received in any other contest as to make the results of all previous contests commonplace in comparison.

  49. I will first note a shagbark hickory that stands in my own neighborhood, an outstanding variety we call Hand.

  50. The Stratford is, I think, a hybrid of the shagbark and bitternut.

  51. This is laid to the general poor quality of the shagbark hickory nuts in 1929.

  52. The shagbark hickories were disappointing, none equalling several of the best ones reported in the 1919 contest.

  53. If you go through southern Michigan and northern Indiana, you will see the shagbark hickory by the thousands growing along the railroad.

  54. Illustration: A shagbark hickory in bloom] This fine shagbark was kind to the cameraman, for some of its lower branches drooped and hung down close enough to the "bars" of the rail fence to permit the photographic eye to be turned on them.

  55. Research is needed to determine practical methods of propagation which will permit of inexpensive quantity production of superior named varieties of shagbark and shagbark hybrid hickories.

  56. The presence of cilia tend to differentiate shagbark hickory from red hickory in the field.

  57. The bitternut is quite often used for rootstocks for the shagbark and shagbark hybrids.

  58. Shagbark Hickory Leaves (1/3X)] The degree of pubescence on the surface of the twigs varied considerably and was found to frequently follow group location patterns.

  59. The Fairbanks hybrid has often been used as an intermediate stock between bitternut and some shagbark varieties and Last(10) has stated that the variety Rockville is useful for interstock purposes on account of its exceptional vigor.

  60. The buds of shagbark fall into 2 classes based upon the length of the attenuated apex of the outer bud scales.

  61. Shagbark Hickory Terminal Buds (1-X)] The long attenuated apex on the outer bud scales of the elliptical type of buds is evident in Figs.

  62. He reported a lack of congeniality between shagbark and bitternut hickory.

  63. Shagbark Hickory Terminal Bud Scales (1-X)] The number of lateral buds at one position varied considerably with the usual number being one (Fig.

  64. Normal buds of shagbark occur singly on the twigs above the lobed leaf scar; however, 2, 3 or 4 superposed buds may occur on very fast grown sprouts or terminal shoots of vigorously growing trees.

  65. It was a large shagbark whose first living branch was fully sixteen feet off the ground and, since we had no ladder with us, I had to shin up the tree to cut off some of the smaller branches.

  66. Of course, when I speak of the hickory nut in this high regard, I refer to the shagbark hickory which, as a wild tree, is native as far north as the 43rd parallel in Minnesota and Wisconsin, and somewhat farther in the eastern states.

  67. It has always been thought that when a good variety of shagbark hickory had been successfully grafted to bitternut root stocks, orchards of hickory trees would soon appear.

  68. The Chairman: You've got shagbark to catch fairly well, have you by this method?

  69. Since water is its natural distributing agent it is most generally found growing intermixed with the large hickory nut or shagbark in creek and river bottoms.

  70. Here we have the pecan, this great big shellbark from Indiana, the shagbark from the North, and the thin shell nuts from Kentucky.

  71. The hickories may be budded and grafted on one another so that one kind of stock may serve for both shagbark and pecan.

  72. This year a number of hickory trees bore flowers of one sex only, and I noted that some shagbark trees which had no male flowers had fairly good crops of nuts from pollen blown from a distance from other trees.

  73. I crossed the Persian walnut with the shagbark hickory and had nuts that year of just the sort of which Mr. Hunt speaks, with shells as thin as paper.

  74. If you wish to grow the shagbark hickory (Hicoria ovata) plant the best specimens of this nut you can get, or the bitternut (H.

  75. They are already so widely crossed that it is very difficult sometimes to determine if a certain tree is shagbark or pignut or shellbark or mockernut.

  76. Your choice will be limited for there are as yet only a few grafted varieties of the Persian walnut and the Indiana pecan, and but one of the shagbark hickory to be had.

  77. This shagbark bears a small thin shelled nut of high-quality and it will be particularly desirable for table purposes.

  78. Plant some black walnuts, say of the Stabler and the Thomes varieties, which are the best known, and plant a few shagbark hickories.

  79. Its native range extends farther north than does that of either the eastern black walnut, or that of the shagbark hickory, Hicoria ovata, and considerably beyond that of the shellbark hickory, H.

  80. The pignut being of little value as far as the nuts are concerned, yet having smaller and possibly more luxuriant foliage than the shagbark or shellbark.

  81. Of this group of trees we have the shellbark, shagbark and pignut.

  82. The shagbark is the nut most sought for by the younger generations and bids fair to become a nut of considerable importance.

  83. It seems strange that in the long history of the hickory or shagbark more has not been done in the improvement of the nuts in the growing of large thin-shelled and sweeter nuts.

  84. The shagbark is unexcelled for quality of kernel.

  85. The same statement is true of the shagbark hickory which has been trimmed back very severely leaving nothing but the stubs of large branches to be grafted immediately or for the purpose of grafting sprouts in the following year.

  86. The pignut and mockernut apparently stand midway between the bitternut and the shagbark in respect to the trimming of the top.

  87. The nuts, however are not pure bitternut and the tree is seemingly a bitternut x shagbark hybrid.

  88. The shagbark on the contrary makes slow recovery and many years are required for a cut-back shagbark hickory to regain normal equilibrium between top and root.

  89. Snyder, Center Point, Iowa, has a shagbark hickory some twenty-five or thirty years old which was top worked shortly after it had begun to bear.

  90. Rules which apply to the shagbark may be applied to all of the hickories with which I have experimented.

  91. In order to avoid the labor of topworking a large shagbark tree in its entirety we may graft only one or two limbs and allow stock sprouts to grow on other limbs until both stock sprouts and graft sprouts have become well branched.

  92. My final conclusion is that we may cut shagbark limbs having a diameter of three inches or less for the purpose of leaving grafting stubs.

  93. The bark of the shagbark hickory is so hard that new shoots are choked severely and many years are required before they have a secure hold upon the stock.

  94. When he purchased his place some fifty years ago, he found on it a fine shagbark hickory tree.

  95. The pecan topworked to the pecan, however, is a perfect success and there is no reason why the wild hickories of all descriptions cannot be successfully and profitably topworked to the better varieties of the good shagbark hickories.

  96. The shrub in itself has beauty, and it bears nuts sometimes as large as those of the average shagbark hickory.

  97. Prizes The Association offered last year prizes of $5 each for the best shagbark hickory nut, black walnut and hazel nut sent in.

  98. The shagbark hickories are plentiful in his locality.

  99. On Arbor Day a Michigan variety of shagbark hickory called the Abscoda was planted at Howell on the library grounds.

  100. Instead of saying that shagbark is not compatible with pecan, perhaps we should say that the Davis or the Wilcox variety of shagbark is not compatible with a certain type of pecan.

  101. West Virginia reports considerable stands of young shagbark and pignut, while North Carolina reports small stands of mockernut.

  102. With the shagbark on pecan, the variety of shagbark makes a difference.

  103. Shagbark or shellbark varieties on bitternut may grow for three or four years and then die.

  104. It usually takes five or more years to grow a shagbark stock from seed to a size large enough to graft in the nursery row.

  105. Pecan seedlings are much faster growing than are shagbark seedlings and for this reason would be valuable as a nursery stock if satisfactory in other respects.

  106. In southern Illinois I find that the bitternut hickory root for shellbark or shagbark don't seem to be satisfactory at all.

  107. Davis has continued to grow on it for over fifteen years but growth is slower than on shagbark or bitternut stocks.

  108. However, when shagbark stocks are large enough to be grafted, all of the named varieties we have grafted onto it have grown well.

  109. Bitternut seedlings are much faster growing than are shagbark seedlings.

  110. This may be due to the fact that we have used only two varieties of shagbark on pecan-stocks and may have happened to use two varieties that are not well adapted to pecan.

  111. They would listen with some show of interest while I expounded on my enthusiasm for black walnuts, but sooner or later would inevitably ask, "Do you mean the shagbark kind?

  112. The seeds (kernels) of the English walnut, butternut, black walnut and shagbark hickory are edible and greatly relished, while those of the bitter and pignut hickories are not edible.

  113. In winter the big shagbark trees show their orange-coloured twigs.

  114. A shagbark hickory leaf has one or two pairs of little leaflets on the stem, and above them three of larger size.

  115. The shagbark is one of the rugged and shaggy trees that boys find hard to climb without tearing their clothes into tatters.

  116. A look at the bark of a shagbark hickory, and then at a pignut fixes in mind one of the chief differences between these trees.

  117. The most wonderful shagbark hickory tree I ever saw was one I met once at sundown, after a long walk across country.

  118. The sturdy shagbark hickory is late in waking.

  119. A little tree, no larger in girth than the dogwood, but often taller, has bark that strips and loosens somewhat as the bark of the shagbark hickory does.

  120. Smoother foliage and twigs, smaller buds in winter, and a more regular round head make the pignut a fine tree to plant on the lawn, where the shagbark would be out of place, on account of its shaggy, untidy trunk.

  121. The shagbark hickory is a beautiful tree when covered with its shining foliage in summer.

  122. Seedlings of this species are much faster growing than are shagbark seedlings, and thus are large enough to graft sooner.

  123. Our experience with this species as a stock is very limited and has been confined to grafts of only one variety of shagbark (Wilcox).

  124. I believe that for some reason grafts of shagbark on pignut stocks cannot stand cold weather.

  125. We have found that this species makes a very satisfactory stock for shagbark and hybrid grafts.

  126. Weschcke (28) reported that black walnuts grafted on butternuts yielded poor crops and that bitternut was a satisfactory stock for shagbark varieties and shagbark hybrids.

  127. Smith (25) advocated shagbark stocks for shagbark varieties but found bitternut to be practically as good.

  128. We consider this species as good or nearly as good as shagbark as a stock.

  129. That same year we started our test orchard of shagbark stocks (Carya ovata) in a different area.

  130. Several different varieties of shagbark hickory scions were used in this grafting.

  131. Soil and location: The shagbark hickory grows in a great variety of soils, but prefers a deep and rather moist soil.

  132. Commercial value: The wood is similar to that of the shagbark hickory and is put to the same uses.

  133. Enemies: The same as for the shagbark hickory.

  134. The smooth bark of the mockernut hickory contrasts greatly with the shaggy bark of the shagbark hickory--members of the same family and yet how different.

  135. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shagbark" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.