In any case, before an hour had passed, Leehall found it convenient to hand Lowes over to Stokoe, who safely deposited him by his own fireside at Willimoteswick, and the feud was pursued no further.
She confirmed what the man had told us of the quiet manner in which they lived; and indeed her house and firesideseemed to need nothing to make it a cheerful happy spot, but health and good humour.
When we returned to the drawing-room, Flora drew her footstool to the fireside again, and sat down at my feet and told me of all her pleasant ways and life at home.
Think of the fireside of the future around which will sit the fathers, mothers and children of the years to be!
The virtues grow about the holy hearth of home--they cluster, bloom, and shed their perfume round the fireside where the one man loves the one woman.
My home was my heaven; my fireside was my paradise, and to sit there and see the lights and shadows falling on the faces of those I love, that to me was a perpetual joy.
He who has sat by his own fireside with wife and children, will defend it.
In the wild woods of Canada, around many a happy fireside and holy family altar, his name is on the lips of God's poor.
Some domestic emergency or other has blown this miserable man from his warm fireside in quest of a doctor!
Pausing on the lowest doorstep, I contrast the warmth and cheerfulness of my deserted fireside with the drear obscurity and chill discomfort into which I am about to plunge.
He fears not to tread the dreary path before him, because his lantern, which was kindled at the fireside of his home, will light him back to that same fireside again.
Let us follow close at his heels, therefore, until, after several superfluous turns and doublings, we find him comfortably established by the fireside of a small apartment, previously bespoken.
One and all seemed to have caught the infection from the fireside circle, and were outvying each other in wild wishes and childish projects of what they would do when they came to be men and women.
It is as ideal as an antique statue, and yet as real as any lovely woman whom one meets at a fireside or in the street.
Thank the Lord I am not a parson, either; if I were, now, I might be called away from my cozy armchair and fireside to ride twelve miles to comfort some old man dying of quinsy.
Why was it that these eveningfireside meetings with the doctor's lovely daughter, once such unalloyed delight, were now only a keenly pleasing pain?
I wonder, now, if there is anything on the face of the earth that would tempt me to leave my cozy fireside and go abroad to-night?
He had a search before he discovered her at last in the drawing-room, arranging it for their evening fireside gathering.
A blight upon our bliss hath come, We are not what we were of yore; The music of our hearts is dumb; Our fireside mirth is heard no more!
After the usual bath parade, at which Bran presided, Val once more had the fireside and her thoughts to herself.
No shrine could keep for long so restless a heart, norfireside and cradle detain such wandering feet!
And indeed, what is better than to sit by one's fireside in the evening with a book, while the wind beats against the window and the lamp is burning?
Your fireside fire-eater does not think of these things.
Days passed and still the tragic fate of the hapless lovers held a place infireside chats.
Lee--a name which will be loved and revered as long as home or fireside remains in old Virginia, and which sets the crowning glory on the list of illustrious men from plantation homes.
The intellectual gladiators who had discoursed eloquently of war around our fireside buckled their armor on and went forth to battle.
Around the fireside assembled the loveliest family group, where kindness and affection beamed in every eye, and father, mother, brothers, and sisters were linked together by tenderest devotion and sympathy.
There is much that is cheerful and, after a sedate, fireside fashion, hopeful.
It is for this that they refused the old sweetheart, and have no fireside or offspring of their own.
The fireside for the Cricket, The wheatstack for the Mouse, When trembling night-winds whistle And moan all round the house.
All the cats meow, from our quiet fireside companion to the lions and tigers and panthers of the forests and jungle.
He is a familiar genie, a fireside talker, a cricket chirping on the rural hearth.
We think of going to the Crystal Palace to spend the festival day, and eat our Christmas dinner; but, do what we may, we shall have no home feeling or fireside enjoyment.
It is almost always crowded, and I rather suspect that many persons who have no firesideelsewhere creep in here and spend the most comfortable part of their day.