Also set against the rood screen was another double pew, this one between the pulpit in the nave and the screen.
In the medieval English church the rood screen is the name given to the chancel or choir screen when it supported the "rood," a large cross.
At "Poplar Spring Church" there were double pews built on each side of the chancel abutting the rood screen.
On the ancient rood screen there were carved and painted figures, and the spires of the stalls were gilt until the last century.
The cross and two figures of Mary and St. John in silver and gold, given by Stigand, then stood over the rood screen, which was just at the top of the stairs.
There was a great rood or crucifix of the same kind at Boxley, in Kent, where the pilgrims went in thousands.
Our Boxley rood was brought up and exhibited in Cheapside, and was afterwards torn in pieces by the people.
There are half as many more on the rood screen that may come down, if it be deftly done, and go into hire again for better men.
The doors of the rood screen hung wide, so that vision swept from the choir down through the nave and its outer parts, where the simple and base-born heard the Mass, straight to the great north porch.
Dunelm is curious; but is there any contemporary authority for the Black Rood having been taken with King David at the battle of Durham?
Durham, or to identify it with the Black Rood of Scotland?
Hailes (Annals, sub anno 1093) distinguishes the cross which Margaret gifted to Dunfermline from the Black Rood of Scotland; and it is found in the possession of her son David I.
Now closed is the gin and the prey within By the Rood of Lanercost!
For, by the blessed rood I swear, If that fair form breathe vital air, No other maiden by my side Shall ever rest De Vaux's bride!
There was over the jubé, now removed, a rood with Adam at the bottom of it receiving the Blood in a cup, representing the fallen humanity restored by our Lord.
Does his bearing in the House of God show a more chastened and humbled spirit of contrition since the Rood has been taken from before his eyes on which the God-Man was portrayed in suffering?
Behind I saw them, scarce a rood At daybreak winding through the wood, And through the night had heard their feet, Their stealing, rustling step repeat.
And he bade his mother fare unto the Jews upon a journey with a throng of people, and zealously 215 with her band of heroes to seek where the holy tree of glory, the rood of the King, was hid beneath the earth.
There hath the rood of life, best tree of victory, dwelt since then, indestructible in its nobleness.
Weakened by hunger, he knew not yet clearly where through 720 the wiles of the devil the holy rood lay hid beneath the earth, nor where it rested in its tomb, safe in a secret place, long hidden from men.
As the Lord of spirits counseled her from the heavens, she bade deck out the rood with gold and with gems, adorn it most artfully with precious 1025 stones; then to seal it with locks in a casket of silver.
Perhaps, in giving to the lights before the roodand the images of saints, there was some notion in the donors' minds that they were keeping themselves in the recollection of Christ and the saints.
Before the Rood 5 serges were maintained by 5 several benefactors.
This statement is erroneous; the rood having been mistaken for the stone, which, by the way, as your readers know, was never restored.
That the Black Rood of Scotland, and the Cross of Holy Rood House were distinct, there can, I think, be no doubt.
Scone to Westminster, he brought the Black Rood of Scotland too.
Black Rood was deposited upon the altar of Dunfermline Abbey, where St. Margaret was interred.
He was misled, no doubt, by the statement in the passage above extracted from the Ancient Monuments, that this cross was brought out of Holy Rood House.
The writer then describes the "fine wainscote work" to which this costly "rood and pictures" were fastened on a pillar at the east end of the southern aisle of the quire.
Holy Rood House, and in honour of which it was founded, with the Black Rood of Scotland.
Before Tostig could reply, a line was suddenly cleared through the armed men, and, with bare heads, and a monk lifting the rood on high, amidst the procession advanced the Northumbrian Danes.
Go forth, my monks, with mass and rood the Norman camp unto, And to the fold, with shepherd crook, entice this grisly Rou.
Whilst there is a rood and a half of land in the Shandy family, thy fortifications, my dear uncle Toby, shall never be demolish'd.
Toby, of enjoying a thing which took up a whole rood and a half of ground,--and not have it known!
They swore by the rood they were sailors good, But rich merchants they could not be.
They cut them down the summer shroggs Which grew both under a briar, And set them three score rood in twain, To shoot the pricks full near.
Here I saw with my own eyes the Bexley Rood shown, with all the tricks whereby it was made to open its eyes and lips and seem to speak.
By the rood of Bromholme," said the Saxon, "you do but small credit to your fame, Sir Prior!
Ay but, by the rood of Bromeholm, there was no romance in the matter!
Now every rood of the land, to the uttermost extremity of the Beal, was in the hands of mortgagees, and the dread of foreclosure weighed on the Squire like a nightmare.
And the bitterness of his mood was intensified by the foreboding that the old house, and his last rood of land, would go, as all the rest had gone, into the hands of the man who had disgraced his name, and who bore him implacable enmity.
The year before, Heraclius {102} had taken away the Holy Rood and the treasures of the churches to Constantinople.
One acre and one roodof meadow land lie near ‘Wyldemersh-bregge,’ and are called ‘Horslese.
Sometimes this gallery was so small as to admit of the rood and two attendant images only, and had no apparent access to it, as that in Wormleighton Church, Warwickshire.
Thus we swear with a true heart and purpose, and in token thereof, knowing that he who breaks this oath will be a knight dishonoured and a vessel fit for the wrath of God, we kiss this Rood and one another.
So in the end, kneeling together hand in hand before the Rood that stood in the chamber, they repeated this oath after him, both of them together.
The rood was the representation of our Saviour on the Cross, with the Virgin Mary on one side and St. John on the other; and was placed on the top of the wooden screen which formerly divided the church from the chancel.
There was also a rood loft in this church in the times of Popery.