Do not put in your room an object which appears at a distance of ten feet to be a mahogany or black walnut centre-table, but which on closer examination turns out to be a pine washstand in disguise.
Black walnut is good to work and is well suited for furniture, though its sombre hue is not always desirable.
During the month of August clusters of blackish caterpillars bearing white hairs, may be seen stripping the terminal branches of black walnut, butternut and hickory trees.
If you graft a black walnut or Persian, you will have to cut it or it will girdle the graft.
This is a picture of maggot injury on black walnut.
This is one reason why so many of the old rail fences of our ancestors in the walnut area were made of black walnut.
Now that I told you about the Cochrane, I'll have to tell you about the "Wayne" black walnut.
Medium to large sized trees with deeply furrowed bark, much resembling that of white ash or black walnut; twigs when chewed somewhat mucilaginous, usually somewhat zigzag; leaves on petioles 2-6 cm.
Medium to large sized trees with long and rather straight trunks when grown in the forest; bark dark grayish-brown, fissured and much resembling the bark of a linden or black walnut in appearance; leaves ovate, generally 1.
Costly chairs, of various styles, carved in black walnut, stand around the chamber: lounges covered with chastely-designed tapestry are seen half concealed by the gorgeous window curtains.
On the opposite side of the hall are pedestals of black walnut, with mouldings in gilt, on which stand busts of Washington and Lafayette, as if they were unwilling spectators of the revelry.
Madame Flamingo says (the city fathers all know it) she has a scrupulous regard to taste, and develops it in the construction of her front door, which is of black walnut, fluted and carved in curious designs.
But I soon found in the young seedlings a taint of black walnut blood, which discouraged me for a further continuance.
Any varieties of butternut or black walnut can be propagated by budding or top-grafting them on seedling stocks.
A very satisfactory combination is to make the head of black walnut, and the blade of hard maple, with black walnut edges.
He began with a toilet box in black walnut, to be inlaid later and polished.
Black walnut was to be used everywhere except in the attic, which was to be painted and grained to look like black walnut.
But it all happened, and Lapham promptly developed his ideas of black walnut finish, high studding, and cornices.
The parlours were to be on the second floor, and finished in black walnut or party-coloured paint.
Wheat and things will grow right up to the roots of those trees, but I do not think you will find that they will grow up to a black walnut.
A number of years ago while holding the position of postmaster in Saginaw I planted a black walnut.
CLARK: I would like to know if the planting ofblack walnut trees is discriminated against because of the difficulty of getting the meat out of the nut.
Wood very similar to black walnut, but light, quite soft, and not strong.
Black walnut is a large tree with stout trunk, of rapid growth, and was formerly quite abundant throughout the Alleghany region.
Only 40 of these were alive in October, the best results being obtained with San Jose on black walnut stocks.
Our Persian (English) Walnut trees are of hardy northern types, budded onblack walnut stocks.
Black walnut is a wood highly prized in furniture manufacture, and this, coupled with its rapid growth, places it among the first rank of hardwood trees.
Black walnut, black cherry and hardy catalpa are probably the most valuable of these.
Black walnut is a very porous wood, and unless the pores are properly shown in the graining, the imitation will be far from perfect; no grainer, therefore, should depart so far from nature as to omit this necessary and absolute consideration.
For wiping out oak (as in samples shown), see description of process in our following chapter on black walnut, using the same tools, etc.
By conforming to our directions, in the graining of black walnut, great and satisfactory results will follow.
Black walnut is one of the more prominent hardwoods.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "black walnut" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.