For climate, the Mississippi valley is superior, but a large part of the Congo basin, at present inaccessible to the immigrant, is blessed with a temperature under which Europeans may thrive and multiply.
Goats, swine, sheep, cattle, and fowls, all thrive in Liberia.
Rice, cotton, tobacco, maize, coffee, sugar and wheat thrive equally well on the broad plains of the Congo.
In such moments shall be seen the glittering concavities, the fair pillars and arches carved by the water, and the hidden forms of delicate life that thrive upon them, dwelling in darkness and drinking of the foam.
Ferns and foxgloves and a thousand lesser plants thrive in niches and crevices of the stone; and there is a splendid passage of flame, where the mimulus has found its way by some rivulet into the quarry, and sheets a precipice with gold.
Spanish, and Australian, thrive better in the drier climate east of the Cascades than in this Willamette Valley.
By day they roam freely over the hill-sides, and you would be surprised to see how they thrive in brushwood and among fern, where the new-comer could hardly detect a blade of grass.
I've read about a Fairy Land, In some romantic tale, Where Dwarfs if good are sure to thrive And wicked Giants fail.
They build their nests along the banks of mountain streams, and thrive in great numbers in such rocky countries as the Alps, Pyrenees, and other mountain chains in the south, west and north of Europe.
It contains all that is necessary for the nourishment of their bodies, and on it they thrive and grow.
What is indicated by this seems to be, that where the arts are encouraged by the rays of royal favour, they will thrive and flourish; but where they are neglected, and do not find encouragement, they will droop and languish.
During the few days that we were there they appeared to thrive very well, and I have no doubt that if not disturbed the island will soon be overrun with them, there being no wallabies to offer molestation.
No state can thrive while its citizens waste their resources of health, bodily energy, time, and brain power, any more than a nation may prosper which wastes its natural resources.
No state can thrive while its citizens waste their resources of health, bodily energy, time and brain power, any more than a nation may prosper that wastes its natural resources.
The farmer or the fisherman can digest, even thrive upon, food which would be deadly for a woman working in a factory.
That if a nation be religious, it is certain to thrive and be happy.
In our climate it cannotthrive except in a hot-house, and there its height does not exceed one metre.
Plantations like this would probably thrive in Corsica or Algeria, countries where the temperature at certain points is somewhat analogous to that of the tropics.
My idea is to invest it in the Funds, and to let it thrive at interest, until I grow older, and retire perhaps from service in the Navy.
It is true we need not fear it will spread further, for it is really too insipid and coarse to thrive in a country which is the centre of good taste and politeness.
If it would only thrive and sing well when caged, like the canary, how far it would surpass that bird!
Like a certain sweet rusticity and charm of European rural life, they do not thrive readily under our skies.
Good deeds he loves none, but sealed and delivered; nor doth he wish anything tothrive in the country but beehives, for they make him wax rich.
And we shall observe it in knaves themselves, that your beggarliest knaves are the greatest, or thought so at least, for those that have wit to thrive by it have art not to seem so.
The more the people sin, the more merrily thrive the priests by fines and sin-offerings.
No organism can thrive whose various limbs are ever shrinking in upon themselves.
The primeval forest, that is that old growth untouched by man, and left since the earliest time to thrive and die, one age after another, is easily distinguishable from that part which at some time or another afforded shelter for man.
No, thank Allah, they were born with me, but those who thrive on thieving may well be feared.